Please find all the active listings published by softdd12442 below. Publisher has posted 12 listings. You may click on a listing to visit its detail page to learn more about the listing.

File Splitter Deluxe
posted bysoftdd12442inFile Compression
Split any type of file (any size), then easily rejoin without this software.
PriceUSD 13.95
Image Thumbnailer and Converter
posted bysoftdd12442inImage Manipulation
Create thumbnail images, convert images, and create webpages automatically.
PriceUSD 24.95
Complete Cleanup
posted bysoftdd12442inSecurity
Protect your internet privacy, clean up the garbage on your pc, and improve your pc performance.
PriceUSD 29.95
Disk and Registry Uninstaller
posted bysoftdd12442inSecurity
Monitor and keep track of all changes made to your disk and system registry.
PriceUSD 24.95
MP3 EasySplitter
posted bysoftdd12442inMultimedia
Split your MP3 files into smaller, playable segments without losing any sound quality.
Price 18.95
Picture and Video Encrypt
posted bysoftdd12442inSecurity
Make sure your saved videos and pictures can only be viewed by you.
Split and Tile Image Splitter
posted bysoftdd12442inImage Manipulation
Optimize your website images by splitting your images into smaller segments.
PriceUSD 19.95
Program Lock Pro
posted bysoftdd12442inSecurity
Lock and unlock any program on your pc so it cannot be used.
PriceUSD 29.95
Easyscreen Screen Capture
posted bysoftdd12442inImage Manipulation
Capture screens, save screens, print screens, add text to images, convert image types, and much more
PriceUSD 18.95
Talking Secretary
posted bysoftdd12442inOrganizers
Let your computer speak to you and become your reminder and alarm clock.
AVI/MPG/WMV Screensaver
posted bysoftdd12442inMultimedia
View your own MPEG, AVI, or WMV videos as a screensaver. Also includes video sound.
PriceUSD 17.95
Picture and Video Encrypt
posted bysoftdd12442inMultimedia
Make your pictures and videos encrypted, so they can only be viewed by you!
PriceUSD 19.95