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Most Popular Scripts | Flash | Tutorials & Tips | Actionscript

Results 321-324 of 324
Capturing the mousewheel in flash
One of Flash's usability problems has been the inability to use a scrollwheel.This tutorial details 2 methods of by which a mousewheel can be used with flash and the pros and cons of each method.
(0 ratings)
Flash, ColdFusion and Java Integration
Often, that unusual thing you want to do has already been done and is waiting for you in a Java library. But how do you get to it from Flash? This example shows how to access a Java object through ColdFusion in Flash. The process is also very similar in JSP and PHP.
(0 ratings)
Flash ActionScript Variables 101
This tutorial covers variables and their ever day applications in Flash ActionScript. Written assuming no former programming knowledge the tutorial covers variables from the ground up, providing practical examples and even tests. ActionScript.org is an award winning resource site packed with free tutorials such as this one.
(0 ratings)
Get Property
Learn how to use Get Property to retrieve all possible information about a MovieClip via ActionScript. This details tutorial is written with no assumed knowledge and includes numerous examples and easy to understand explanations. A Set Property tutorial is also available.
(0 ratings)
Results 321-324 of 324