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Content Management

Collection of Magento content management systems related plugins that will allow you to create, edit and manage content pages for your e-commerce store.
Results 101-120 of 126
Featured Product
Among lots of products, there are some products which need expressing on for particular purposes. For instance, new products which need to gain attentions or products which need improving sales volume or ones which have some special features. Catching this kind of sale motivation, we develop Featured Products to meet demand from customers. Featured Products allows you to choose which you want to list as featured products just by ticks. You are free to decide how the list of products is shown. There are numerous of options for you such as display on sidebar or not, title, position of sidebar, numbers of products to show and so on. Unless you want to you this application, you can turn off it.
(0 ratings)
Shop by Manufacturer
In reality, some customers are loyal to some specific manufacturers, for instance, they only use Laptops of Sony Vaio or Apple. Therefore, when clients come to your stores, the first step they do is looking for their liking manufacturers. Understanding this normal philosophy, we introduce Shop by Manufacturer as a module to help customers do the online shopping based on chosen manufacturers. Shop by manufacturer allows you to manage manufacturer from manufacturer attribute in the backend. You also can import information of manufacturer included company logo, website address and description. To make clearer display, manufacturers can be listed alphabetically or grouped by first letter. More attractively, the list can be displayed as slideshow in the homepage.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.99
Gallery Media
The principle function of Gallery Media extension is that it allows you to upload images and videos from file or URL, then to organize and group them based on categories, topics... More than that, our Gallery Media is quite different from other same kind modules. Not stop at photo albums, our new extension allow you to easily upload videos from your computers or from Youtube URL. You can also help your customers smoother in watching video by allowing them to preview video in media list In addition, customers also can give feed back to your videos by reviews and ratings after watching. Guests also can leave their reviews and ratings without logging in your websites based on your setup in the backend. To lead your customers pay attention to some specific photo and video, you can turn on the featured media function in the backend
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.90
Events Manager
Event Manager Magento module provides a comprehensive event management solution to manage events of varied scale in a highly flexible manner. For any occasion you can think of, a vast range of events can be managed through this powerful magento extension. FEATURES -Separate sections for smoothly creating and managing events as well as for configuration -Configurable Calendar view for events besides list and grid view -Configurable event status messages -Separate layout configuration for landing page, event detail page and calendar page -Events page URL can be whatever you would like -Attach a product with each event which customers will be able to purchase like purchasing a ticket -Events can be presented with images -Event gallery on event detail page -Embed Video URL from Youtube -Insert widgets and variables within events -Static block for current day, week or month can be called anywhere on your site -Google map on hovering over events venue
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 59.00
Open Jobs Manager
FME has always produced top of the line extensions providing store owners with the best features available! The Open Jobs Magento Extension is FME’s most cutting edge extension developed for companies looking to advertise their jobs. Embellished with stunning features, this extension allows you to manage jobs perfectly from the Back End. The Open Jobs Magento Extension provides 6 smart modules to manage your jobs. You can define job types, their locations, departments and much more. Each job has a section from where you will be able to manage applications received against it. This section provides required information for applicants like Name, Email, Application date, Phone and resume. Also another wonderful feature without which an application is considered to be incomplete has been provided and that is social integration. You can now publish any job to Facebook, Twitter and Linked-in.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 149.00
Advance Testimonials
FME Extensions bring its customers the latest version of the much demanded Advance Testimonial extension! An updated Magento Extension with top features enable store owners to install, run and manage the extension very conveniently. Integrate this dandy magento extension to your Online Store and enable your customers to write testimonial about their experience of shopping at your Store. This could lead to suggestions of improvements from your customers or they could write what they liked about your store which will attract other customers. Despite being weighted with dandy modernized features, the Advance Testimonials Extension is very user-friendly.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 59.00
Magento News extension
Updating your shop is really important. Company news, reports, articles and other postings make your web site look alive and up-to-date. The News page informs your visitors about upcoming events and improves search engine rankings of your web site like Google PR and Alexa Rank. With Magento News extension you will be able to post new entries and, thus, keep your clients formed and loyal. With Magento News module you are welcome to post store’s breaking news, short stories and long articles, add images and even attach various files.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 59.00
Magic Zoom Plus for Magento
Frequently updated and used on thousands of websites, this is the best way to zoom into product images and also enlarge them to the full screen. It uses JavaScript and CSS to achieve the effect. The HTML is clean and W3C valid and it works on all browsers including Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari and Opera. It is iPhone and iPad compliant - simply tap the image and it opens the zoom version. If you need to increase sales, download this module and see the difference it makes to your Magento store. This Magento extension is also listed on the official Magento Commerce website where customer feedback is 100% positive. If you need any help, please contact us. Follow us for the very latest on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MagicToolbox and Twitter: http://twitter.com/magictoolbox
(0 ratings)
Magic Zoom for Magento
Magic Zoom is a tool that adds zooming to your Magento product images. Hover over a product image and a highly detailed image is revealed to the side. It is the best way to inspect products close-up. It gives customers confidence in the quality of the product and can lead to higher sales. A must-have extension for every ecommerce website. It uses JavaScript to create the zoom effect. The style is controlled with CSS. It works on all browsers (IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera) but if you need it to work on iPad and iPhone, get Magic Zoom Plus which will enlarge the image on tap. Contact us if you need any help. Follow us for the very latest on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MagicToolbox and Twitter: http://twitter.com/magictoolbox
