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PHP-Nuke Addons

Results 1-20 of 113
The osc4pragmaMx Addon includes the osCommerce Version 2.3.3 in a modified Version. The osc4pragmaMx 2.3.2 Addon originally arose from the osc2nuke 2.0 PHP-Nuke Module. It was originally developed under the name osc2pragmaMx and for PHP-Nuke as oscCart4Nuke with the osCommerce 2.2 RC2a. After a major development pause the osc2pragmaMx project was resumed, with osCommerce 2.3.2 completely rewritten and renamend to osc4ptagmaMx CMS. Old burdens, such as the osc_mainfile (custom_mainfile) are now history. The bridge between PragmaMx and osCommerce assumes the newly developed customer account.
(0 ratings)
Pc-Nuke! - eBuddy Chat
Multi-level addon chat messenger for php-nuke, pcnuke, and nuke distros. Welcome to eBuddy, your online messenger for MSN, Yahoo, Gtalk, Facebook, ICQ, MySpace and AIM (AOL). Whether you're at home, school, work or traveling; with eBuddy you can chat online everywhere anytime. eBuddy is available as a web based and mobile version. eBuddy provides instant messaging on every computer, it even works when you are behind a firewall! eBuddy means no downloads, no installation of software or upgrades and no registration. Add to the system and get free Multi-Level Chat on your website... enjoy :-)
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
coppermine for php-nuke 1.3.2
Coppermine for php-nuke 1.3.2 is free software and is being released under the GNU GPL license. It is encouraged that you make modifications to its source. We encourage you to share changes you make to Coppermine to enhance its functionality and direct your friends to download Coppermine. More details can be found within the license file distributed along with Coppermine or on our community. Coppermine is provided "as is" and without any warranty. Any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the authors be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages arising in any way out of the use or misuse of this package. No warranty provided.
(7 ratings)
iFrame Generator Module
iFrame module for Php-nuke gives your users the ability to create iFrames by filling in just a few fields: URL to be displayed: Width of the frame: Height of the frame: Border on the frame: Scrollable frame
(3 ratings)
Ts Members
TS MEMBERS 2.1 is a module for PHPNUKE that he allows The users' of the site in way very ordered visualization. Principal characteristics: * Preview user Avatar * Number Posts visualization made * User Language visualization, direct Link for messages dispatch * He classifies 'Active Users piu 'and you finish registered 10. Downloads for registered only Users A demo and 'displayable on Tuttosoft.it
(3 ratings)
Ts Login Plus 2.0 for Php Nuke
System login for Php nuke , with avatar preview and many others , created by Queen_live78 - Tuttosoft.it - Php Nuke Italian Community
(3 ratings)
Global Link / URL Sharing module for PHPNuke 7.*
This module was created to increase your link popularity (A hyper link pointing to your site from another site). Inbound links effect your link popularity and your rankings in many search engines such as Google, MSN, Yahoo, HotBot, etc. Many search engines use Link Popularity as a factor for determining page rank. The way this works is as follows. If 100 websites use this module and all 100 sites are listed in the list, then each site is linked to 100 times.. and so on. Sooo... the more sites that use this module the more popular that site will be. The best part about it is, you do not have to do anything but upload and activate the module. All emails from the form are sent to me, the links file is stored on my server and the links are updated by me. So as sites are added to the list, the list changes dynamically on your site.
(3 ratings)
WHM/CPANEL account creation module
Now you have the ability to create cPanel accounts through your php nuke site. Doesn't require a mysql database! Only requires root or reseller access to your WHM account.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00
World Events Video Feeds
The free PHP Nuke Mod will let you display current World, US, Politics, Entertainment, Health, Tech, Travel, Living, Sports news from your site. The Videos are updated as new news comes in making managment a brezze, simpy uplaod and activate this mod and you have your own news room. This mod avoids have to have seperate mods for each Feed catagory. You get 9 feeds in one mod. see it here http://gatornet.net/modul es.php?name=News_Videos
(3 ratings)
Multiheadlines Module for PHP-Nuke
Allows you to add RSS/RDF/ATOM feeds directly on your site. Basically, RSS / RDF / ATOM news [you might call "News on short"] is given by a title, a link and a short description that came only through RSS chanel or ATOM entry from a RSS/RDF/ATOM URL. The feeds are retained on your database for a faster loading of you website but this module have a prune system that can empty your DB[ feeds] at a given number of days or when feeds reaches a certain number(You might, as well, to never empty the database). As administrator you have a lot of options for this addon. Throught these option you can set how feeds news will look on your site. As a user you can read the feeds, search by specific keywords in these feeds or even submit an interesting feeds URL [RSS/RDF/ATOM]. The feeds are organized on categories. This module comes also with three types of blocks[phpnuke blocks]. You will have always fresh news on your site without doing something [news gathering it's done automatically].
