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Results 201-220 of 266
1-Click Easy Drop-Down Menues
posted bysupportinMenus
This simple script creates a drop-down menu that opens pages on a single click when selected from the menu. Pages can open in the same window, a new window, or a target frame. Very easy install, and great for tight spots where you need a menu.
(18 ratings)
posted bytzqianginMenus
jsDOMenu is a cross-browser navigation menu that is based on DOM. The menu will pop up when you left/right click in certain regions in your web page. You can also configure it to be absolutely positioned, fixed positioned (does not move with the page during scrolling) or statically positioned. It supports unlimited submenus, and submenu will adjust its position appropriately if the cursor is too near the edge. jsDOMenu is 100% HTML/ XHTML valid, and is fully customizable through CSS. Horizontal menu bars are possible by installing jsDOMenuBar. Every menu item can have an icon shown before the display text. Tested and works in many browsers such as Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox/Firebird, Netscape, Opera, Safari, Camino and Microsoft Internet Explorer.
(99 ratings)
Floating Menu Script
This cross-browser menu stays static on the left hand corner of the browser via a gentle "floating" action when the page is scrolled. The result is an non-abrupt, smooth transition to reappearing into view for the menu.
(29 ratings)
Trail Menu
posted bysupportinMenus
Create menus with a nice mouseover trail effect! You can use any image as a trail picture that will follow every mouse movement. The menu are fast, smooth, and very easy-to-use.
(12 ratings)
PriceUSD 14.95
Top Navigational Bar
A drop down navigational bar script that sits at the top of your page. Works in all DHTML browsers- IE4+, NS6+, Opera6+.
(12 ratings)
Apycom Web Menus and Buttons
posted bysupportinMenus
Apycom Java Menus and Buttons is a ready-made, professional solution that allows webmasters to create superior navigation systems for their websites. Drop down and pull down menus, animated menus with killer visual effects, flat and 3d tabs, XP-style menus and buttons - all this lets you develop a cross-browser web interface of any complexity and appearance. No any javascript or java experience required. Comes with over 100 pre-designed templates.
(12 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.95
SoftDrawer Menu
posted bytripoliinMenus
SoftDrawer jsMenu is an advanced javascript menu. It offers not only a lot of interesting and customizable features like cool animation effects but also full cross-browser compatibility and the easiest way to setup and configure your javascript menu.
(6 ratings)
Flash Site Navigation Menu
posted bysupportinMenus
Flash Site Navigation Menu is a highly configurable web site navigation solution for small sites. Menu structure and visual appearance are defined through an XML file. Small, highly performance, and easy to use. It can be either vertical or horizontal.
(4 ratings)
XP Drop Down Menu
posted bysupportinMenus
XP Drop Down Menu is an extremely powerful drop-down menu solution for your web site. In contrast to other drop down menus available in Web, the XP Drop Down Menu can overlap not only HTML contents but also can drop out on top of any frame, form, flash animation and even from the browser window. Due to its highly user-configurability you can fully adopt a menu appearance to fit any XP theme. The menu also supports unlimited number of submenus, javascript calls, target frames and multiple button types. Small, highly performance, and easy-to-use. Java source code is available.
(24 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.95
N-level Context menu
posted bywsabstractinMenus
This is a versatile context (right click) menu script that supports multiple levels of submenus! Script requires IE to work, though degrades well with others.
(6 ratings)
JSFX Float Menu
posted bywebmasterinMenus
This script allows your menu to stay in view even when the page is scrolled. Instead of trying to make the menu "static" the script gently floats the menu back into view as the page scrolls. The script can be used to float images or any other valid HTML content.
(12 ratings)
Menu Generator 2.1
posted bylukeinMenus
Dynamic dropdown menus - fully configurable - no limitations! Easy to configure and fast to use. Complete manual and example included. Supports now "multiple menus", "windows look-and-feel", "fastest event-handling" and a lot more. Version 2.1 fixes some problems with IE5 and contains the new feature "autoscrolling"!
(198 ratings)
Navigation Bar Tabs
posted bysupportinMenus
Navigation Bar Tabs provide an obvious and friendly tabbed interface for your site, very familiar to most visitors. The script gives you a quantity of tab sorts - from simple border tabs to Windows-like 3D tabs. You can change colors, fonts, icons, sounds, apply javascript calls, can use the tabs both with frames and w/o frames. Small and very easy-to-use. Java source code is available.
(18 ratings)
PriceUSD 19.95
HV Menu
posted bywsabstractinMenus
A robust muti-level menu script that can be laid out both horizontally and vertically. Works in all major DHTML browsers.
(15 ratings)
GDevResources Floating HoverMenu
posted bygraferinMenus
This DHTML script allows you to pop open a link menu by placing your mouse over any tag that supports the mouseover event. When you do, it opens a menu next to your cursor/page element that will stay open for a specified amount of time (you set the time in seconds). You also define the width, height, links, title, colors, and where you want the box to appear relative to your cursor (Top-Left, Bottom-Left, Bottom-Right, or Top-Right). You can add this menu anywhere you like within the HTML page.
(3 ratings)
Aqua style menu bar
posted byanakininMenus
Little script that creates a Apple Aqua style menu bar for navigation. Not perfect because straight forward but it works.
(6 ratings)
Free DHTML Top Menu Script
posted bysupportinMenus
DHTML Top Menu is a highly configurable free web menu. The script requires only one external .js file to run, which you'll need to download and put into your webpage directory.
(3 ratings)
Slide-In Menu Bar
A cool menu bar that automatically slides open from the left edge of the screen as the surfer moves the mouse over it. Moving the mouse out will cause it the bar to slide back in. Browsers other than NS 4+ and IE 4+ will simply see nothing.
(7 ratings)
Fold-out external menu
A slide-out menu that uses an external HTML page as its content, making updating it a breeze. It automatically slides open from the left edge of the screen as the mouse moves over it.
(3 ratings)
posted byjsinfoinMenus
One of the most popular and commonly used navigation controls in the desktop applications, the outlook bar is now available for you to be easily integrated into the site of yours. The content of this very flexible and adjustable control can be controlled through the control file while the look and feel can be tuned and updated using CSS file. The entire integration process can be completed in minutes and doesnt require any JavaScript knowledge from prospective user.
(3 ratings)
Results 201-220 of 266