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Frame Based

Results 1-4 of 4
Smart Frame Professional
Smart Frame will allow you to load links to other sites in a frame. In another frame you can put a link back to your site or a banner (or just about any html code you want). A great way to keep visitors at your site... even when they leave your site. Smart Frame Pro also counts every click so you know which links are most popular. This CGI can also be used for linking to FILES on your site (like music, graphics etc.), and you can display the top 10 files to your visitors. Also allows your visitors to signup for their own frame style redirection which they can then use on their sites.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.00
CGI Frame Branding
Frame branding is a great way to keep your visitors inside your domain. This CGI Script gives you control when your visitors follows a link on your page. The link they follow opens in the same window but in a frame format, with the top frame belonging to you. Sure, this can be done with simple HTML, but then you have to create one main and one top frame for every link you have, which will start adding up fast. With this Frame Branding Script you will only need one CGI file which will brand all your links.
(3 ratings)
posted bysalesinFrame Based
webFrame adds a unique component to your website. Similar to the techniques used by the popular sites such as Hotmail, webFrame allows you to keep your visitors within your website by placing a frame on top of webpages which are outside your website. This gives your visitors the option to later return to your website, allowing you to keep customers viewing your website longer.
(0 ratings)
Mamak Frame
posted bykktaninFrame Based
This scripts will add a top frame when you redirect visitors to other sites without loosing your visitors. You can place your navigation menu or banner on the top frame. It has been tested running over 50,000 clicks per day.
(0 ratings)
Results 1-4 of 4