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Social Networking

Scripts for starting a social network site or services or adding social features to your site.
Results 141-160 of 171
JomSocial - Social networking component for Joomla
JomSocial is a popular, feature-packed social networking component for Joomla. JomSocial features: * Customize profile fields as you wish. * Create, join and manage your groups. * Invite and connect with your friends via our buddy-system * Communicate with friends via private messages or post messages on user wall * Upload, share, manage and comment on photos and videos * See what your friends are doing in the Activity Stream * Integrate with 3rd party components with JomSocial's robust API * Manage and promote your events with JomSocial Event Management * and much more! Check our latest features here: http://www.jomsocial.com/overview.html
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 45.00
Social Lifestream
Social Lifestream is a social feed aggregator, which simply grabs your various social feeds and displays them chronologically.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
tweet commander
It uses OAuth to connect to the API . You can use tweet commander to let you users sign in with an twitter account or if you want display some extended informations about your twitter account on your website. Tweet commander has an internal API wich act like a proxy to the twitter API . You can query the API via javascript to get i.e. the latest tweets or informations abour your account.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.00
INET Solution online community script
Social Network Software - i-netsolution provides online social networking software that allows you to start your own site just like Myspace & Facebook.
(1 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.00
Auto Tweet Script
The Auto Tweet Script is a php script you can use to automatically send your messages to Twitter every day, while you're away from your computer. You can create an unlimited number of these automatic tweets and send them out on auto schedule. Through the message archive in the script admin panel, you will always have the full control over all sent Twitter messages and its status. The script comes including a Tinyurl feature to easily make your URLs short for posting it within your tweets and it supports special characters as well as non-latin characters. So sending tweets in another language than english is no problem for the script. With this easy to use script you can sit back and relax and give your Twitter followers great content, while you're away. NEW: Works with the new OAuth login process of Twitter.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 24.95
TwollowME - Twitter Train Script
TwollowME is a script for Twitter user. They have to follow 25 already registred member of the script and after that have to follow all next new member also this one. So every member get easy more Twitter follower. Make money with advertising and VIP member. - Uses the Twitter API-interface (oAuth included) - Multilingual (german and english installed) - Using templates . - Paypal-interface for VIP-payments. - Ref-System for Affiliates. 1 recruited user = 1 day VIP for free. - Auto-follow-feature for your own accounts in the system. The script will follow automatically all of your own follower (you can switch it on/off in the administration area) - Easy and simple administration area. - Easy and quick installation. Note: This script is designed and developed by myself. After the purchase you'll get support for this script from me. For more and actual informations, visit our website.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.90
Facebook Like Script - With New Looks
Users can Create Pages with Unique URL(s). Users can Comment on Pages from there FB Profile. Simple Coding, Can Easily Be Modified Recent and Popular Pages at Main Page. Also include RESALE rights, you can sell it further. Recent and Popular Pages at Main Page. Facebook Similar Looks
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.99
Amun is a content management framework based on the PSX framework. The goal is to build a more federated and programmable Web. This is achieved by providing a RESTful API for managing and distributing the content in standard formats like JSON, XML, Atom, and RSS. It tries to support open standards like OAuth, OpenID, etc., and gives you the freedom to access the data of a Website in the way you like. It tries to enable easy communication from server to server, browser to server, and application to server.
