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Site Search

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JSearch Applet
JSearch applet can be used together with JSMenu applet or as standalone site search tool. It can search through the site tree-shaped contents or in some index files (or via CGI) for keywords ("all words", "any word" and "phrase" options are available). You can provide one or more index files simultaneously to search into (like "complete archive", "old archive", "new archive" etc.).
(0 ratings)
HouseSpider is a Java applet that adds indexing and search capability to Web sites (and to local files and CD-ROMs). It can search by two methods: by spidering through the site, or by searching a cached index file. Spider-searching is slow, but very easy to set up and requires no maintenance. Cache-searching requires only a little more attention to set up and is sometimes even faster than CGI programs. HouseSpider also supports compression of the index file and boolean searches. Translations for several languages are provided, and it can handle Web sites in any language or encoding. The applet can also run as a stand-alone application.
(6 ratings)
searchTHIS (Applet)
Using db.js and db.txt created by <a href=http://www.hotscripts.com/Detailed/3692.html target="_3692">indexTHIS</a>, searchTHIS Applet conduct searches for words or phrases entered by your web site visitor. When the user types in a phrase and clicks the search button, the applet will search the db.txt file for the words. It will then associate the words with the appropriate link. During this association, it also saves a score of that link based on the number of times the words appear in the html file. Results that are returned are printed out in descending order, the first having the highest score and the last having the lowest score.
(3 ratings)
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