PHP Chat with Macromedia Flash Interface
Are you looking for a way to put live chat capabilities on your PHP/MySQL-enabled website? Are you a company that wishes to have a 'live-support' chat on your website for your customers? FlashChat is the best Flash-based chat software in existence, and was the ORIGINAL Flash-based chatroom when introduced in 1999. The current release allows for extensive moderator controls, multiple-room management, smilie support, background images, SSL transmissions, advanced chat logs, private messaging, advanced room management, CMS (phpNuke, postNuke Xoops, GeekLog, phpBB, etc.) support, IRC-like commands, and many more features. Options for 'live-support' for companies are available, as well as a 'spy' mode and dozens of easily-customizable layout options in the configuration file. Supports over a dozen languages, and options exist for easily adding & editing languages.