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Social Networking

Scripts for starting a social network site or services or adding social features to your site.
Results 81-100 of 171
Airbnb Clone Script - Renters Pro
Renters Pro is AlstraSoft latest software for starting your airbnb clone and earn revenues from this highly profitable business. Discover how you can earn in 6 different ways for our airbnb clone script system. Features include responsive UI, multi-currency and multi-language support. One of the most affordable airbnb clone software for as low as $179 with feature rich and easy to use admin panel
(90 ratings)
PriceUSD 179.00
Inout SocialTiles
Inout SocialTile is a PHP and MySQL based perfect choice for instantly starting your own competitive social networking site. Features include # Elegant tile interface-provides an easy access to entire features # Unlimited users # Get updated with your friends activities # Create your dreams and share with friends # Make your dreams a reality event and invite your friends to join # Create your own journal container to cherish all your activities # Unlimited post to the journal containers # Easy photos and videos sharing # Customisable registration form # Effective search option # Multiple photos uploading # Fast and easy chat # Easy commenting # Abuse reporting # Birthday and friend request notifications # Mutual friends listing # Start your own clubs with friends sharing the same interest # Support multiple languages # Elegant dashboard to have quick look to your administrative areas # Creation of activities and it's category management # Easy activity tracking.
(73 ratings)
PriceUSD 249.00
Twitter Cover Script
Twitter Cover Script allow user to Upload Twitter Covers directly to user profile page, as well it's also upload profile picture, it has built in Cover Creator which offer you to select images, text, effects, background color etc. and customize it.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 149.00
Improve your social presence and generate more social traffic from Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Linkedin. Block any web page of your site until the visitor Share/Like your content, or wait until the timer finishes counting down.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00
FbiLike - The Original FbiLike Viral Script
This is the original and first Facebook Like Viral Script. The basic ideea everybody knows, if dont... I'll say it again. For example you write a phrase and like/share it on your facebook profile, your friends see the page you liked/shared and click it, they also like it and make their own page with a phrase / video / image, his friends like it too and so on. This is a very high speed viral script, your website will grow fast in short time and of course the money will come with the large number of users. Demo Front Panel : http://fbilike.com/demo/index.php Admin panel : http://fbilike.com/demo/admin/index.php Username : demo1 / Password : demo1
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 69.00
Facebook Viral Story Script
"Facebook Viral Story Script" is a high quality Viral Facebook script. It's concepted to bring lot of users in short time and keep growing everytime! The base idea of the script it's that users like, share and complete CPALead offers to unlock the story, After they share the story on wall, friends will be interested about the story and click the link to see the story, simple and efficient idea ! Easy and an efficiend ideea to make strong money in short Time ! Script Features Clear and attractive design You can create your custom story anytime BIG CPALead earnings jQuery Features - jQuery is a lightweight cross-browser JavaScript library that emphasizes interaction between JavaScript and HTML. jQuery is the most popular JavaScript library in use today. Ads Optimized. No encrypted pages. Easy to customize Demo Front Panel : http://viralstoryscript.com/
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.00
Magento Facebook Like
Magento FB discount comes with a fresh way to offer discounts to your valuable buyers. Your customers, if on liking your Facebook page will be eligible to receive the discount. This Magento Facebook like discount module also allows your buyers to share your Facebook page updates with their friends. The extension helps in enhancing your business by means of this Facebook - like marketing. Magento Facebook discount can be an easy opportunity for your buyers to be updated on your special offers, new products, services and so forth. With this extension, you are just not cheering up your customers with discounts, but also increasing your brand image on Facebook. The Magento Facebook module allows you to offer discounts in terms of referral bonus. It also plays a vital role in increasing the number of visits to your site.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
myWeight - Weightloss Social Networking and Tracking Script
The myWeight software easily allows users to keep track of your own weight loss while on a diet or a fitness regime. Quickly setup and run your own dieting social network. Encourage as many users to sign up and quickly and easily track their fitness and dieting regimes. Users can enter their weight weekly into the system, and from this interesting stats and graphs are produced. The user will also have access to a food and exercise diary.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.00
Social Script
Features: Latest version of PHP(5.4), General Chat,Chatrooms,Chat with friends, Webcam, Smarty Templates, MVC Structure, Jquery/JqueryUI, SEO Ready, HTML5, Optimized for tablet/touchscreen devices, State of the art admin, Comprehensive reports, Disk Space usage/other server info, Hotlinking Protection for images/videos/music, 3 Types of PHP sessions handlers: native,database and Memcache, Supports Memcache and can be easily deployed in the cloud or on multiple servers, Customizable Menus, Can run in AJAX mode,NON-AJAX mode or in the recommended mode(NON-AJAX version for search engines crawlers to be able to index the website and AJAX for users), Uploader which supports drag&drop, multiple uploads, cancelable uploads and has progress bar, Complete control over upload settings(max file sizes etc), Video encoder, Music encoder, Google Analytics Integrated in Admin, Supports unlimited number of Languages, Offers out of the box implementation of a CDN
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00
Infinite Social Wall
Using RSS feeds, infinite social wall can display all of your social network updates in a beautiful, responsive mosaic on your site. Uses a MySQL backend for storing old updates.
