PHPVibe Video CMS
A modern cms with the versatile mix of features webmasters need : video uploading & conversion to multiple qualities, social video sharing, images and music. Already packed with: - Video upload! With ffmpeg conversion (all formats), thumbnail extraction, duration calculator OR without ffmpeg (web playable formats only) with manual inputs. - FFMPEG commands editor (no need to edit code) - Multiple qualities (easy to use & player swicheable) - Video sharing! Easy share videos by just their link, edit detail as needed. - Youtube importer. Youtube API v3 based mass-video importer (embed + all video details provided by Youtube) - Likes, comments, categories, filtering lists, playlists, quick utilities. - All the major video players available on the market are bundled - Channel / User profile - Messaging - Image uploads with separated lists, filters, collections, comments, likes. - Music upload (mp3) and services (soundcloud), music lists, filters, comments, likes, playlists.