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Listings by ilovescripts

Please find all the active listings published by ilovescripts below. Publisher has posted 4 listings. You may click on a listing to visit its detail page to learn more about the listing.

Number of Listings:
YouTube/Vimeo Player FX
This high customizable video/audio player can be embedded in any website for free without any Flash knowledge
(3 ratings)
New Javascript Image Slideshow
The Javascript Image Slideshow is a great way to display a series of images on your website. They neatly move from one to the next, and your visitors can easily navigate the images through the navigation controls
(3 ratings)
In-line Image Viewer
his image viewing script offers an alternative to pop-up windows for image galleries. Each image has a link, when the link is clicked the image is displayed in an area of the current web page.
(0 ratings)
Swift Mailer
Swift Mailer integrates into any web app written in PHP 5, offering a flexible and elegant object-oriented approach to sending emails with a multitude of features
(12 ratings)