Gallery by Dali
Powerful and feature-rich interface includes options for automatic vertical and horizontal image panning, as well as an option to view more information about any image, and auto-loop through any set of images. Image gallery settings are loaded externally, from an XML configuration file. Options exist for setting thumbnail width and height display (number of images to show vertically and horizontally), whether or not to allow HTML popups, image delays, and (NEW!) watermarks! Now, instead of manually adding your watermark to every image, you can set the watermark in the XML file, and Flash will add the watermark text to every image. Over 3 dozen XML configuration options are available for this gallery, including options to change the background music MP3 file, gallery title, the default (first) picture to display upon gallery loading, and much more! Every sound in the gallery is fully configurable through external MP3 files (must be 64 Kbps encoded). All menu options are fully configurable - and yes, you can remove the "About" popup window via this XML file (this is not recommended, though). Easily change the order of the menu items simply by re-ordering the XML tags. Images and image categories can be set via the external XML configuration file. Please note that the XML settings must match the files names and folder names on the server, and that on Unix and Linux servers, this is case-sensitive! Only non-progressive JPG images are allowed. With some Flash 2004 Pro. knowledge, you can add additional gallery skins. This is a very advanced feature, and is not recommended for everyone, but you *can* do it. Set the default volumne and tint values through the external XML file, too. Advanced image options available in the "image options" menu. These options can be fully configured via the external XML file (re-ordered or disabled). Nearly every interface color is configurable through the XML configuration file. In short, it's easily to make the gallery match your website's color scheme. 100% of the Flash 2004 Pro. source code (.fla and .as files) included upon purchase. Thus, even if you can't do something via the XML configuration file, you can certainly do it by editing the Flash files, provided that you own the Flash 7 authoring environment. Zoom controls allow you to zoom in or out, and reset the zoom to 100%. These options can be hidden via the XML configuration file. Advanced sound options include: multiple background MP3 tracks, ability to change the volume of the interface sounds or the background music (or both), ability to adjust the speech volume in the case of presentations, and skip / pause / fast-forward / rewind speeh tracks. Instantly preview any image simply by rolling-over the image number at the bottom of the screen. The full image can then be loaded by actually clicking on the number.