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Content Management

Collection of commercial, free and open source PHP Content Management Systems (CMS). CMS scripts allow you to manage the content of your Web Site by providing an interface to add, edit and delete content easily. Some CMS are database-driven while others will store content in plain text file or in XML format.
Results 61-80 of 490
Web Press Creative GUI CMS Website
Web Press Creative (WPC) is a Content Management System (CMS) website with a new angle on the design. Although WPC is designed to be used primarily as a CMS website, there are some very unique ideas built into it. The development and design is centered at the core of the application in being "globally evolving", meaning as the application becomes more complex and advanced and as additional functions and plug-in's are added to the core design ...
(0 ratings)
Bizplexus System
Bizplexus is packed with amazing features for use as your portal, website builder, or content management system. You can use it to manage many common tasks that occur in the office: appointment scheduling, client management, payment services, document control, messaging, and reporting. You can also use it to manage the frontend of your business, including site contents, storefront, membership, advertising services, and customer support. This integrated solution enables you to operate your business more efficiently.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 299.00
Microweber is a free open source CMS operating on the Drag&Drop technology. It has an unique Real time text writing & editing feature. The PHP is pretty easy and requires on programming whatsoever. You can build your site in mere minutes. Our demo can be accessed at http://demo.microweber.org
(22 ratings)
Investment Script
INVESTMENTSCRIPT supports the following features: - NC (Beautifying url) - forms protection from XSS attacks and robots - registration and authorization - flexible referral system - single and multicurrency balance - user's support module - news, personal notice - own work calendar - separation of presentation from application code (Smarty template engine) Based on this system you can solve almost any task: HYIP, trust management, exchange service, market etc. Payment systems The script works with all major payment systems (PS) and aggregators. Supports manual and automatic input / output. You can add any of PS on request. In addition, possible to use a single local currency (with the completion of any PS) Licence The source code is completely open and can be reformed, appended without the consent of the author. Two main library encoded with Zend and linked to domain. They will work only with the license file. The cost of a license (per domain) - 99 USD
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
CouponPHP 3.2 - Coupon and Deal management script
Start Your own Coupon / Deal website with couponPHP and earn $$$ every time your users shop online. couponPHP is designed to make it as easy as possible to start, maintain and grow your online coupon business. Our built in feed provides thousands of fresh coupons and deals daily, without you having to lift a finger With the built in analytics tools you can monitor every aspect of your user's behavior. Our templates are fully responsive and customizable from the admin panel.
(197 ratings)
PriceUSD 97.00
GamePro - Arcade Manager
GamePro is an extremely powerful content management system designed and developed for arcade websites. Using this software you will be able to start your own money making, popular flash game website immediately! Download Today!
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 79.99
CMSimple_XH is a fast, small, easy-to-use and easy-to-install, modular Content Management System (CMS) that doesn't need a database. Out of the box it offers the minimal functionality to set up and maintain small web sites (up to a few hundred pages at most), but it is easily extendable via plugins. A lot of templates are available which let your site look the way you want it.
(27 ratings)
Fast Feed v1.0
With Fast Feed you can easily manage news entries for an RSS feed - outputs a compliant RSS v2.0 xml file and custom HTML content files that can be used to populate many jQuery plugins and 3rd party news ticker scripts. Supports multiple users and includes one-click archiving to secondary "old news" feed. Features; WYSIWYG editor, optional HTML input, multiple users, user action log, custom date with calendar date picker, publish/unpublish toggle, auto-sort entries oldest-newest or newest-oldest, click-sort, maximum entries setting, auto-generates an RSS v2.0 xml file that can be fed to Twitter or Facebook (rich HTML or plain text), custom search and replace function, optional image upload with disk space quota, CSS customisation, custom HTML output.
(0 ratings)
Fast Warn v1.0
Fast Warn can be used to quickly display an alert box or critical warning message to your website visitors. Also outputs a compliant RSS v2.0 xml file that can be used to push updates automatically to Twitter and Facebook. Supports multiple users, the last of whom is logged so you can see who posted/edited the previous message. Features; WYSIWYG editor, optional HTML input, multiple users, modified date, user log, auto-generates an RSS v2.0 xml file that can be fed to Twitter or Facebook, CSS customisation, custom HTML output.
(0 ratings)
The sole purpose of Sum CMS was to make the process of developing a website much quicker then creating a site from scratch or a theme. Sum CMS is a lightweight CMS just over 5 MB in size! With Sum CMS, you can literally drop it in with little modifications to the existing site and you'll be all set. Sum CMS was design to work around your site structure.