(3 ratings)
Death Prediction Script
Death Prediction Script predicts your age and time of death. It brings you website traffic and attracts customers to check their age for fun. The script includes a set of researched data to provide the prediction. It tells you both at what age you will die and how much time you left for your life. You may incorporate Google Adsense and other advertising system to the script and start gaining profit straight away. FEATURES: 1/ Easy installation, you just need to upload the script to the server and run the script under root or subdirectory. 2/ The script has two skins, all two of them will be included in the script package. 3/ No MySQL required
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.99
WS Subscription
WS Subscription is the latest release in the line of advanced phpnuke user management. The subscription module uses PayPal and soon to be release payment modules like 2CheckOut and Google Checkout to protect content. WS Subscription gives more control to the webmaster, maximizing profits with advanced record checking and subscription recovery. Features Full Paypal Recurring Subscription. Create multiple subscription plans. WS Groups for better user management. Ajax user search. Multiple payments (2Checkout and Google checkout NOT included.) Create unlimited coupons. You can set how many times the coupons can be used. Add/Minus time from subscribers. Add/Minus time to all subscribers at once. Recovery subscription if for some reason the user is not returned to the website after payment. Allow new user to signup when subscribing. Send email to member on successfull payment. Much more...
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 59.00
"QuoteBlock"! Module for PHP-Nuke
QuoteBlock is a one of a kind block for PHP-Nuke that displays over 90 unique quotes dynamically. It contains 90+ built in quotes and it is easy to configure to add and upload your own quotes!
(0 ratings)
Simple Subforums For Nuke
Pentapenquins Simple Subforums Ported to work with phpnuke. A Simple Subforums MOD that doesn't include any extras and makes only one small database change. It supports only one level deep subforums that should be enough for most forums.
(3 ratings)
Kplaylist Nuke
This script is Kplaylist in a iframe and a user export file which gets the data needed from nuke and adds it to Kplaylist and then makes the Admin for nuke Admin for Kplaylist This isn't a great script its my first. Its simple and does what I wanted to do. If you can improve it please do so.
(0 ratings)
Articles3000 content module
This module integrates free and fresh redistributed articles from Articles3000.com to your PHP-Nuke powered site. It works fully automatically, so no maintenance from your side is required. The module is pre-filled with 220 articles so you're starting from this number. Package contains also 2 blocks. One for search and one for news.
(0 ratings)
Pc-Nuke! - AdsPlus v2.0 - phpnuke advertising addon
Pc-Nuke! AdsPlus v2.0 -- Its our Latest Advertising Program, check it live on our website, its what we use, just click the Advertising link. Try our newest release AdsPlus v2.0 - Do you want to use Flash, Google script, other type images or scripts in phpnuke. Do you want your customers to upload their own banners. Do you want your customers to automatically send you their information by email. Do you want to be able to use multiple gateway creditcard processers. Do you want to be able to edit the way all your pages look. Do you want to imput your advertising code to run in any location, page, or theme, on your website... with a full administrative section. Well now you can with our newest Advertising program... AdsPlus v2.0 Some new updates include: PCN has added a lot of features like image & banner uploading, for both the customer and admin, the admin can monitor and regulate things better now. The frontside is more friendly to ad clients, members, & potential customers.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
Tournamatch (for PHP-Nuke)
Tournamatch is a PHP powered Ladder and Tournament add-on for your PHP-Nuke or phpBB web site. It includes a completely automated installation process that finishes in less than one minute. Tournamatch integrates seamlessly with your existing PHP-Nuke or phpBB website. Since Tournamatch is built to run with other Content Management Systems (CMS), you can utilize all of their built in features, thousands of themes, and a plethora of addons which allow you to create a truly unique gaming community.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.99
PHP-Nuke Chat Module of 123 Flash Chat
A chat room may be a good idea to boost traffic and keep loyal members. Why? Because it makes the PHP-Nuke website more interactive and shorten the distance between your website visitors. With PHP-Nuke chat module, websites get a live chat room with PHP-Nuke database seamlessly integrated, simple, secure and nice looking with full chat features. The chat button is suggested to be inserted to the module section and block section too. The key technology is the integration and auto-login features. The following live chat data can be displayed in PHP-Nuke front page, block section: * how many people are connected to the chat server, * logon chat user number, * chat room number, * chatting user name list in all chat rooms. Online Demo: http://phpnuke.123flashch at.com/
(16 ratings)
Pc-Nuke! Sat Maps - phpnuke
Pc-Nuke! Sat Maps v1.0 This is a phpnuke addon module which will show the Google v2 Satellite Map graphics, with the capabilities of close-up satellite imaging for anywhere in the world. Tested in both IE6 and Firefox browsers, get it now... The Pc-Nuke! Team
(3 ratings)
Results 1-20 of 113