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Top Rated Scripts | Ruby on Rails | Tutorials & Tips

Results 21-28 of 28
Ruby on Rails on Oracle: A Simple Tutorial
This article is not intended to be a booster piece for Rails nor is it an expose. It’s simply an introduction to the technology. It contains both praise and criticism. At times the criticism might appear a bit heavy handed (especially to Rails enthusiasts), but don’t be fooled. Using any Web application framework is going to be tricky, whether it’s J2EE, ASP.NET, or PHP. In the long run, you can be a lot more productive with Rails than you can be with many other Web application development platforms, but it takes time to learn the ropes.
(0 ratings)
Distributing Rails Applications
In this tutorial, we'll go through the following steps: Setup the environment Create the SQLite database Develop the Rails application Create the RBA (= Ruby archive) from the application with Tar2RubyScript Create the standalone executable with RubyScript2Exe
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Fast-track your Web apps with Ruby on Rails
This article details the components of Rails and shows you how it works.Rails gives you an extremely quick way to develop flexible Web applications; this introduction just barely touched on what it's like to work with Rails. The full framework contains many useful classes and methods for carrying out the actions most used in Web-based applications.
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Ruby on Rails for DB2 developers
IBM DeveloperWorks has a helpful howto on how to bring the worlds of Ruby on Rails and your DB2 framework together. From the article: 'Because Rails emerged from the open source world, until recently you had to use MySQL or PostgreSQL to work with it. Now that IBM has released a DB2 adapter for Rails, it's possible to write efficient Web applications on top of your existing DB2 database investment.'
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Rails Best Practices, Tips and Tricks
Because Rails is a young framework, I thought it would be helpful to write up what I consider best practices when coding with it both for my new coworkers and the web at large. Here’s my current draft. Feel free to critique and comment. I’m very open to suggestions.
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eRuby: Using Ruby DBI for database connectivity
If you want create a dynamic web page that works on more than just MySQL then try Ruby DBI. Ruby DBI will help you create a single database interface for connecting your web application to multiple database types like MySQL, PostGreSQL and SQL Server. This article also explains some of the typical mistakes made when installing Ruby DBI.
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eRuby: Getting Started with Ruby on Windows IIS
Yes, you can run Ruby on Windows and eRuby on Windows IIS web servers. Ruby has many features to process text files and to do system management tasks as languages like Perl or Python do. Ruby is also a great web scripting language. Follow this tutorial and you can use Ruby on your Windows IIS web server by setting up eRuby to process *.rhtml pages.
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How to allow some safe HTML in Rails projects
This article contains simple Ruby function ae_some_html which allows usage of basic HTML tags and converts everything else to entity-escaped HTML code.
(0 ratings)
Results 21-28 of 28