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Most Popular Scripts | Flash | Fla Archives

Results 161-180 of 1000
Pattern with Flowers
You can only dragged'n'dropped movie clip "main_mc" to the scene. You can easily change number, size, speed or delay between attaching flowers and color of background. Zip file contains: Flash 8 and Flash CS3 files (Action Script 2). Zip file also contains instruction file.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 1.00
Candle & Flame Animation
Set up a random frame for the flame at the beginning Change the value of frames per second (FPS) for the flame by using actionscript. There is variable fps which controls this. Its initial value is 30, which means 30 fps. A value closer to zero means a slower movement Control oscillation for the flame movement by changing the variable range. Increasing the value for the range variable, will make the flame to look as the wind is moving it. For example: 20 would be a calm wind, while 40 would be strong wind and 60 would be an abrupt wind
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
Android Game 'Speed Car Drive'
Race car game for android smart phones. You can modify all the images, timeline animations. You can create your own certificate for AIR.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
Five Preloaders Pack
This is a pack of 5 preloaders. These are some of the basic shapes for preloader. They are fully coded in AS3 so the code can be used to create variants and other shapes from the five basic. It is used flex sdk 4.5.0 and the code will be sure compatible with lower version of flex like 3.6 which is for FP 9. But you can also use the code with Flash IDE
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.00
Magnifying Glass
This is a magnifying glass tool which zooms the part of the image you are rolling over. Just need to create an instance of the object class Magnifying Glass with the path to the images. In Version 1.1 is added custom event handler for removing the Magnifying glass on rolling out of the image. This allows you use the component as a part of bigger flash movie which contains other elements too.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 11.00
Happy Easter
Happy Easter is a beautiful ornamental animation that celebrates the Easter holiday with a magical Easter basket filling with colorfully painted eggs then wrapped with a bow set in a grass landscape with tulips, daisies, a rabbit, butterfly and a rainbow. Great for email sending to anyone on that special day or as a creative addition to any website.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 3.00
USB Preloader
This is USB like preloader with fancy loading effect which changes color from green to red :) It is used plain AS3 code for this component so the source can be used to make variants or modifications to the component. I will be compatible with older versions of flex sdk like 3.6 but also 4.5. But you can use the code with Flash IDE aswell.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
AS3 PayPal Donate Button
This is the PayPal Donate button done in Flash CS4 and ActionScript 3. Shows you how to handle form data in Flash and adds a great deal of functionality to your site.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
Display Object Transform Manager
Use your own mouse cursors. Add this component on same or uper level in dislpay list, than targeted Display Object. Set custom snaping points and set the strength of them. Complete documentation comes together with this component.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
3D Coins Spin
3D $ Coins Spin. Resizable. Completely vector based file. Very easy to edit into your Flash file. Just copy & paste into your Flash File. Easy to edit, to change speed, frames.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.00
Global Menu Pro
The component provides with great usability supporting most complete feature set: - multilevel structure (up to 5 levels) and unlimited menu items; - menu data is loaded using XML; - component can be completely configured through the XML file; - (optionally) separate style declaration for each of top-level menu items; - (optionally) setting specific values of width for any submenu block; - all parameters (excepting those corresponding to particular items) can be easily set through the Component inspector;
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.00
Audio Player Component AS2
Component features Sound files : .mp3 and .wav . Tiny and clean : only 11kb ! Flexible : configuration is very simple via HTML FlashVars or Component's Parameters ; if one is absent it checks for the other or defaults to a pre-defined value .
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
Qub - 3D Tweening Engine
qub is an easy-to-use, customizable AS3 component, which is accessible through pure actionscript (qub API ), or into the flash Authoring Tool, using the related component.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
XML MP3000
You can set a startpoint and endpoint in the XML data at which point to start and stop a track. You can show or hide all the individual parts of the player with a simple component parameter. Set it to show "Progress bar", "Time", "Title scroller display", "Song list" and "Spectrum animation" as you see fit. Besides clicking in the progress bar to change the point of playback, you can rewind and fastforward a track with buttons and set the spool back/forward speed with a simple parameter.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.90
Race Track Game
This file was written in Flash CS4 and uses AS3. I have provided a Flash CS3 version also. There are three levels to this game. The aim of the game is to clear the track of the flashing points objects with your car whilst avoiding the enemy car/s. You control the red car. Control the car using the arrow keys. The spacebar toggles the sound.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
Photo Grid Template
Unique image navigation and unique way of displaying the images, high mathematics complexity! Support unlimited number of galleries, and each galley support unlimited number of images. Support for portrait or landscape image format, basically you can use any type of image format. Each gallery can have a description, the text description will be displayed in a cool text window, the description can be disabled for the galleries in which you don't need it. Resizable adjusting after the browser size. Everything will look the same on each resolution and your photos will appear the same for all your visitors without distortion.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 50.00
Complete Contact Form
Normal Text Field.Select Calender(Year/month)Check Box Drop Down Box.you can easily make convenient changes by XML Radio Buttons. Email Validation Phone No. Validation. Open with adobe flex 3.0
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Circle Preloader AS2
Favorite preloader directly onto your project in the first frame can be used. When the loading after the instrument automatically skip to the next frame. AS2.0 > only 15.5kb, multi-color effect options
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
XML News with Slide Show
Unique XML News Reader and Image Viewer with categories. Very well documented, using all the data from the XML file, so you do not need a flash editor or experience to use this component. For more information you can read the documentation available in the download archive.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
Video & Photo Flip - Image and Video Gallery
Supports all images and video formats -i mage formats : jGEP,GIF,SWF,PNG,BMP,TIF. Video formats : YouTube and Stream Videos,H.264 / AAC encoded including MP4, M4V, M4A, MOV, Mp4v, F4V, FLV. 2.Supports unlimited items. 3.Shows Text Information about video or image. 4.Full control bar options for playing video. 5.Fully Resizable
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 18.00
Results 161-180 of 1000