Windows & Frames
eLouai's Right Click Popup Menu
posted byelouaiinWindows & Frames
Easily implement your own right click (context menu) popup menu in javascript and dhtml by using our basic script as a template. Cross browser compatible on both NN6+ and IE4+
Spinning Popups
posted byeNichesinWindows & Frames
Spinning Popup Generator is an amazing, new, breakthrough type DHTML PopUp Windows-based software (with MASTER Resale Rights Included, so you can make money reselling it!). The spinning PopUps actually come out of nowhere from your web page and spins its way into view over the page, always on top! This will demand your visitors' instant and full attention. These Spinning Popups cannot be blocked by Popup Blockers! See them grow from nothing into full size in an amazing and spectacular spinning motion!
A Spinning PopUp loads inside of an iframe window and is dynamically positioned over the rest of the page so that it's always on top. Since you can load any type of URL in an iframe, you can feature any web page of your choice in a Spinning PopUp.
You can also set the width, height, and border styling for the PopUp. Choose any size width and height (in pixels) and any border color along with any one of multiple border styles and thickness.
All of the coding is done for you automatically... you simply make a few selections, click to have your code instantly generated for you, then copy and paste to add the amazing new Spinning Popups to your web page! Check my site for examples, info and screenshots! [Requires viewing with an IE 5.5 or greater browser to be able to see the spinning motions.]
Wednus Window
posted bysundewinWindows & Frames
Wednus Window is an unique DHTML Web-Application Windowing System on GPL. It shells your websites/web-applications with fully customizable DHTML window objects. User can change its skin, so it can goes well with any website layouts.
Wednus Window is a true cross-browser DHTML platform with supporting any modern DOM-supporting browsers such as IE, Mozilla(Firefox), Opera and KHTML based browsers including Safari. Visit our home and check the screenshots, and let's rock your web applicatioins!
JavaScript - Cross Browser Modal Dialog Box
posted byinfoinWindows & Frames
Learn how to create standard windows modal dialog boxes using JavaScript. This is a cross-browser solution that does not rely on the showModalDialog() method.
JavaScript Popup Creator
posted bytriquiinWindows & Frames
Javascript function that creates a popup fully costumizable: you decide width, height, url, name, plus some important attributes like scrollbars, option to resize, status bar, location, toolbars. The popup is automatically centered in your screen. Simple cut and paste code, no need to digit a single line, just insert this function in your HTML and go.
JK Popup Window Generator
posted bywsabstractinWindows & Frames
Use this tool to easily create popup or popunder windows. Control how the window will look, and precisely how often it pops up (ie: once per browser session, once a day etc).
Time controlled Popunder window
posted bywsabstractinWindows & Frames
This versatile popunder window script allows you to precisely control how often the window pops under, in terms of "once every x hours".
Window Switcher
posted byvittorio@hsinWindows & Frames
This script will present to the Visitor the link "Comments" that opens a Pop Up... from here he will be able to click on another link to replace the Main window and to close Pop Up itself at the same time. The function "Error Manager" will also be presented.
[Of course pop up controls, in any privacy program, must be offset for running this script].
The script is crossbrowsers
Iframes SSI script II
posted bydynamicdriveinWindows & Frames
This script automatically resizes a IFRAME to be the exact height of the content contained inside it, and auto adjusts if the content inside changes.
mdbScripts - Pop Up Window Wizard
posted bymarkus00inWindows & Frames
Use our comprehensive pop up wizard to set window attributes (menu bar, tool bar, location, directories, status bar, scroll bar, resizable), window size, window location and launch methods for all of your pop up windows. Many other free tools as well.
Iframes SSI script
posted bydynamicdriveinWindows & Frames
Want to dynamically include the contents of another page onto the current using client side means? This script uses the IFRAME tag, and by automatically resizing it based on the actual height of the containing page, allows you to seamlessly display external content on your page.
Floating iFrame
posted bydynamicdriveinWindows & Frames
This script creates a floating iframe, so the iframe stays static and always in view even when the page is scrolled. Display content from a separate page prominently using it.
WinLIKE Web Window Manager
posted byceitoninWindows & Frames
WinLIKE is the first professional Window-Manager for web browsers. With WinLIKE, web applications, websites and portals can contain little windows - like you are used to from your desktop. WinLIKE is based on DHTML and is only 27 kB big. It works without any plugins in the Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 and Netscape Navigator 6.1 or higher and other related browsers (Mozilla 0.92, Firebird 0.7, Camino, Avant etc.) and also Lynx or search engines. Neither web servers or databases nor script languages like ASP, PHP etc. are needed, but supported. WinLIKE-sites are standard HTML-sites and even work from your hard disk.
Print Page from Different Frame
posted bysupportinWindows & Frames
This simple-to-use script is ideal for use in frameset designs, where you want to have a link in one page in the frameset print out the content from a page in another frame. The function can print from any
frame in the frameset (that is, from one or more frames).
posted byaakaabinWindows & Frames
CodeThatForm package gives you full control over the windows in browser. You can control the style, appearance, content, positioning and sizing of the window. Creation of the windows never was made easier. But more than that - PRO edition of the CodeThatForm enables users to work with the layers the very same way. You can fully mimic the windows in the layers. Full customization through the CSS, dynamic operations and more hot stuff in this package.
Scriptomizers - Popup Window Creator
posted byCBowyerinWindows & Frames
A code generator which creates customized cut-and-paste JavaScript popup windows. Options include the ability to specify the popup's trigger, as well as it's width, height, margin, and which toolbars and menus should be available to the user.
Javascript Window System
posted bychristoddinWindows & Frames
Using Javascript and PHP, we have been able to construct a virtual window environment(VWE). This VWE tries to simulate multiple browser windows inside of a single web page. This allows the visitor the ability to move and resize items on the page.
The user can open windows using the launch pad, and those windows can dynamically load php or html documents inside of virtual windows. The user can move, resize, hide, maximize, and close the virtual window. The documents are loaded into the current window, even though the document has completely loaded
Referring URL Probe
posted byhelios_wizardinWindows & Frames
The Referring URL Probe can help keep visitors on your web site longer, especially if you have reached a targeted visitor. How is this possible? The Referring URL Probe control determines if a visitor has accessed one of your web pages directly, or through another site (such as a search engine).
If the control detects that the visitor has directly accessed a web page, or has come from another site, it will display a timed message that the visitor will see. Since you can customize the message, it should be something to the effect of
Collapsible Frame script
posted bydynamicdriveinWindows & Frames
If your site uses frames, a fantastic feature to add would be the ability to collapse/expand a particular frame on user demand. This allows a frame to be tucked away when it's not needed. This script enables you to do just that, and is functional in both IE4+ and NS6+.
Popup Window Maker
posted byjavascript.guideinWindows & Frames
Use this tool to create a JavaScript script that automatically displays a popup window when the page loads. You tell it which page to display, along with several configurable properties. It uses cookies to limit the number of times your users will get the popup window while visiting your site.