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Software Repository

Results 1-2 of 2
FileCABINET is a full featured shopping cart database ideal for software. We use this script at Intelliscript.net. Implement any pay system into it easily, enable RSS feeds, Froogle reports, OPML, instant PAD files, and more.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.99
SoftSite is a perl script that allows you to easily set up and maintain an extensive and well organized shareware or freeware directory/archive with a minimum of effort. The listed software files can either be stored on your server or linked from the author's website. Visitors can rate programs, write and submit their own software reviews, report dead links, participate in polls, contribute articles to the weekly newsletter and much more. The admin page features a built-in newsletter/banner manager. A powerful search engine with indexing and advanced search capability are also built into the script.
(7 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.99
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