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Most Popular Scripts | PHP | Scripts & Programs | Security Systems | Captcha Scripts

Results 21-40 of 49
Micro Captcha
Micro Captcha is a simple PHP script which generates captcha images to prevent spam form submissions. The script generates random images with a security code for you. Installation and usage is very simple. All you need to do is insert the php file as an image source into your form. Later during the form processing you only need to check a session variable. Detailed installation instructions and an example code is also attached.
(3 ratings)
Captcha V1
An anti-spam form protection image written in PHP. Requirements: Unix, GD Libary
(3 ratings)
PHP simple captcha
This is one of the simplest php captcha script.
(3 ratings)
Imagize - Image Verification Captcha Form Processing Script
The Goal of our CAPTCHA SCRIPT is to stop spammers, and automated programs or scripts from making post and/or submitting an online form. There are many free tutorials out there on accomplishing this process, ours sets up in 5 minutes or less, and works on Windows or Linux servers without issue. ONLY REQUIREMENTS PHP 4+ and the GD Image Library, this library is very common on every install of PHP ABSOLUTELY no programming knowledge needed. So if it needs to work, and work effectively, and time is of the essence, this script is for you. Our Image Verification uses both letters and numbers against 1 of 4 included background images, making it nearly impossible for any OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software from reading it. Our CAPTCHA Code also randomly shifts the position and "tilt" of each of the characters as well as the color of the characters. Stop Spam Now. Visit our online demo, README file, and detailed description today. PRICE REDUCED
(2 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.95
Captcha Unbreakable
You can use this script to add captcha to your application for preventing bots and unwanted applications to fill up your forms on site. Very easy to setup and modifiable, you can even add new fonts to it. You can also use your custom font such as popular animal font that will prevent even from OCR applications recognizing the characters. Random rotation of characters makes it very hard for software applications to recognize the characters. And on the fly word creation makes this captcha UNBREAKABLE. Each time a new word is shown to the user and never repeats.
(1 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Math Image Captcha
Normally, you see Match Captcha with HTML elements and calculating result. We now build captcha that shows the mathematical question as images. So that no programs can read the images equations. Please checkout the DEMO
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
BigBear Defence
BigBear Defence is simple to use for users with small knowledge of HTML and PHP. Settings are in separate files and all files needed are collected in a sub directory to keep it clean. Settings files allow changing colors, font, effects and size of font and image.
(0 ratings)
SA captcha
SA captcha is a Simple and secure captcha that you can put it easily on your website.
(0 ratings)
Captcha Speedcoin - Protecting against spam & Monetise your Website!
SPEEDCOIN CAPTCHA - PROTECTING AGAINST SPAM, PROTECTING YOUR FILES FROM DIRECT DOWNLOADS AND MONETISE YOUR WEBSITE. IT IS FREE! INSTALL CAPTCHA ON YOUR WEBSITE. It is a simple PHP/MySQL script which you can easily integrate into your own website in minutes - download archive, read file readme.txt, edit file speedcoin_config.php and place on each of your webpages simple code. Speedcoin Captcha will provide you with FREE Speedcoins (internet currency) each time a visitor of your website uses Speedcoin captcha on your website. You can use the Speedcoin captcha on the new user registration page of your website or on other pages where your website member needs to fill in web forms on your website, file downloads protection. Later you can convert to Bitcoins on Coinaccel exchange, etc.
(0 ratings)
Simple HTML Form with CAPTCHA Image
A CAPTCHA is a program that can generate and grade tests that humans can pass but current computer programs cannot. We need to add CAPTCHA validation on common form like contact us, enquiry Preventing Comment Spam in Blogs. Most bloggers are familiar with programs that submit bogus comments, usually for the purpose of raising search engine ranks of some website (e.g., “buy penny stocks here”). This is called comment spam. By using a CAPTCHA, only humans can enter comments on a blog. There is no need to make users sign up before they enter a comment, and no legitimate comments are ever lost!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Php Chaptcha
Simple but effective php chaptcha, coded on php only, means it doesnt require javascript. It's a simple chaptcha but it can do the job very well.
(0 ratings)
Pict Captcha
Drawings are universal way to represent real life objects. Even if they are distorted, they can be understood by children . But computers cannot recognize them as entities abstraction. This project is based on that concept, showing distorted drawings in a table and ask to select the correspondent images
(0 ratings)
jtCaptcha - Say NO with spam - safeservicejt
jtCaptcha can stop 100% spam on your site. Also,not same as reCaptcha or others captcha system ,with jtCaptcha bot/people can't get 'Captcha Image' for break or use 'Captcha Solve' services .
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
PHP SHOW Monitor
PHP SHOW Monitor Version:1.0 How to use: modify config.php 1. visit m.php once is ok! 2. it is not necessary to keep it all the time! 3. the log is under Root directory coding:utf-8 it is free and simple but good for you to monitor your website. enjoy it
(0 ratings)
PHP SHOW Firewall
PHP SHOW Firewall Version:1.1.2 minor bug fixes and improvements. How to use: 1. if ( is_file( "./firewall.php" ) ){require_once ("./firewall.php");} 2. change $_POST["str"]; to check($_POST["str"]); change $_GET["str"]; to check($_GET["str"]); Coding:utf-8 Version: 1 new SQL injection protection Version: 1.0.1 disable caching Version: 1.0.2 not display PHP error Version: 1.0.3 XSS attack protection Version: 1.1 defensive upgrade Version: 1.1.1 Unified case problems Version: 1.1.2 minor bug fixes and improvements
(0 ratings)
zCaptcha - Jquery Image Captcha
Ever get tired of the old troublesome words you need to type always? Well with zCaptcha you just simply click on the image that you think is best suited for. It may sound simple but in fact its a powerful anti-bot captcha with over 3000 possible results. zCaptcha also comes with the property of anti-OCR (Optical character recognition). zCaptcha also has many different soft effects that users will enjoy using. The zCaptcha is can be fully customized to fit your needs. You can change just about anything. You can add new images/icons without any hassle. The description for the images is a single variable which can be written in any language. You can also manage where your users will get redirected to if they input the correct answer.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
Challenger - The Captcha Solution
Challenger is simple, easy to use and secure captcha verification handling script. It can serve images containing text and/or mathematical equation and/or UTF -8 encoded string and/or photo. It works with any PHP version and is cross-browser compatible. The package comes with multiple example source code and a cool modern form.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
HELLOCAPTCHA announces the new generation of CAPTCHAs (wikipedia.org/wiki/CAPTCHA). We are proud to introduce the most effective technology for human tests. Our CAPTCHAs are combining the most recent results of computer science and art. Our CAPTCHAs are more readable, more secure and are nice. We provide our technology via a free web service with an embedding code.
(0 ratings)
A Simple PHP CAPTCHA Script
This is one of the easiest CAPTCHA scripts you will ever use. While it doesn’t obscure the text, it will serve its purpose well for many people who need a low-level CAPTCHA solution. This script requires little-to-no setup. The only dependency is the PHP GD library. It can be as simple as this to use, but it is also configurable: More details and an example on our website.
(0 ratings)
Creative Captcha
Creative Captcha is a new method to validate if the client is a person or just a automated computer. It’s like a submit button only with a safety check.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
Results 21-40 of 49