(9 ratings)
Portal CMS Php script
It is a content management system designed to help small businesses around the world create professional looking portal in various fields such as Real Estate, Travel, Automobiles, Product listings, classified listings, etc. The CMS is a revolutionary idea and helps thousands of small business owners in creating a web presence. It is easy to use and has a very simple user interface. Using this CMS gives you complete control on your website where you can add, update and remove listings.
(30 ratings)
PriceUSD 149.00
Fast Logs v1.0
Fast Logs can be used to display and manage all manner of logs, notices and updates in a small or confined space on your website. Auto-pagination (page numbering) and archiving included. Can also be used on a larger scale, for example, to display chapters of a book, user-guide or manual (a page per chapter). Features; WYSIWYG editor, optional HTML input, creation/modified date, publish/unpublish toggle, set how many log entries to show per page, auto-sort , click-sort, CSS customisation, custom HTML output.
(0 ratings)
Balero CMS
Balero CMS provides access to a professional website in just a few minutes. Balero CMS is an open source project that can help you manage the page of your company with just a few guided steps, minimizing the costs that many companies make to have your advertising medium and / or portal.
(3 ratings)
Network39 Article Directory Script
The Network39 Article Directory Script v3 is the ideal solution for those wanting to run a proffessional article directory website similar to Squiddo or Hubpages. Easily build a modern article directory website, without any coding knowledge, in just a few minutes. Every aspect of your article directory website, article authors and articles can be controlled via the administration control panel.
(41 ratings)
PriceUSD 70.00
Nouvelle Innovator CMS
Nouvelle Innovator offers a powerful web framework tool (NICMS) for those who want to manage website in an easy and flexible manner. NICMS is completely secure, fast and reliable. NICMS is a great tool for managing your website in an easy manner without an expert knowledge of just publishing and unpublishing pages ,contents and others.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 100.00
projectCMS is a MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture application written for PHP, Mysql and designed for small and large websites that wants to manage loads of data and wants simplicity. With projectCMS Content Management you are able to create beautiful dynamic website for your clients while you manage some data at backend. Features Friendly Urls (apache mod_rewrite) MVC Architecture Installation Wizard Sha1 Protection Secure, Fast , Smart User Friendly 3 Access Levels (Profile, personal data) Project Management (Unlimited with custom fields) Content Management(pages, posts, themes, plugins) Agenda (Events, to do & assigend tasks) Content Management (Pages, Menu and Settings) Reports System Application Statistics (with charts) Files Manager Guides: Installation, Theme & Plugin Development And moreā€¦
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 16.00
The iXPERT.CMS was programmed for the specific affiliate area, but load is also very good as a news CMS, directory-CMS or games CMS. You can use it quickly and easily for different applications. It is easy to use and has a very simple user interface. Using this CMS gives you complete control on your website where you can add, update and remove articles, links and products. iXPERT.CMS - Special affiliate functions: The link to the offer is always displayed near to the product, so that visitors can quickly get to the page (eg. ideal for browser games websites). In addition, these outgoing links are automatically masked (so that are the affiliate tracking link will be hidden).
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 25.00
Fast Edit BE (Snippet Manager)
Edit multiple web page snippets using Fast Edit BE (Snippet Manager). Edit and save content snippets for your web pages with a WYSIWYG editor. Have as many content snippets, on as many web pages as you like (multiple regions per page). It doesn't matter what page - whether it's on the home page or in a sub-folder, all snippets will be listed in the 'Back-End' Snippet Manager for easy edits, backups and restores. Everything in one place! You can't get much easier than that! Also structure, upload, rename, move and delete your files via the File Manager. And view, zip and download resources via a nifty File Browser.
(0 ratings)
No knowledge of PHP required at all. Take any HTML/CSS template and make it CMS enabled in minutes. Just drop in a few special XHTML tags into your code and watch your static web pages come to life!
(23 ratings)
Windu CMS
Windu CMS is a simple, lightweight (with integrated cache) and fun-to-use website content management software. Ultrafast SQLite database and intuitive administration panel make Windu CMS capable of being installed in less than a minute! Simply upload the files to the server and run the system by creating a new administrator! Windu CMS templates are made in the technology Responsive Design. The system has built-in automatic updater.
(9 ratings)
Results 61-80 of 490