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Programming Books

Results 1-20 of 20
Accounting Bookkeeping Software
Accounting bookkeeping software monitors company details, employee’s profile, voucher entries and tax related information etc. Inventory management utility maintains information about stocks and sale-purchase order etc. Billing and invoice management application records all voucher entries like payment, receipt, stock and journal voucher etc. Application manages information about tax like bill sundry, tax type and sales form etc. Billing management utility keeps track of all income expenses of the company and helps users to calculate total profit/loss during given financial year. Software provides data connectivity facility which allows users to fetch or access data from other computers within network.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 45.00
Guide to the VP-ASP Shopping Cart Software
The only comprehensive manual in PDF format for this popular e-commerce software. Three volumes for the price of one. Everything you want to know in one concise location. Detailed set-up examples for merchants. Detailed ASP coding examples for web developers. The only documentation that includes the internals and database structure.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 60.00
Visual Basic (VB) Script Tutorials - Herong's Tutorial Notes
This free Visual Basic (VB) Script tutorial book is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning VB Script himself. It can be used as a tutorial guide for beginners or a reference book for experienced developers. Topics include: Visual Basic, VB Script, Data Type, Variable, Variant, Array, String, Operation, Expression, If Else, Loop, While, For Each, Procedure, Function, Null, and Conversion. Main sections are: - What Is Visual Basic? - Data Types and Literals - Numeric Operations - Comparison and Logic Operations - String Operations - Variables - Declaration and Assignment - Expressions - Statements and Grammar - Array Declaration - Fixed-Size Array Example - Dynamic-Size Array Example - Conditional Statements - Loop Statements - "For ... Next" Statements - "While" Statements - Defining and Invoking Function Procedures - Defining and Invoking Sub Procedures - Rules of Passing Arguments - Passing Array as Arguments - Variable Scope in Procedures
(97 ratings)
Herong's Tutorial Notes on ASP
Notes and sample codes collected while learning ASP. Topics covered include: ActiveX, ASP, attachment, binary file, book, collection, cookies, example, free, HTTP reponse header, IIS, language, online, Perl, redirect, sample codes, scripting, script debugger, script runtime DLL, session, tutorial, VBScript
(45 ratings)
Designing Active Server Pages
Designing Active Server Pages provides an important tool for often-overworked ASP programmers: a set of techniques for making the wisest use of the technology in a production environment. Targeting an audience of readers who already are seasoned in ASP, this book explores techniques for producing "reusable and robust ASP applications." Presentation and example compose the approach here, with concise tables of information and descriptions that make the book a fast read. Topics covered: Choosing a server-side scripting language, Exception handling, Regular expressions, Building reusable forms, Reusable database administration pages, COM overview, Lesser-known Microsoft COM components, and Important third-party COM components.
(9 ratings)
Professional ADO 2.5 RDS Programming with ASP 3.0
Getting the most out of ASP-based Web pages on the Microsoft Web platform is the mission of Professional ADO 2.5 RDS Programming with ASP 3.0, a practical-minded tutorial for developing Web pages with dynamic content using the latest standards from Microsoft, including ADO, RDS, and XML. It features short, comprehensible tutorials on basic ASP development using ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) and Remote Data Services (RDS) for Internet Explorer. The text is filled with useful information, including bug workarounds, gotchas, and tips for better performance. Of special interest is the material on using XML to deliver database results. Another helpful section shows how to use Visual Basic to create data objects on the middle tier. This simple solution will at least get you started with Microsoft's Distributed interNet Architecture (DNA) "best practices" for creating scalable Web applications.
(9 ratings)
Active Server Pages 3.0 by Example
ASP by Example assumes a basic knowledge of VBScript and teaches you how to create dynamic web sites quickly and easily. Using real-world examples, ASP 3 by Example teaches proper, accepted coding techniques that will cause fewer problems and allow you to apply your knowledge to more than simply the task at hand. Topics include: ASP, objects, cookies, applications, and database access.
(49 ratings)
Mastering Active Server Pages 3
Ideal for anyone building dynamic Web sites, for e-commerce and other uses, this book provides step-by-step instructions for mastering the latest version of ASP technology. CD-ROM contains all the code from the book, including fully functional ASP scripts, and a fully functional copy of Chili!Soft ASP Developer Edition for NT and Linux.
(9 ratings)
Beginning Active Server Pages 3.0
Beginning Active Server Pages 3.0 is an excellent introduction to the ASP 3.0. This guide expects no previous ASP knowledge or even previous Web development experience. Its friendly style makes this book welcome reading at all skill levels. The material is carefully presented to avoid losing readers who are totally new to ASP programming, yet it still provides impressive technical coverage, beginning with the very basic concepts behind ASP programming and moving forward to advanced coding techniques. As each topic is presented, relevant screen shots and useful code snippets under the heading "How It Works" complement the text. The chapters also include step-by-step exercises to familiarize you with new techniques and tools. An extensive case study application takes you through the entire development process as well. If you're interested in Web coding Microsoft-style, this is the right place to start.
(37 ratings)
Professional Asp Xml
This book is for intermediate to advanced ASP programmers, who have little or no knowledge of XML, and want to expand their programming ability by adding XML skills to their repertoire. XML will be explained from the ground up. However, other technologies will not be discussed in such detail and it is assumed that the user is familiar with other Internet techniques on the Microsoft platform, such as (D)HTML, client-side scripting with JScript, and programming in Visual Basic. You should have at least a basic understanding of three-tier architectures like Microsoft DNA. If you have read or heard a bit about XML and wonder how to use it best, building on your existing programming skills, then this book is for you.
