Programming Books
Design, develop, test, and deploy applications with new book on Catalyst
posted byshriharshbinProgramming Books
Catalyst is a new book from Packt which helps users to design, develop, test, and deploy applications with the open-source MVC Catalyst framework. Written by Jonathan Rockway, this book will guide users through the features of Catalyst using real-world examples and systematic code snippets.
Many web applications are implemented in a way that makes developing them painful and repetitive. Catalyst is an open-source Perl-based Model-View-Controller framework that aims to solve this problem by reorganizing the web application to design and implement it in a natural, maintainable, and testable manner, making web development fun, fast and rewarding.
This book is for web developers with basic Perl skills who are new to Catalyst. If users are excited by Ruby on Rails but would like the features of Rails with the familiarity of Perl, then this is the best book to get them started.
This book embodies Catalyst's philosophies of �Do It Yourself and Don't Repeat Yourself�.
PriceUSD 35.99
Herong's Tutorial Notes on Perl - Part B
posted byheronginProgramming Books
This collection of notes and sample codes are based on my personal experiences with Perl on both Unix and Windows systems. Topics covered include binary file, CGI, class, client server, DBM file, debug, directory handle, file handle, file test, free, function, hard reference, IIS, Internet, language, Linux, module, MySQL, name space, object, object method, online, open directory, open file, package, Perl, regular expression, RPC::XML, sample codes, SOAP, SOAP::Lite, socket communication, soft reference, split, subroutine, performance, TCP, XML, XML-RPC, XML::Simple.
Herong's Tutorial Notes on Perl - Part A
posted byheronginProgramming Books
This collection of notes and sample codes are based on my personal experiences with Perl on both Unix and Windows systems. Topics covered include binary file, CGI, class, client server, DBM file, debug, directory handle, file handle, file test, free, function, hard reference, IIS, Internet, language, Linux, module, MySQL, name space, object, object method, online, open directory, open file, package, Perl, regular expression, RPC::XML, sample codes, SOAP, SOAP::Lite, socket communication, soft reference, split, subroutine, performance, TCP, XML, XML-RPC, XML::Simple.
Professional Perl Programming
posted bymanjirideinProgramming Books
This book provides comprehensive coverage of the Perl language. It covers the fundamentals of data types and file handling through advanced features like regular expressions, object-oriented programming, threads, internationalization, and integrating Perl with the C programming language. The latest version, Perl 5.6, is used throughout, with commentary for those with earlier versions. Both aspiring and experienced Perl programmers will benefit from the expertise in this book, whether they are looking to develop serious applications, improve their productivity, or simply learn a more powerful and portable replacement for shell scripts.
Perl for Web Site Management
posted bycontentinProgramming Books
This book shows how to write CGI scripts to incorporate search engines, convert multiple text files to HTML, monitor log files, and track visitors to your site. Checking links, batch editing HTML files, tracking users, and writing CGI scripts--these are the often tedious daily tasks that can be done much more easily with Perl. If you're more interested in streamlining your web activities than in learning a new programming language, Perl for Web Site Management is for you: it's not so much about learning Perl as it is about using Perl to do common web chores more efficiently. Even if you don't have any programming background, this book will get you quickly past Perl's seemingly forbidding barrier of chops and chomps, execs and elsifs.
mod perl Developer's Cookbook
posted bypaulinProgramming Books
The mod_perl Developer's Cookbook shows programming with the mod_perl API by example. The book takes developers from the basics of mod_perl to the development of advanced Web applications. Developers will learn tricks, solutions, and mod_perl idioms gleaned from the authors' experience as developers and expert users.
Mysql and Perl for the Web
posted bycontentinProgramming Books
"MySQL and Perl for the Web" provides a much-needed handbook for database and Web developers seeking an extensive and detailed guide for using the combination of MySQL and Perl to build dynamic and interactive database-backed Web sites. It shows how to use Perl's DBI database access module, pairing it with with the module that allows Web pages and forms to be generated and processed easily. These tools provide developers with a solid foundation for creating applications that incorporate database content to create dynamic, up-to-date Web sites.
Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C
posted bycontentinProgramming Books
This guide to Web programming teaches you how to extend the capabilities of the Apache Web server. It explains the design of Apache, mod_perl, and the Apache API, then demonstrates how to use them to rewrite CGI scripts, filter HTML documents on the server-side, enhance server log functionality, convert file formats on the fly, and more.
Object Oriented Perl
posted bycontentinProgramming Books
Object Oriented Perl provides an invaluable guide to virtually every aspect of object-oriented programming in Perl. It shows the basics of solid object design, common mistakes and many tips for navigating the powerful and flexible nuances of using Perl objects. Also covers popular object modules available from CPAN and discusses performance issues and the tradeoff between programming convenience and speed often faced by today's Perl developer. Advanced chapters cover a number of techniques for adding persistence and invoking methods using multiple dispatching. Topics covered: Perl language review, CPAN, Perl objects, 'blessing' and inheritance, polymorphism, Class::Struct and Class::Methodmaker modules, Perl ties and closures, operator overloading, encapsulation, multiple dispatch, Class::Multimethods, coarse-grained and fine-grained object persistence techniques, performance issues.