(0 ratings)
Magic Thumb for Magento
Perfect for viewing large images - activates on click or on hover; choose the effect (bounce/elastic/cube etc); choose the speed; change the position; add text captions to the top / right / bottom / left, adjust the colors, borders and padding. Versatile and easy to use. It works on iPhone and iPad because it uses JavaScript, not Flash. It also works on all major browsers. Feel free to contact us for help. Follow us for the very latest on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MagicToolbox and Twitter: http://twitter.com/magictoolbox
(0 ratings)
Product Image Editor for Magento
This extension empowers Magento store owners to edit products’ images right from the Admin Panel. This simple, yet powerful extension will let you crop, resize, rotate your images, as well as adjust brightness, saturation, contrast, add blur, add text to the image, draw something with a pencil tool and more! All this was made possible because the extension employs Aviary image editing tool.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 74.95
AJAX Catalog
Annoying page reloads can be forgotten. With the AJAX Catalog Magento module, your online store surfing becomes much faster and more convenient because your visitors see the whole list of category products immediately without refreshing the entire page. On the AJAX Catalog configuration page, just define the type of your store items displaying – the “Show More” button or auto-appearing list on scrolling – and your products will be automatically loaded on one page in the same way Google images do. With the AJAX Catalog Magento plugin, an online entrepreneur can create a dynamic and user-friendly catalog view.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 89.00
Geo Tag Cloud
Geo Tag Cloud Magento Extension will automatically detect preferred users language basing on his browser local settings and translate all tags into users language. Tag clouds offer a quite interesting approach for site navigation. Since human beings tend to think in concepts and models, its easier to get an idea of presented content if the main concepts are given straight away in digestible pieces, and prioritized by their weight. In fact, the main advantage of tag clouds lies in their ability to highlight the most important or/and popular subjects dynamically which is not the case in conventional navigation menus. Geo Tag Cloud is a unique SMART Magento extension, which not only automatically translate all tags into local users language automatically but stores them smartly. Visitors from USA, UK will see tags on English, visitors from Germany in German, from Russia in Russian etc. ALL this is done automatically by this Geo Tag Cloud.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.00
Splash Page for Magento
Prevent your visitors from browsing your website before they take a certain action, for example, verify their age. According to laws at almost any part of the world, sellers must take strict precaution to prevent selling certain products to minors. Splash Page can also be used to deliver a message or provide basic navigation instructions. Possible uses for a Splash page include restricting access to content that’s not appropriate for a certain age group; getting your visitors to accept the Terms of your website; delivering a Welcome message, sometimes with a coupon code or other purchase incentive; offering initial navigation tips and/or providing links to stores for various countries/languages. The extension allows to create an effective and non-obtrusive Splash Page: it saves the data entered by guests and registered customers and makes sure each shopper will see the splash page not more than once. It also enables you to restrict access only to a specific part of your store.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 69.00
Best of all, you don’t need to manually change your template and layout files every time you want to add an advertising banner or other applicable information. Everything you need to administer changes can be found in the admin panel!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 119.00
Product Preview Pro
Very often while shopping online people have to go to product page every time they want to see larger item image as on the category page it is far from being detailed. Such "category page → product page → category page" store browsing is patience-requiring and time-consuming. It turns into a real headache in large stores where full-size images lose out to the necessity of displaying as much products per page as possible. Whether you run clothes, shoes, accessories, adornment, or any other store where the product image plays first fiddle, you will definitely feel how the Product Preview Pro Magento extension enlarges your store usability and your customers’ satisfaction. Show your store visitors that you do care about them.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Home Tabs Pro
The Home Tabs Pro Magento module by aheadWorks is a perfect solution for those who have ever thought of broadening standard Magento Main page possibilities. The extension allows you to display most popular products at the Home page of your store in a comfortable and neat way.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 119.00
Easy Categories
The Easy Categories Magento module displays your store’s product categories so customers can rapidly find what they want. Best of all, you can place your category listings wherever you’d like — your store’s home page, a special category page or another CMS page.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Automatic Related Products
Automatic Related Products is extremely flexible Magento extension which allows you to forget about outdated way of adding related products. Define the rules for products selection and let this software populate the block automatically! You can specify the following fetching options - random, last added or lexically similar products; their location - from the current store or current category only, or restrict in-stock only items to be retrieved. You can even specify a certain price range! Besides standard control of the extension's behaviour from the admin panel, you can also pass block variables what allows you to create several independent of each other related blocks with different content. Position the block anywhere on any page – have cross-sells and upsells at the same time, or use it on category page to create "Featured products" block. Enrich your store with the Automatic Related Products module now!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Useful Downloads for Magento
Useful Downloads extension for Magento enables you to upload files that would be available for customers’ download free of charge. It’s useful for providing manuals, drivers, promotional materials, samples, previews, etc. The extension comes with a video tutorial and a user manual, which are available at the extension's homepage along with the full description.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.00
Results 101-120 of 126