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Results 1141-1160 of 1210
ImageViewerPlus is an online Flash photo gallery template for showcasing and viewing images in a professional and intuitive interface. All configuration is done by editing an easy to edit XML file. This would include options for the following: Background image, button colors, mouseover colors, numerous alpha settings, thumbnail definitions, thumbnail mouseover definitions, slide show interval, sound file definition, default Info screen text, Contact screen text, gallery button labels and large image and thumbnail image definitions.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 125.00
Download free flash files
At ffiles.com you can download files for free: flash files, photoshop files, sound files. You can upload your own creation. Users can post comments and rate for each submission. Join us and post your content.Everything is free.
(286 ratings)
This CXP Mini XML Thumbnail will allow you to create any number of photos by just adding the pictures to the xml file. You may change the source code to allow any number of pictures per rows and column. The number of pictures that load to the flash movie is generated depending on the number of pictures from the xml file.
(0 ratings)
Eyelash is a lightweight Flash portfolio application . The Photo Gallery uses PHP to read image list from a directory of images, generates thumbnails, and outputs a Flash layout of clickable thumbnails that click to the full-size image. Images added to the folder are automatically added to the gallery. It features mouse-overs with a fade in/fade out effect and a vertical scroll bar for additional thumbnails. Now incorporates next and previous buttons with rollover effect. Also comes with multiple album feature, directly instanciated from folders. Images are sorted via the PHP NATSORT function.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.00
XDate class
The XDate class extension was designed specifically to make Flash date-based applications, such as calendars, much simpler. The class contains various methods for obtaining a wide array of date information. The extension is very straight-forward and will make your life much easier for any date operations.
(0 ratings)
Banner Rotator
Place trackable banner adverts on your Flash websites with bannerRotator. Banners are displayed in a random order according to a specified maximum number of impressions, clicks or range of dates. Banner adverts are fully managed and uploaded through a web based user interface, without the need to re-edit the fla in Flash.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 34.95
Calendar Component: xmlCalendar
The xmlCalendar component is a dynamically updatable event calendar for your Flash websites. It's easy to define recurring events using the XML option. This calendar is fully skinnable to suit your design needs.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.95
3D Components
The 3DBox component is great for creating interactive 3D effects from flat elements, in your Flash projects. It only requires that you put together the various elements, and this Flash component will turn it into a 3D object (no modeling required). The final product can then be rotated in all directions and viewed from all angles. We also have 3D Plane and 3D Pie chart components.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.95
UI Components: Bit Component Set
The Bit Component Set is a set of 32 of the most common user interface components for Macromedia Flash MX 2004 and Flash 8. As opposed to the Macromedia v2 components, the Bit components are light weight, easy to skin and easy to style. These components are great for web pages and for developers making Rich Internet Applications.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Flash Components, video loops, sound loops, templates
The largest collection of commercial and free Flash components, video loops, sound loops and templates. Our components include scrollers, menus, forms, calendar, charts, 3D, banner ads, news ticker, RSS reader, sound player and many more. Free support is offered for all of our products. Our collection is constantly growing.
(54 ratings)
Advanced Flash Preloader
Advanced Preloader, Loader. Shows Bytes Loaded, Total Bytes and Percentage Complete, Looks Really Professional! Easy to Use. Comes with Instructions, just in case!
(28 ratings)
Search with google
Offer your visitors a window into the best search engine on the net. It's a free service for you and you provide Google access to users who visit your site. Brand association is important and you can create a great first impression by offering a flash based google window. The module can be amended and customized visually, although the layout changes may have some restrictions. Delivery includes 100% flash source files (.fla).
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
These modules are designed as a feedback form to get impressions and comments from your visitors. Create great first impressions by having the latest interactive technology available. The module can be amended and customized visually although the layout changes have some restrictions. Delivery includes 100% flash source files (.fla) and PHP CMS.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
Our team
This module is an information page and contact listing for company staff or members of a group. Create a lasting first impression and employ the latest interactive technology available. This module can be amended and customized visually although layout changes may have some restrictions.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
Tell a friend
Word of mouth is considered a reliable source compared to other ways of advertisement. Let your visitors promote your website using your "tell a friend" module. Create a lasting first impression and employ the latest interactive technology available. The "tell a friend" can be amended and customized visually although layout changes may have some restrictions.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
Picture of the day
This module allows you to post a new picture each day on your site for your visitors. In the same time it works like a picture archive.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00
Flash picture gallery
Display your online portfolio with style. Use our flash gallery module to share your favorites pictures online.
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00
Image zoom web based images with zoom feature
Image zoom software component is a simple and powerful tool to add value to your online store. Image zoom displays products in your online store with zoom feature without changing store layout, this zoom software can be integrated into any shopping cart or internet language with HTML output ASP, PHP just open the layout file of the shopping cart and replace the the img tag that displays the product, by the code given in the package. free and easy
(18 ratings)
Targa Menu XML
Targa menu XML is a menu made in flash but it does not require flash to run, you can use almost any HTML editor to insert the menu in a web page, it is a simple flash file (swf file), the menu can be customized by editing a configuration file (the XML file) that will be placed in the same directory with the menu, so you can customize the menu using any text editor. If you want to do more with the menu than it can also be used with custom actions inside flash. Here are the options that you can set by it`s configuration file: -Background file, this can be a jpg like the samples above or a swf file (animation, banners etc) -Buttons text -Buttons URL to open -The target frame of the URL to open (same window, new window...) -Menu color and transparency -Rollover effect color and it`s transparency -Buttons text color -Rollover delay, the milliseconds to wait until the menu will move up when mouse is over it. -Buttons text color on rollover -Sound effects volume
(54 ratings)
PriceUSD 25.00
Micro Menu XML
Micro Menu is a menu made in flash but it does not require flash for customization; you can use almost any HTML editor to insert the menu in a web page adn customize it. It is a simple flash file (swf file), the menu can be customized by editing a configuration file (the XML file) that will be placed in the same directory with the menu, so you can customize the menu using any text editor. Here is what you can customize in the configuration file: -the buttons text -the buttons URL to open -the target frame of the URL to open (same window, new window...) -menu color -main buttons text color -sub buttons text color -alpha value (transparency) of the rollover light effect
(63 ratings)
PriceUSD 25.00
Results 1141-1160 of 1210