(21 ratings)
Video Community portal script
In this software members can upload videos, Rate videos, tag videos, leave comments, edit uploaded videos title n description, set video as public/private, video play list, create channels, groups and favorite videos. Group owner can set the group type: Public, anyone can join. Protected, pre-approved video uploads, forum posting and set group icon. Each video uploaded is streamed using the built-in flash player. Our administrative features include ability to edit / delete / create videos, members, groups, channels, and video categories. Site configuration, miscellaneous settings, max video upload and subscription period, edit advertising space details and send newsletter.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 149.00
Freelance script
Powered by the PHP/MySQL combination, this is a freelance auction script designed with all integrated tools useful for rapid deployment of a viable solution for freelance auction script needs. Easy to manage and very simple to deploy, the i-Net Freelance script comes with a web-based administrative panel and has the capabilities to manage users, financial transactions, categories and all relevant aspects of the system, all with a few clicks of the mouse. The script also comes with a built in accounting system which helps to monitor earnings, monitor transactions, choose payment solutions and set commission rates or a flat fee chargeable to freelancers and webmasters both. The system also facilitates payment to freelancers after they successfully finish a job.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 149.00
Social Community
This community script allows members to connect people in their personal networks and create a new online interactive resource that is based on a trusted network of friends and associates on the internet.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 149.00
MLM Script
Our most comprehensive MLM software, "I-Net MLM" provides the functionality needed to tackle even the most challenging MLM issues.This Customized MLM Software plays vital role in the success of MLM Organization. It proves to be an important parameter for building confidence of company's new associates on the management
(7 ratings)
PriceUSD 149.00
Online Community Script
Our online community script allow members to connect with people in their personal networks and people can create a new online interactive resource that is based on a trusted network of friends and associates on the internet. This online community website script can be customized and be branded for you. With dozens of community building tools, your users will contribute the content, building your site leaving you free to promote and market your site and there by making money from advertising revenue.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 149.00
Twando is a PHP/MySQL Twitter application with a massive array of features. Monitor your followers, auto follow and unfollow, auto DM new followers and schedule tweets. Now includes full support for image and video posting, recurring tweet functionality, 'tweet custom expressions' to allow randomised scheduled content and much, much more.
(62 ratings)
Job Portal Script
Job & Recruitment Script is an Extensive and Powerful script written in PHP to launch a professional Job Portal. Our Job & Recruitment Script has great potential to earn very heavy revenues. Our Job Portal Script focuses on increasing ease of end-users and increasing your profit (as a website owner). Our job Software will make your website professional, feature packed, fast and convenient for both employers and job seekers. Job Portal, Job Software, Job Script, Recruitment Software, php job portal script, job portal script download, news portal script, http://jobportalscripts.com/our-products.php
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 399.00
Facebook Contest Module - Cover Image
Facebook Contest Module
Autoresponder Bot is the most powerful way to get FREE traffic and social media exposure! With this software you can run your own social media sharing contests directly on your websites. Facebook contests module is designed to encourage the users to tag friends, react, like and comment on your posts. Everybody wins! You will get a lot of traffic and social media exposure. Your visitors will be rewarded.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.90
Buddy Zone
Buddy Zone is a social network script which has all latest technologies needed to run a new version 2.0 "Social Network Website". Enhanced with latest ajax technologies used in shoutbox as well as the chat room make it one of a unique social networking scripts in market. The latest version of Buddy Zone includes a interface quite similar to facebook.com and technology quite similar to myspace.com, which gives you opportunity to run the best of both of them. Buddy Zone has been a trusted platform for nearly 3,000+ social networks to date. Our customers have been able to provide a stable platform which allows users to interact with each other in a more familiar platform.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 399.99
Viral Lock PHP - Like, Google+1 or Tweet to Unlock
Simply wrap the content you want to protect with the script and your content will be protected until the users shares your page. Viral-Lock is the first of its kind to combine Facebook, Google+ and Twitter to give maximal viral impact. More likes and tweets = More money for you. Based on our Viral Lock plugin for WordPress the PHP version enables you to integrate the power of Viral Lock into anything. Anything you can put in a PHP file can be protected! Key features: Content is protected until the visitor likes or shares your page. User can either Facebook Like, Google+1 Recommend or Tweet your link to instantly show the content. You can lock anything that you can put in a PHP file. HTML , Text, Js, PHP , Videos, Images etc. Specify which link to share for each protected area or automatically use the current page URL . Auto reloads when user has shared or liked. No manual refresh necessary! Simple copy paste install in less then 5 mins. And more...
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 14.00
Results 81-100 of 171