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Shoutbox Scripts

Results 21-22 of 22
PHP ShoutBox
PHP ShoutBox allows developers to add a instant message shout box to websites. The shoutbox is an iframe element, and the script operates using javascript and stores the messages in a MySQL database. The look of the box is controlled through styles. All the modern browsers are supported. PHP ShoutBox handles some of the details that other shout boxes do not. When the new message is displayed, the shoutbox is scrolled down so that the new message comes into view. PHP ShoutBox also checks for new messages.
(118 ratings)
Webfroot Shoutbox
Webfroot Shoutbox allows users to post little blurbs on your website like a small guestbook/chat box/tag board. It is based on what used to be aftertalk.com. Inline or use an IFRAME. Choose either a CSV text file or mySQL database. Simple to set up, and easy to customize colour and layout using CSS, with emoticon parsing option. 11 emoticon themes to choose from, language pack support, admin pages to edit/delete and configure. A working administratable demo and list of other shoutbox sites available at the website.
(33 ratings)
Results 21-22 of 22