Please find all the active listings published by XP-Internet below. Publisher has posted 3 listings. You may click on a listing to visit its detail page to learn more about the listing.

PHP Code extension for Dreamweaver
posted byXP-InternetinDevelopment Tools
Provides ready-made coding structures as well as a list of all variables found in the current document.
Label Inspector extension for Dreamweaver
posted byXP-InternetinDevelopment Tools
The Label Inspector extension adds a missing inspector to Dreamweaver and allows you to add or modify the for attribute of a label tag easily and safely (no typos!).
Trace Console Insert extension for Dreamweaver
posted byXP-InternetinDevelopment Tools
Helps writing Trace Console instructions in order to debug Dreamweaver extensions. Requires the Trace Console extension installed by the freely avalaible Dreamweaver Platform SDK.