(0 ratings)
Instant ASP Scripts
Instant ASP Scripts provides the "why" for Active Server = Pages. Numerous books on the market teach you how to use Active Server Pages but skimp on real-world examples of its use. This book will show you how you can activate your company's Intranet or Internet web site. The book will show you how to create an Online Campus, a Corporate Library, Classifieds, Live Chat, Message Boards, Online Form Letters, Usage Tracking, Project Progress Management, Help Desk, Online Calculators and so much more. The CD that comes with the book includes an entire web site collection for all the sites created in the numerous chapters. The CD also includes all the SQL scripts so you can recreate the database tables simply.
(9 ratings)
ASP 3.0 Programmer's Reference
This book is for ASP developers who need the facts at their fingertips on a whole range of technologies which are likely to be integral to any ASP application. It is designed to provide an instant reference to all aspects of ASP, and also to the key technologies that the ASP developer needs to know about, including XML, ADO, CDO and ADSI. All examples are provided in both VBScript and JScript. If you're writing an ASP application, this is a book that you will refer to constantly. Topics covered: ASP 3.0 objects and their properties, methods and events, The Scripting objects and all the built-in Active Server components, COM+ Transaction and Message Queuing Services, Data Access with ADO, ADOX and ADOMD, Handling mail with CDONTS and CDO for Windows 2000, Using XML with the DOM, XSLT and XPath, and Indexing and Directory Services.
(0 ratings)
Beginning ASP Databases
Beginning ASP Databases offers an entry point to one of the most crucial aspects of Microsoft-oriented Web development--database integration with Active Server Pages. In Beginning ASP Databases, a trio of authors covers the basics of working with databases from ASP--especially using ActiveX Database Objects (ADO). The book is quite substantive in content but is written in a somewhat light-hearted style that makes readers new to the technology comfortable. Topics covered: ADO/OLE DB architecture, SQL, recordsets, databases and cookies, error handling, command object, stored procedures, irregular data handling, performance testing and tuning.
(12 ratings)
Active Server Pages For Dummies�
Active Server Pages for Dummies proves that despite the initially intimidating appearance of some ASP code, the system isn't hard to learn and can be a lot of fun. The book delivers a carefully structured introduction to ASP technology. The examples aren't all academic either--you'll find code (printed and on the companion CD-ROM) for a date-stamper, a banner-ad rotator, a guestbook, and even a near-real-time chat room and a system for managing classified ads. Topics include: Basics of ASP, VBScript, JScript, the ASP object model, server components, database connectivity, Visual InterDev, and popular ASP applications.
(1 ratings)
Professional MTS and MSMQ with VB and ASP
If you're thinking of powering your next Web site with the latest in Microsoft Internet technologies, and you program in Visual Basic (VB), then this book is for you. This fast-paced tutorial gives you a crash course in using Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) and the new Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ) Server, along with other Microsoft tools, for creating dynamic, commerce-enabled Web sites and Web-based applications. The authors provide a step-by-step guide to configuring and designing with VBScript, active server pages (ASPs) using transactions, and the new capabilities of message queuing (which permits systems to be designed with fault tolerance in mind.)
(3 ratings)
Professional Active Server Pages 3.0
Professional Active Server Pages 3.0 is the next edition of the number one selling ASP book in the world; Professional Active Server Pages 2.0. This is a next edition covering all the new features that appear as part of Win2000 but it is also a completely new book in terms of content, recycling essentially nothing from the previous edition. Instead all the concepts are taken a step further for a more mature audience and ASP is considered in terms of an N-tier enterprise environment including extensive coverage of components, Index Server, ADO 2.5, XML, CDO, ADSI, and much more.
(3 ratings)
Professional Active Server Pages 2.0
Building on the success of our Professional ASP book, this book brings the subject area bang up to date with its coverage of ASP 2.0, released as part of IIS4. Active Server Pages is the Microsoft technology which allows you to build pages dynamically, access databases easily and build secure commercial applications for use over the Internet. This book assumes a knowledge of the Internet and either JavaScript or VBScript. We cover the revised ASP Object Model and Components, then move on to look at ASP with databases, with Transaction Server and Components, with Mail Systems, with IE4, with Site Server and with Personalization Server. We also provide additional case studies to give you practical examples to adapt for your own use and a chapter focussing on the issue of securing your application.
(9 ratings)
Beginning Active Server Pages 2.0
While this may be a "basic ASP" book, ASP is being looked at not only by novice Web developers, but by experienced developers and Webmasters wanting to develop a second or third generation Web site. Illustrated with lots of real world examples, these pages show how to use Visual InterDev and Access 97 to develop ASP applications.
(15 ratings)
ASP in a Nutshell
ASP in a Nutshell provides the high-quality documentation that developers really need to create effective ASP applications. It focuses on how features are used in a real application and highlights little-known or undocumented features as well. This book also includes an overview of the interaction of the latest release of Internet Information Server (version 4) and ASP, with an introduction to the IIS object model and the objects it comprises. The examples given in this section and throughout the book are illustrated in VBScript.
(13 ratings)
Developing ASP Components
Developing add-on controls and components is emerging as a multibillion dollar industry that is increasingly attracting the attention of developers. This book provides developers with the information and real-world examples they need to create custom ASP components using any of the three major development tools: Visual Basic, Visual C++, and J++.
(3 ratings)
Results 1-20 of 20