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Most Popular Scripts | PHP | Scripts & Programs | Security Systems | Captcha Scripts

Results 41-49 of 49
Gentle captcha php class
This package contains 1 main class and 4 modules. Each module represent a “type” of captcha verification.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
SoundCaptcha - Captcha that speaks.
We all know that todays captchas generate string that most of times are hard to read from eye of human and this requires that the page must reload (refresh) to generate new captcha string, and after refreshing page you may lost some of information you’ve already wrote in the input fields, meanwhile this creates frustration to you as user. For this reason SoundCaptcha offers the second chance, possibility to hear captcha token via voice speaker then type it on the captcha input field, and this increases the probability that user will type the correct required “token”.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
JetScripts Text CAPTCHA System
The JetScripts Text-CAPTCHA stops spambots from filling out your signup pages and contact forms by baffling them with a devious, text-based interlock. This CAPTCHA form is designed to be easy for humans but difficult for spambots. Best of all, it doesn't require graphics libraries like GD or ImageMagick to work. Unlike most CAPTCHA systems, the JetScripts Text-CAPTCHA presents users with a short, simple word instead of oddly-distorted, difficult-to-read random letters. * No graphics libraries required, nothing to configure and no file permissions to set. * Easy-to-read for humans, devilishly tough to crack for spambots! * Over 5,000 different words by default, and more can be added (as many as you want). * "Anti-highlighting" format prevents copying & pasting the CAPTCHA text. * No database required and no special modules or configuration needed. * Doesn't require Javascript- works with Javascript enabled or disabled.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.95
Egglue Semantic CAPTCHA for Drupal
Unlike conventional CAPTCHA, Egglue generates CAPTCHA challenges that require only basic intuitive abilities to solve and visitors are free to use any words deemed fit. The distinct CAPTCHA challenges and layout cannot be handled by typical spam bots. Further, the use of plain texts rather than images improves accessibility.
(0 ratings)
PHP Captcha with Refresh
This PHP class will protect the spam, with refresh the captcha image functionality.
(0 ratings)
dicap Basic
dicap Basic is the next generation captcha solution for your web application. Two features make dicap a unique and valuable solution for you: 1. The captcha is easy readable for the users. 2. It is very hard to computer-read the captcha and transform it into the right number-code
(0 ratings)
Imagize With Math - Image Verification Captcha Form Processing Script
Math Version see below The Goal of our CAPTCHA SCRIPT is to stop spammers, and automated programs or scripts from making post and/or submitting an online form. There are many free tutorials out there on accomplishing this process, ours sets up in 5 minutes or less, and works on Windows or Linux servers without issue. ONLY REQUIREMENTS PHP 4+ and the GD Image Library, this library is very common on every install of PHP. ABSOLUTELY no programming knowledge needed. So if it needs to work, and work effectively, and time is of the essence, this script is for you. This Version of Imagize Image Verification uses a simple math problem (ex. 4 + 3 =) background images, making it nearly impossible for any OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software from reading it. Our CAPTCHA Code also randomly shifts the position and "tilt" of each of the characters as well as the color of the characters. Stop Spam Now. Visit our online demo, README file, and detailed description today.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.95
easiCaptcha is a captcha that you can add to your web forms easily and quickly, it consists of 2 php scripts, a decrypt loader folder and a configuration file that you can use to adjust easiCaptcha's preferences if you feel you want to. You need no knowledge of scripting, in fact it can be as simple as dropping the scripts and loader folder into your form directory on your server and adding two lines of php to your form. easiCaptcha now comes with easiCaptchaM which is an additional script that uses a math question rather than an image, so now you can pick from one type of captcha or another.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 12.00
Human Pictcha
ZZEE Human Pictcha is a protection in a form of an image (a captcha), which can be embedded inside your web forms, and which will filter out various forum spam, guestbook spam, form spam, signup spam, password attacks, etc. It is a library and a set of tools and examples for PHP and can be used with Perl as well. Human Pictcha is fairly easy to install and embed into your existing PHP or Perl forms. You can download a free demo version to see if it is compatible with your web site and how easy to use it in your forms. Human Pictcha comes with the full open source, which is a big advantage. - For PHP or Perl forms - Easy to setup and maintain - Full open source - Compatible with the typical webserver setup - Secure and hard to defeat by OCR - You can tune it to match your website looks - Complete documentation - Image code can consist of digits and letters or only digits - Trial download available - Online demo available
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.00
Results 41-49 of 49