Photo White Portfolio CMS Template Paypal
With deeplinking, Paypal Shopping Cart and Client login FULL SPECIAL CHARSET SUPPORT (CYRILLIC, GREEK, TURKISH, HEBREW......) This is a next level Flash Template. Forget XML editing and enter into FULL ADMINISTRATION PANEL setup mode. This template is the ultimate solution for creating, editing and launching your website in Adobe Flash even if you do not know anything about the actionscript language, and you do not have a copy of the software. Photo Designer Template class uses TweenMax transitions engine (TweenMax classes are included since we are Corporate Club GreenSock member) . Features: LAYOUT: * Liquid layout * Fully resizable * Content always aligned to the center of the stage. * Options that can be edited from the ADMIN file: * Main menu * Submenu * Small logo on the top bar * Big logo in the center of the page * Site name * Site URL * Webmaster's email ...