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Billing & Invoicing

Collection of Magento billing and invoicing extensions to enhance the existing checkout and invoice system. Exntensions in this section include PDF invoicing, tax charges, QuickBooks integration, etc.
Results 21-25 of 25
Custom Order Number for Magento
Simplify your work with documents with Custom Order Number Pro! This extension enables Admin to set custom prefixes, starting number and increment rate to titles of orders, invoices, shipments and credit memos. List of features: * Enables Admin to add custom prefixes to titles of orders, invoices, shipments and credit memos; * Allows to use letters and numbers for prefixes; * Enables Admin to set any starting number for the documents; * Enables Admin to set any increment rate; * Allows to configure the length (in symbols) of document numbers; * Individual prefixes, starting number and increment rate can be used for each store view; * Individual prefix, starting number and increment rate can be used for each document type; * Allows for adding today’s date to document prefix; * Comes with a User Manual; * 100% Open Source.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 69.00
Tax Rules by city for Magento
California Board Of Equalization does not recommend to determine the tax rate solely on a mailing address. The reason being that a post code may cross district boundaries. This module allows store owners to create tax rules based on shipping city.
(0 ratings)
Order Reminders for Magento
To make sure your customers pay on time, Kinento's Order Reminders module provides you with an automatic reminder email system. With invoice or proforma attachments, a two-fase reminder system and different settings for prepaid or onaccount customers, Order Reminders provides the wanted functionality for any webshop. Two templates for a first and a second reminder email are provided, including all relevant order data. Additionally, the templates are customizable, allowing to incorporate your wishes and represent your webshop's unique style.
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 49.00
Custom PDF Invoice for Magento
Custom PDF Invoice Layout is used to customize the pdf layout of invoice by adding logo image of any size, header text, footer text etc. Since Magento Pdf Invoice Layout is limited and also it has not provided the good documentation on how to customize it.In this case this module becomes handy.
(3 ratings)
Subscriptions and Recurring Payments for Magento
If you deal online in memberships and subscription products and want to manage them efficiently and effortlessly, your hunt for a solution stops here. The Subscriptions and Recurring Payments extension from aheadWorks Co. is for you if you sell products that are purchased with a certain regularity: be it magazines, software licenses, or products like grocery, bottled water, memberships, pills, detergents etc.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 229.00
Results 21-25 of 25