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Results 1-13 of 13
Manages a Java Socket connection. Written originally for a network game where both client and server programs were massively multi-threaded. Given an active Socket, the program keeps writes from multiple threads organized and makes read data available on a dedicated thread. Thoroughly Javadoc'ed. Code deals with the threads needed to use a socket as well as the threads that may want to write to the socket simultaneously. Provides a thread to read from the socket. Gracefully handles the many problems and failures than can beset socket connections. Useful as is and can serve as a good example of programming with sockets. A test program is provided that establishes a connection and feeds data both ways.
(0 ratings)
jurlmap is a Java library for enabling your Web apps to have clean, REST-like URLs. Some of its features are a simple pattern language for brevity and convenience, direct binding of parameters to bean properties or method parameters, and configuration in plain Java and annotations.
(0 ratings)
jReCo (JSF Rendering Controller, User authorizer) is a rule engine for JSF applications. It provides clear and simple way for managing rendering state of application components. jReCo lives in JSF application context. Based on defined rules it modifies the state of components. jReCo Rules use Java like syntax and are stored in separate files. From application point of view there is no need to write any rendering logic in Java or JSF code. All is taken care externally by jReCo. Using jReCo allows developers to separate rule based rendering logic from the rest of the application. It makes the application better structured and more readable. The rule definitions can be updated during application runtime without the need to restart the server. jReCo is extendable by registering Java methods within jReCo�s syntax.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 1,000.00
JSP - An Introduction
In this JSP tutorial you will learn about JSP - An Introduction, Usage of JSP, Simplifies the process of development, Independency of Layers and Simplification of Process.JSP stands for Java Server Pages. JSP was developed by Sun Microsystems and this is a technology based on the Java language and thus an object-oriented language. In this section let us see an introduction to JSP and its features.
(0 ratings)
Steps for Setting - JSP Environment
In this JSP Tutorial you will learn about Steps for Setting - JSP Environment in Microsoft Windows, Setting the PATH and CLASSPATH, Steps for downloading and installing the Tomcat web server.The Java Server Page or JSP for short is easy to afford in terms of cost as most of the software needed for it is easily available for free or at low cost. Some to mention are namely.
(0 ratings)
Google:map JSP Taglibrary
The Google:map JSP Taglibrary allows you to create fully functional GoogleMaps™ on your website with no javascript or AJAX coding, and no need to spend valuable time learning the API. Integrate with JSTL to create dynamic database driven maps. Includes geolocation for US and International street addresses and IP addresses.
(0 ratings)
Stock Market Quote Boxes and Tickers
If you need index, mutual funds or stock quotes and tickers for website content (in any time interval) StockApplets has a low price solution. No monthly fees you purchase a license for the code apps that uses Yahoo's Data feed. Quote boxes, tickers, watchlists in any color format.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 50.00
Jerly (J-Earley)
Jerly (J-Earley) is a Java implementation of Earley's syntactic parser. With this algorithm you can decide whether a word can be generated by a given grammar or not.
(3 ratings)
Dynamic Web Data Analysis: A Design Approach
Learn about an adaptable approach which separates programming tasks from Web page design tasks. This strong conceptual model encourages good design, enables re-use of data definitions, and is well-suited to the construction of dynamic user interfaces. The authors also illustrate the particular challenges you might encounter when you dynamically change the analysis performed by Web pages.
(0 ratings)
Remote Scripting for Java-based Web Application
Remote Scripting allows browser to call server functions without refresh the whole page. Javascript in client side makes calls to Java functions in server side, refreshes part of the page components, such as select options, div innerHTML etc. It works like RPC for java based web application.
(0 ratings)
Free portable application for publication vector and raster maps to Internet and interactive viewing on web browsers. It supports the complex rendering architecture, the unlimited navigation and allows working with multiple layers, thematic maps, hyperlinked features and attribute data.
(9 ratings)
OOAD@Whiz comprises of 5 Mock Tests (275 Questions) on the latest pattern of IBM UML Certification (Test 486). The salient features include High level of customization, Detailed explanation, Quick revision tips, scorer of the month.
(0 ratings)
JSP Electronic Library System
Electronic version of library system which allow searching, borrow, return and reserver for various library items (include book, magazine, CD). This project will use UML for Object Oriented Analysis and Deisgn. And J2EE (JSP, Servlet and JDBC) for the implementation. mySQL will be used as database server.
(15 ratings)
Results 1-13 of 13