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URL Submitters

Results 1-11 of 11
Crocko Link Advanced Url Shortener System
Crocko link is a url shortener system like adfly, linkshrink, shorte.st with powerfull dashboard. You can manage everything on your page.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 45.00
Add URL - Submit your website PHP Script
Create own "URL Submit Free" website with this free PHP Script. Tech is: PHP, HTML, CSS, MySQL Get it from: https://github.com/to6ev/Add-URL---Submit-your-website-PHP-Script or http://addurl.cf/download For more free stuff: www. eti.pw
(14 ratings)
SM Short URL Script with Stats and Admin Panel
Featuring SM Short URL Script with a powerful admin panel. Its a template based php/mysql powered ready to go url shortener script with amazing features like jquery page transition effects, api support for developers, auto link copy with alert notification, social sharing features, error page for 404 or invalid links, google web fonts, 5 bundled themes, live thumbnail preview, stats, qr codes and admin panel to manage the shortened links.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 18.00
Simple URL Shortener Script
With the help of this tool you can easily shorten the long URLs. This has few files and it do not use any database. You can easily setup this script on your server. Poeple usually prefer to shorten Long URLs to share on social media websites.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 30.00
Facebook Group Poster
Facebook Sharer is a great script that automatically post multiple messages on Facebook wall, fan pages or groups. The software runs in background and it will automatically post your pre-defined messages on Facebook. It allows you to post videos, images or links in ALL your Facebook fan pages and groups. It is THE ONLY SCRIPT on the market which is able to post REAL SIZE images in ALL YOUR FACEBOOK GROUPS!
(12 ratings)
PriceUSD 37.00
Article Submission Script: Submit your articles in one click
Article submitter script is a semi-automatic PHP article submission script Article submitter script 2.0 has been enhanced to improve submission of your articles Sick of manually submitting your articles to article sites? Need to spend less time submitting your articles? Article Submitter Script is your answer! Article submitter script is a semi-automatic PHP Script Article submitter script submits your articles in a fraction of the time allows you to add endless article sites Add any Article Dashboard site Add any Article Friendly site Add any ArticleMs site Add any Your Articles Directory site Add any Free Article Directory site
(7 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.99
URL Submit Script
PHP script which allows users to submit website to over 130 engines in one time only, no lost your time in one click your site are listed in the most important engines
(49 ratings)
SubmitterScript::Run your own Automated Directory Submission Site
SubmitterScript is a Semi Automated Directory Submission Website script. SubmitterScript is a PHP application Website,very easy to use and install. This requires no PHP or MySQL knowledge to install it on your own server. It takes only a few minutes - maximum five minutes (using the supplied install file) - and you will have it up and working! Includes a huge database of pre installed Directories/Article Directories and Social Bookmarking sites. Easy to use admin area to monitor users and directories. Best of all-great technical support.
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.95
S21 Ping Site
is a blog ping script that pings or notifies Weblog Services such as Blog Search Engines and blog directories that your blog has been updated. This help to index your blog fast and make your content available for a larger audience. Users love ping services site , visitors return every time to ping your sites
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 45.99
Trackback Submitter
Trackback Submitter is powerful, easy to use, all-in-one links submitting software which helps get your site indexed fast and increase targeted traffic by submitting backlinks to thousands of blogs related to your website. Trackback Submitter is an ideal solution for increasing earnings from your AdSense or affiliate programs based website dramatically. Compare to other website promotion software, Trackback Submitter has much more settings you can customize, works with standard and SOCKS proxy servers, supports all blogging scripts available on the Internet today, and is 100% automated. So easy to use and faster than any similar software - it requires just 2 minutes to install and setup website promotion campaign.
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 150.00
PHP Submit
PHP Submit is a PHP script that can be used for submitting webpages to search engines. Current supported search engines include: Hotbot, Excite, Infoseek, Infomak, Altavista, Altavista UK, What You Seek, Lycos, Canada, Google, and Web Crawler.
(18 ratings)
Results 1-11 of 11