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Results 861-880 of 1210
3D Stack AS 3.0
3D Stack for Flash CS3 and above / ActionScript 3.0 can be used to display groups of images, movie clips, SWFs with perspective, depth, fading and much more! Key features: * Adjustable images position via parameters or * Using camera keyboard and mouse controls * XML configuration file easy to setup * Dynamic image mirror support * Roll over image coloring support * You can include images with fixed or variable size * Support for external URLs and browser window resize * Support for image titles
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00
Raw XML Editor with Hinting and Validation
This is an online editor for XML and HTML files. It edits the raw XML data, allowing for code hints and even XML validation. Visit to see the features!
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00
Flash Banner Rotator
An easy to use banner rotator. All configuration and image data are read from external XML files. You can add unlimited number of images just by editing the xml file. It�s written entirely in AS3 and can be easily integrated in other projects. Fully dynamic and configurable. Main Features: * Supports unlimited number of images. * Fully configurable (More than 10 XML parameters). * Resizable. * Can display SWF files. * Optimized for faster browsing. * Supports auto slideshow. * Nice fade in/out effects. * Developed using object-oriented methods.. * Clean and commented code. * Comes with a help file.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
AS2 Luminosity / Grayscale Utility
This is a purely code based implementation of the ubiquitous gray scale/luminosity filter. While most common implementations of this effect tend to be timeline based and therefore lacking in flexibility this little gem of code-driven ingenuity is free from such constraints and open to wider application. Better yet, this utility was built with ease of use in mind. Near effortless two-step setup process involves simply copying the script to a folder and referencing the script via an "#include" statement on the main timeline. Once that's done every movieclip will support the fabulous "_grayScale" property. "Property?" you ask. That is precisely the beauty of this utility. After the initial setup, the effect is accessible via the "_grayScale" property on ANY movieclip instance.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.00
Buy and Sell flash files - Over 1000 components
At mmfiles.com you can buy and sell flash components like navigation systems, photo galleries, flash site templates, animations and more types of listings. We also offer a "custom work" area where clients can request custom files. Other features are: paid memberships for selected authors, bulk ordering and more.
(24 ratings)
PriceUSD 3.00
Dynamic Vertical Menu
1. Using depth manager to manage the depth of popup 2. Using XML to retrieve data to be displayed 3. Creating arrays and then applying events 4. Positioning the buttons from code 5. If you want to add more button add in XML nodes 6. The popup shows related information for the buttons 7. We have a main movieclip which contains the popup movieclip and the btn movieclip 8. The button animation is inside the btn movieclip 9. Code is at one place 10. XML is very simple with attributes for each text to be displayed
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
Color Accent Website Template
The customizable options can be accessed through several XML files. template.XML In this file you can define the number of tiles every object will be divided to. You must change the cols and rows numbers. menu.XML In this file you can set the space between the menu items - both horizontal and vertical. XML Files Storing Text and Image Data An example of such file is about_us.XML file. XML Files Storing Slideshow Information The wait variable stores the seconds between changing slideshow items. XML Files Storing Gallery Information The gallery XML files has some similar options to the slideshow files.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00
Shaking effect
Drag and drop;easy to use, just put whatever you want in the "content" movie clip: buttons, movie clips, videos, textes... You can put the shaking movie clip any where you want:movie clips, buttons(can be used as rollOver for exemple) Everything is editable from action script: copy's alpha, Xshaking intensity, Yshaking intensity, fps... The download pack contains a Fla +swf file and a text file for help; the AS is well commented. Feel free to leave comments and give suggestions. Package includes: FLA Opens with: Flash 8, Flash CS3 AS Version: ActionScript 2.0
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 3.00
June Gallery
June Gallery is a new, fresh-looking gallery , built on a two levels structure (image files stored in categories). It was thinked to be used standalone or embed in html, it is resizable and it has a clean and user friendly appearence, with smooth tweens wich create a nice visual experience. You can define your own categories or add your own images by editing the xml file. After the xml is loaded, the gallery will enable by default the first category and it will dinamically generate the thumbnails list. You can use images at any size and aspect ratio. Animated swf files are not supported. Images are smoothed and scaled to fit the window with the aspect ratio preserved. The description can be HTML formated and it supports most of the common HTML tags. Mouse wheel and scrollbar are enabled for long blocks of text. You have the next/previous buttons located on the sides, wich enable you to navigate easely through the images.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00
BMI Calculator
This is a calculator written in flash 8 professional which calculates bmi(body mass index) of an individual. The speciality of this calculator is that the user need not to worry about the unit of weight and height. you can enter weight and height in metric system or imperial system. Also, user can enter height in metric system and weight in imperial system and vice versa. Package includes: FLA Opens with: Flash 8, Flash CS3 AS Version: ActionScript 2.0 Viewable with: Flash Player 8 and above
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 3.00
Sliding List
Sliding List is a multilevel, xml driven, horizontal menu. It is built on a category-with-files structure. It can have as many categories/subcategories/ items as you want. It can be easily resized and skinned and it is flexible when it comes to firing actions when clicking on an item. It can open urls, play movie clips or perform any other action you desire.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