Mastering Regular Expressions
posted bycontentinProgramming Books
Regular expressions are a central element of UNIX utilities like egrep and programming languages such as Perl. But whether you're a UNIX user or not, you can benefit from a better understanding of regular expressions since they work with applications ranging from validating data-entry fields to manipulating information in multimegabyte text files. Mastering Regular Expressions quickly covers the basics of regular-expression syntax, then delves into the mechanics of expression-processing, common pitfalls, performance issues, and implementation-specific differences. Written in an engaging style and sprinkled with solutions to complex real-world problems, Mastering Regular Expressions offers a wealth information that you can put to immediate use.
Professional Perl Development
posted byCharlottePinProgramming Books
With its broad and deep coverage of key topics in advanced Perl programming, this book is an essential read for developers who are interested in integrating Perl with various technologies and developing sophisticated applications. Building on a working knowledge of Perl, this book provides clear and detailed coverage of its topics using illustrative examples. Even experienced Perl programmers are certain to find something new in this book about this genuinely extensible language.
Professional Perl Programming
posted byCharlottePinProgramming Books
Both aspiring and experienced Perl programmers will benefit from the expertise in this book, whether they are looking to develop serious applications, improve their productivity, or simply learn a more powerful and portable replacement for shell scripts. Whatever the task at hand, this book is an invaluable, detailed resource of the Perl language. The latest version of the language, Perl 5.6, is used throughout, with commentary for those with earlier versions.
Beginning Perl
posted byCharlottePinProgramming Books
The motto of Perl is "There's more than one way to do it"-Beginning Perl aims to take you through them all. From installation, through to the core language elements - regular expressions, references, modules, and the like - and on to basic applied techniques. The book promotes the use of Perl as a programming language, encouraging the creation of legible and sensible programs so as to dispel the image of Perl as a confusing and obscure language. In other words: Don't worry, whatever your current experience level in the world of Perl, this book has something for you.
Perl 5 Pocket Reference
posted bycontentinProgramming Books
This is a standard, quick-reference guide for the Perl programming language. The second edition, updated to cover the latest Perl version, provides a complete overview of the language, from variables to input and output, from flow control to regular expressions, from functions to document formats--all packed into a convenient, carry-around booklet.
Perl in a Nutshell : A Desktop Quick Reference
posted bycontentinProgramming Books
Perl in a Nutshell is a comprehensive reference guide to the Perl programming language. This book covers all the core features of the language. It ranges widely through the Perl programmer's universe, gathering together in convenient form a wealth of information about Perl itself and its application to CGI scripts, network programming, database interaction, and graphical user interfaces. It also gives detailed coverage about using Perl within a Win32 environment. Topics include: Basic language reference, Introduction to using Perl modules, Perl and CGI (CGI basics,, mod_perl), DBI - the database-independent API for Perl), Sockets programming in Perl, LWP - the library for World Wide Web programming in Perl, The Net::* modules, and pTk - the Tk extension to Perl.
Programming the Perl DBI
posted bynutsinProgramming Books
Coauthored by Alligator Descartes, one of the most active members of the DBI community, and by Tim Bunce, the inventor of DBI, this book explains the architecture of DBI and shows you how to write DBI-based programs. For the experienced DBI dabbler, this book explains DBI's nuances and the peculiarities of each individual DBD. Main topics include: An introduction to DBI and its design, How to construct queries and bind parameters, Working with database, driver, and statement handles, Debugging techniques, Coverage of each existing DBD, and A complete reference to DBI.
Perl For Dummies�
posted bysiteemailinProgramming Books
Perl For Dummies, 2nd Edition, guides you step-by-step through the arcane syntax and programming environment of Perl, whether you're working on a UNIX, Windows 95/98/NT, or Macintosh. Perl For Dummies is written for both programming novices and veteran code warriors. From the basic elements of programming with Perl to advanced topics on designing and building complex Perl programs, this plain-English reference covers every version of Perl for creating custom CGI scripts for your Web site. Plus, this book's bonus CD-ROM, includes all the source code from the book, along with a copy of ActivePerl, from ActiveState.
Perl Black Book
posted bywebmasterinProgramming Books
This book is designed to give you as much of the whole Perl story as one book can hold. It features: Written by Steve Holzner, former contributing editor for PC Magazine and the author of 50 computer books, Includes 250 pages of CGI programming, the driving force behind Perl�s popularity, Includes over 1,000 programming examples, Comprehensive coverage of Perl syntax and programming, and more.
Effective Perl Programming: Writing Better Programs With Perl
posted bywebmasterinProgramming Books
In Effective Perl Programming, Perl experts Joseph Hall and Randal Schwartz share programming solutions, techniques, programming pointers, rules of thumb, and the pitfalls to avoid, enabling you to make the most of Perl's power and capabilities. The authors will help you develop a knack for the right ways to do things. They show you how to solve problems with Perl, and how to debug and improve your Perl programs. Offering examples, they help you learn good Perl style. Geared for programmers who have already acquired Perl basics, the book will extend your skill range, providing the tactics and deeper understanding you need to create Perl programs that are more elegant, effective, and succinct.
Perl : Annotated Archives
posted bymcinProgramming Books
Create extensible programs and dynamic Web applications with this exceptional collection of annotated, reusable Perl code. Perl Annotated Archives is packed with ready-to-run code for Windows, Unix, Mac and Web applications along with line-by-line explanations. Use the power and flexibility of Perl to carry out hundreds of functions easily - process and report on text files, write clients and servers within a single application, dynamically create HTML, secure your Web site, manage an entire network from a single point, and much more. Complete with a CD-ROM containing all of the book's source code and applications, this one-of-a-kind collection is a programmers reference and how-to manual in a single convenient volume.