(21 ratings)
Facebook FBML 3-Step Process Fan Page Script
Using the 3-Step Fan Page will help your Fan Page become viral by requesting that visitors: 1. Like the Fan Page. 2. Invite their friends. 3. Share, by posting to their Facebook wall. Notice: Unlike other similar codes this 3-Step process follows Facebook's TOS. There is no 'forced' wording or gimmicks making visitors invite friends or share. They can simply click next or skip to continue to the next step. While your Fan Page will grow slower using this TOS friendly method it will assure that your hard work is not wasted by your page being deleted by using this code. All images, buttons and text can be customized for your page. Demo: http://www.facebook.com/MPORGsoft?v=app_6009294086
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 25.00
Twitter UserInfo Signature
The script shows: twitter username. twitter status. number of followers. number of followings. you can add custom “powered by” text.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.00
Social Network Software
Social Networking Software is for developing social networking websites. It can be used in setting up niche social network site for a specific country, company, business category, college/student community, adult theme or a general networking site. Our social network sites are customized to each client's requirements.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 40.00
social Community Script
Online Social Networking, Social Networking Software, Social Networking Script, Social Community Software, Online Interactive Resource
(1 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.00
ReVou Micro Blogging ( Twitter clone script )
ReVou Micro Blogging is a revolutionary PHP software that allows you to start your Twitter clone site. Revou is fully customizable and feature pack including SMS/Web/IM/Email support, custom API, ReVou vision addon, Google Maps Integration, Widgets Plugin, Mobile browser plugin, Paypal integrated, RSS feeds, email importer and more. Instant Messenging supported: MSN, GTalk, AIM, Yahoo Messenger. Earn more revenues with ReVou through paid SMS subscription and web advertising.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Social Community Software - 2DayBiz
2daybiz Social Community site php script is an online social networking software that allows you to start your own site just like Myspace, Hi5 and Facebook. This community script allows members to connect people in their personal networks and create a new online interactive resource that is based on a trusted network of friends and associates on the internet.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 90.00
e-Soft24 - Social Bookmark Script
With this script your users are able to save their favorites at your site, can share it with other users and can access their bookmarks from each computer connected to the internet. You will get a great revenue with this script, through affiliate marketing, Google Adsense advertising and direct ad space selling. Some Script Features: - Search engine friendly speaking url's and meta tags. - Bookmark mass import function. - Users can upload a user avatar. - Automatic thumbnail feature for bookmarks. - Captcha verification image on the add bookmark page to prevent bookmark spam. - Setup your site meta tags and static pages (advertise, privacy and terms) with ease. - Advertisement and link management tools. - Customizable cloud tags feature. - Dynamic meta tags (Search engine friendly). - Valid W3C CSS and valid W3C XHTML design. - Full smarty template based script for easy design customization.
(12 ratings)
PriceUSD 59.00
ClipBucket V2 - Ultimate & Free Video Sharing & Social Networking Script,Free Youtube Clone Script.
ClipBucket is a very Powerful Video sharing & Media Management Script. With a Huge Variety of Features. which include Proper Video Uploading & Conversion, Customizable Channels, Play lists, Quick Lists, SQL injection free, Fully loaded Admin Panel with control From frond end. Plug-in System,Complete stats and conversion logs. Easy & Fast template system with built in editor. Complete Video Rating system with Comments & Reply. Comment Rating. Complete User management system with internal messaging system & subscriptions and much much More. Just download it and see the power of this ultimate video sharing script.
(23 ratings)
Missus is a PHP class that provides a simple API enabling you to connect to an XMPP server and interact with it. It supports most xmpp servers (including facebook and google talk) and is released under the terms of the LGPL license.
(9 ratings)
phpFox - Social Network Script
phpFox is a feature packed social networking script. Our goal is to provide your community with features found on major social networking sites. The platform gives you full control with your websites layout giving you the ability to easily create a unique look direct from the comfort of your Admin Control Panel. Try the new phpFox2 with the brand new engine; our fastest, coolest and most feature packed version ever! Start tomorrows next big thing today with phpFox!
(11 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
Mass-Follow Twitter Script
Mass Follower allows you to search by keyword and then mass follow the users returned in the results. No longer do you need to add each twitter user one at a time. Simply enter your Twitter username and password to log into your account, once logged in you will see a keyword search box. Enter your keywords separated by commas. Select the users you wish to follow or select all, then mass follow them! You can follow upto 100 users at a time. Normal Twitter limitations apply.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.95
PHP TwitSelect
Summary sums it up, this script allows your users to select text displayed on your website, a button appears beside their cursor that they can click and tweet the text. Check out the demo!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 7.00
Results 141-160 of 171