Image Galleria
The dynamic XML driven image galleria 1. Here I use image thumbnails for each item to be displayed in small gadget 2. Big images are used to load by clicking on small thumbs 3. The names are in XML file 4. You can use any number of images 5. The thumbs are randomly placed but do not make the navigation difficult 6. Simply by mouseover on big images you can see the image as well as the description 7. If you need to hide the big image due to accessing the thumbs behind it you can click on the image 8. You can drag the thumbs by click and hold on the dragger head of each item 9. Each image description is there in the XML file 10. The code is fully commented for further development 11. The big image is horizontally and vertically center to the stage
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
Customizable Dynamic Menu
Full customizable dynamic horizontal menu with no instances of buttons on the stage. It is completely XML driven and everything is easily customizable. You can customize everything you see like: 1. Border Color Thickness Hovercolor Roundedness 2. Background Color Hover color 3. Glow on hover Color Size 4. Font Family Size Color Hover color 5. Complete button Width Height Text top padding Button spacing 6. The text url and target are in the next node of XML You can add any number of nodes in XML to create any number of buttons Code is fully commented as per your ease of use No movieclip instances. The sahpes are created by code I have used four instances of the same XML for mock up to 4 kinds of view
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Handwriting Animation Tool
Enter multiline text and hit "GO" to view a handwriting animation. Hit "enter" to test the forced newline functionality. The tool features: a NEW readable font; a calligraphic, artistic font; multiline text drawn in a rectangle area; newline upon reaching the text area width; forced newline by entering carriage return symbol/hitting "enter"; setting scale to control the size of the letters; autoscroll upon reaching the bottom of textarea rectangle; additional functionality which stores the curves in a bitmapdata object to restore smooth drawing. use this when you need to show more text; Use the text color and blur color fields to enter hexadecimal values for the colors used in the animation. Each value describes the Red, Green and Blue parts of the color. The format is 0xRRGGBB and for example 0x000000 is black, 0xFFFFFF is white, 0xFF0000 is red, 0x00FF00 is green and 0x0000FF is blue. The glow strength defines how much the glow effect will affect the curves of the animation.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
2D Zoom Gallery AS 2.0 & 3.0
XML driven gallery whith zoom effect. Flash 8 / Flash CS3 / Flash CS4 and above / ActionScript 2.0 and ActionScript 3.0 version included. KEY FEATURES: * XML configuration file easy to setup * Dynamic image mirror * Roll over image coloring * Roll over image zooming * Mouse speed adjustment * External image/SWF loading support * Image titles and description support
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 11.00
Abadan XML SlideShow
Features available on this version: Size of SWF File = 12k 1. Load Unlimited SWF Files. 2. Load Unlimited Images. 3. 2 MovieClips For images Target ( to Load Images in target ) allows to show image in movieClip1 until loading of next image in movieClip2 get finished And After Delay Time (swapDepth Between movieClip1 And movieClip2 ). 4. Change Transition Class. 5. Change Transition Method. 6. Change Transition Direction. 7. Change Transition Duration. 8. Simple Preloader For Loading XML File. 9. Image Title. 10. Loading StatusBar. ------------------------- ----------------- XML File definition ( simply Change Movie Clip Parameters In XML File ) : 1. Select transitions ( effects ). 2. Select Auto Slide when movie Start or Manual lide. 3. Define Slide Delay Time ( timer ). 4. Define X Position of the image on the Stage. 5. Define Y Position of the image on the Stage. 6. Image Path. 7. Image Title. 8. Image URL.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Artistic Photo Gallery
Features: - resizable from xml - unlimitted images/categories - the image is resized by ratio - scroller that centers itself and you can modify the number of pictures that fit there modifying a simple entry in the xml - you can change most of the colors using the xml - you can change the text's color - you can also change the thumbnail's width and height - you can change the galleries colors - you can also toggle between auto positioning the gallery or you can set the x and y for yourself - you can also change the contact info settings like: picture address, background color, font color, text size
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 12.00
3D Zoom Gallery AS 2.0 & AS 3.0
3D XML driven gallery with perspective, depth, items zooming and coloring. Flash 8, Flash CS3, Flash CS4 and above / ActionScript 2.0 and ActionScript 3.0 versions included. KEY FEATURES: * XML configuration file easy to setup * Dynamic image mirror * Roll over image coloring * Roll over image zooming * Mouse/keys camera movement speed adjustment * Support for external URLs and browser window resize * Support for image titles and descriptions
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 14.00
Sliding Image Banner XML
Dynamic XML slideshow / image rotator for web sites. You can change duration time, slide speed, button-name-description colors, rounded corner radius and more from XML . Package includes: FLA Opens with: Flash 8, Flash CS3 AS Version: ActionScript 2.0 Viewable with: Flash Player 9 and above
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
Sparkles Revealing Text
In this .FLA i've included the sparkles as an FLV with transparency. To replace the logo/txt with your own assets : just double click mc_txt_or_logo MC in the library. If necessary you can also modify the mask that's on top of the txt/logo layer in this mc. I've also included the .MOV file with transparancy if you would like to rescale or import it with more or less compression. To import the .mov in flash just choose file import video and don't forget to select the "encode alpha channel" option. Included are 3 FLVs with high, medium and low quality. Just replace the mc (with the video) on the stage by the medium or low version in the library.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 4.95
Results 861-880 of 1210