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Performance Enhancement

Results 41-50 of 50
1 Click Netbooster
1 Click Net Booster is designed for all users and it monitors your system and automatically optimizes your memory when it is required. It improves the performance of your Internet connection regardless of its type and uses Memory Optimizer to set performance goals right on the statistics graphs. 1 Click Net Booster also displays information about the visible and hidden applications.
(0 ratings)
Complete Process Manager
What can Complete Process Manager do for me? Complete Process Manager helps you detect the invisible applications which are running in the background and identify them. Furthermore Complete Process Manager helps you detect the startup programs which start automatically whenever you turn on your computer. Typical examples are adware, spyware, trojan and malware which start automatically and run in the background without your permission. Other examples include useless programs an service programs which have no other effect then eating up your computer resoures like RAM and CPU. Which information about the running processes does Complete Process Manager show? To view extended information click any of the entries on the left pane. The right pane will then show detailed information such as exe path, size, etc. Can I stop any of the running programs? Yes. To do so right-click the program name on the left pane and click "Kill". Alternatively you can select (highlight) the entry on the left pane and click "Kill" under "Main" menu option. Can I add or remove any of the startup programs? Yes. Click "Startup Manager" under "Tools" menu option. "Startup Manager" window will open. To disable an item uncheck that item. To permanently remove the item highlight it and click the minus button. To add a program to start automatically during Windows startup, click the plus button, specify a program in the "Command Line" field, enter a name in the "Name" field and click the "Add" button.
(3 ratings)
Easy Registry Optimizer
What can Easy Registry Optimizer do for me? Easy Registry Optimizer can make your computer run faster and with less errors. How does Easy Registry Optimizer achieve this? Windows and programs query the registry for information constantly. It goes without saying that querying a registry with fewer entries is faster. Besides passing invalid information to Windows and programs causes system halt and slowdowns. Furthermore compressing the registry makes the load time shorter. What is registry? Registry is the database where Windows and programs save and retrieve data. How does removing invalid registry entries speed up my PC? Windows and programs query the registry for information constantly. It goes without saying that querying a registry with fewer entries is faster. Besides passing invalid information to Windows and programs causes system halt and slowdowns. Which functionalities are included in Easy Registry Optimizer? - Make a safety backup of your registry. - Search and clear invalid registry entries. - Compress the registry.
(3 ratings)
System Cop
System Cop is a universal, flexible and powerful tool for tuning and optimizating the work of the Windows operating systems. System Cop allows you to change a great number of standard and "hidden" (which are not available for editing by standard Windows tools) settings of the Windows operating systems. System Cop is a "control center" of your system ! With this tool you can change the settings of your system centralized from one program only.
(3 ratings)
Complete Registry Cleaner
What is Complete Registry Cleaner? Complete Registry Cleaner is a utility software to make your computer run smoother and faster. How does Complete Registry Cleaner achieve this? Complete Registry Cleaner achieves this by cleaning and compressing the registry. What is registry? Registry is a database where Windows and programs store their data. Why do I need to clean the registry? When data changes i.e. you delete a file, the registry doesn't remove the invalid data, thus in this case a reference to a non-existent file remains in the registry. As the registry gets filled with invalid data, Windows and programs consume more system resources to search the database for any data. Therefore your computer gets slower and slower. Last but not least, passing invalid data to Windows programs can cause severe system complications resulting in system crash, hang and malfunction. Why do I need to compress or defrag the registry? After a registry cleanup the invalid entries leave empty spaces, which means the size of the registry remains unchanged. It goes without saying that loading a small registry is faster than a big one. What are the minimum requirements to run Memory Defragmenter? Complete Registry Cleaner runs on all versions of Windows and doesn't have any significant system requirement.
(3 ratings)
Free search engine optimization tool
Test your web site performance with this free search engine optimization tool that analyzes your page, scores your web site and gives you expert seo tips to improve your positioning. The SEODoctor is an SEO software that can help you quickly spot problems or performance issues that you may easily overlook. It is also designed to score your pages based on the important elements such as the title and content and does not rely too heavily on keyword densities. Although automated SEO tools can save time; nothing replaces the human eye when it comes to search engine optimization and the readability of your pages. SEO Doctor search engine optimization tool will check the overall performance level of your page. Enter your URL and the primary keyword for the page. Testing will take a few moments, so please be patient. The SEO Doctor will spider your page, analyze the content and display the results along with a diagnosis to correct any potential problems. This free search engine optimization tool maybe the only search engine optimization software you need to perform a search engine readiness check on your pages and improve your positioning. Free seo tool from InstantPosition.
(9 ratings)
Advanced HTML Optimizer
Advanced HTML Optimizer is intended for HTML documents optimizing, resulting in shorter downloading / uploading time. Pages will appear in client's Internet browser in exactly the same way, but they will be about 20% smaller. Its main function is to save space on your web pages by removing unnecessary characters and tags. Though the saving percentage may seem small, load time savings is much higher as your client's Internet browser parses the pages more efficient.
(0 ratings)
FuzzyCompress allows you to speed up download/pageload times by compressing content before sending. All content types are compressed, and since compression takes place after other server-side processing, even ASP and PHP scripts can be cached. On average, file sizes are reduced by over 76% and download speeds are reduced by over 300%. FuzyCompress integrates easily with IIS 4.0, 5.0, and even 5.1! FuzzyCompress supports side-by-side static, dynamic, and on-demand compression. Version 3 includes Auto-Configuration, which lets you choose the option that best fits your need and setup compression with the click of a single button.
(0 ratings)
Cooperative Content Acceleration
Content that is cached on DC's can be delivered even faster to browsers by compressing the content before sending. Unlike other compression solutions on the market today, a given image or page is compressed only once and served over and over again instead of compressing on the fly which wastes CPU cycles and might end up being slower than if there were no compression at all. Compressed content is only sent to clients that already support compressed encoding as most browsers already do today. No client-side downloads or plug-ins are required to use this feature for most content.
(0 ratings)
SpiderCache Dynamic Content Acceleration
SpiderCache uses patent-pending dynamic caching algorithms to store dynamically created pages. SpiderCache reduces the processing requirements on active servers by caching dynamic web content, improving web page performance and reducing server loads. SpiderCache accelerates the delivery of dynamic content and extends web server scalability to save money and increase the bottom line. SpiderCache delivers up to 30 times performance gains while serving 4 to 6 times the number of concurrent users. SpiderCache does not require any modifications to the source code and requires no additional hardware.
(0 ratings)
Results 41-50 of 50