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Flash & ASP

Results 1-7 of 7
ASP_FlashUpload is a quick solution to replace ordinary input type="File" This custom class also adds below functionalities: 1. Filter file that can be uploaded. The filtering is done by file extension. 2. Limit maximum size of file that can be uploaded 3. Progress bar showing the progress of uploading process.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.99
WS--MP3-ULTRALIGHT for Web site
posted bysdiopinFlash & ASP
WS-ULTRALIGHT streams all your MP3 in your Web site. Needs ASP 3.0. WS-ULTRALIGHT works with FileSystemObject that lists all the MP3 located in a specific forlder f your website, or in a distant folder(ie:htto://www0). So the mp3 name is passed in a string and a swf file reads it. This reader is ultralight, and simple: 2 buttons for stopping and reading the mp3. All mp3 can be read, indepenendtly of the type of encoding. WS-ULTRALIGHT is provided with a .FLA for users can modify it's look.
(0 ratings)
posted bysdiopinFlash & ASP
UPDATE : This app is now available for PHP server. WS-MP3 (flash MP3 reader) is especially intended to stream your MP3 in your Web site. WS-MP3 supports unlimited MP3. - Extract the files in a directory of your Web site - Open the asp file (MP3_player_A.asp OR MP3_player_B.asp) with a text editor. Files can be renamed. - Edit the MP3 player settings : default song, default directory etc. - Put MP3 files (no limit :-) in your directory - Publish & enjoy!
(0 ratings)
Flashblocks Flash CMS - Flash Content Management System
Flashblocks Flash CMS is a Flash content management system that is powerful yet simple to use. Edit content directly in your Flash website from any browser. Resize and Crop Images, multilingual Rich Text Text Editor, Many Modules: Flash Gallery, Flash Mp3 Player, Email forms, PayPal buy now, and more. Just drag & drop - Areas are filled with dynamic content. Train your clients to manage flash content effortlessly. Flashblocks CMS requires literally no client training. Flashblocks CMS works on practically all servers without alteration. No Database is required making setup and backup effortless. Simple for our clients powerful for us!
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 30.00
SWF Scout
SWF Scout is an ActiveX library for SWF flash movies generation from Visual Basic, Visual Basic.NET, Visual C#, ASP and ASP.NET Even existing SWF flash movies can be used as templates to create new flash movies. Main features: Ability to create SWF (flash) files without any additional libraries/applications required; Ability to create various shapes, buttons, text, text edits, morphing shapes, sprites; Ability to add sound (mp3 and wav) and video (FLV); Ability to create pre-loader for flash movies; Ability to convert EMF to SWF; Ability to load JPG, BMP, TIFF, PNG, GIF images; Ability to use load external SWF clips as sprites; Events and Actions support; "Real" hDC that can be used to draw shapes, text and using WinAPI GDI functions SWF output can be easily added to existing applications; Unicode and font embedding support; Transformations support; In-memory file generation support for use in ASP/ASP.NET (requires Web License); Ability to use existing SWF files as templates to generate new flash movies; and much much more!
(3 ratings)
Price 299.00
ASP Flash Form
Flash Form is a form with different flash animation backgrounds. It allow your site visitors to send you their info and messages via email. Sample server side scripts (PHP and ASP) are included. Customization tool can be provided upon request.
(97 ratings)
FusionCharts is a Flash based animated charting solution meant for the web. It renders "realistic looking" dynamic graphs and provides all the customization options. It adds a new dimension to graphing by following the "just copy done" philosophy.
(3 ratings)
Results 1-7 of 7