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Most Popular Scripts | JavaScript | Scripts & Programs | Navigation | Form Based

Results 21-32 of 32
JavaScript Drop-Down Menu Maker
This is a handy utility that will automatically create code for a JavaScript Drop-Down Menu. Simply choose the amount of links you want in your menu, and then enter your link items in the spaces provided. You will also be able to test your menu before you copy and paste the code, in case you want to make any changes.
(3 ratings)
Pulldown Menu (Description)
If you have plenty of space on you webpage or just would like to use a more comprehensive menu list, then this script might suit you nicely. This script allows you to select a link from a scrolling text box and then displays a message concerning the link. It sends you off to the destination once you click on 'Go' button.
(3 ratings)
Listbox Navigation - FREE
A very simple and powerfull Listbox Navigation javascript !!!! Make a quick navigation for your website !! You can customize easily this script.
(3 ratings)
Select and Go
This script will let the user select a destination from a drop down menu, and then go to that address by clicking on a button. Just change the URLs in the script to your desired addresses, and you can have as many selections as you want by simply copying the code.
(3 ratings)
Radio Button LeapTo I
This is a radio button-based navigation JavaScript. Upon your selection of a radio button, it simply sends you to the selected link.
(3 ratings)
Combobox drop down menu
Use the select tag to create a drop-down list. The options in the list are the menu items. On selecting an option, the popup window will appear with the selected url.
(0 ratings)
Dynamic Step Process Panels
Dynamic Step Process Panels is a lightweight jQuery plugin. It allows that any content can be represented in any number of tabs / steps. Can be used to: - presentation of bulleted content, - multisteps forms, - provide a description of products, - viewing photos, - loading content from files via AJAX , - anything that comes to your mind :). Features: - jQuery based, - 16 predefined coloristic versions, - step by step / free choice mode, - any number of steps, - any step width (css-based), - many panels on one site, - next and previous buttons, - custom buttons captions, - custom fade effect speed, - step labels, - first step can be open / closed on start, - specify that the step can be choosed again, - content for steps can be loaded via AJAX from files, - customizable beforeLoad, onLoad, onOpen, afterOpen, onHoverIn, onHoverOut, onOpenPopup, onClosePopup events, - and more! Plugin is lightweight (5 KB - packed code, 11 KB - plain code).
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.00
Qiksearch MenuGen
Qiksearch MenuGen is a simple and handy tool that lets you create Javascript drop-down/pull-down menus with ease. To use Qiksearch MenuGen, first select the number of Items you want in the menu. The default is 5. Then select the caption that will appear in the menu. Default is "Select". Then fill in the details of the Items. "Option" is the text that will appear when you pull the drop-down menu. "Link to" is the link to which that particular "Option" will point to. You may type your own link/URL or browse through to link to a local file. After you are done with all this, press the "Make My Code" Button. A new window will open, with the code you require. Press CTRL+A or right click and Select All, then copy the text and paste it wherever you require on your web page.
(0 ratings)
Select and Popup
This script is almost identical to the Select and Go script, but it opens the address in a new popup window. You can set the new window to have a height, width, etc. or just leave it to open as a normal new window.
(0 ratings)
This JavaScript implements pulldown and go. You can specify any number of URLs along with text description.
(0 ratings)
Quick Jump
Similar to the location box in your browsers, just enter a complete web site address (starting with http://) in the box and press enter to jump to that site.
(0 ratings)
Pulldown Menu (Automatic in Frames)
This is an automatic pulldown menu, but in frames. It allows you to have the link open in a different frame of your site.
(0 ratings)
Results 21-32 of 32