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Email Utilities

Results 61-80 of 83
Acc PHP eMail :: Mailing List Manager
Acc PHP eMail is a email subscription and management script. Manage subscribers them and send newsletters. FREE ONLINE DEMO! Acc PHP eMail :: is easy-to-use newsletter and mailing list manager with powerful personalization and customization features. * No domain limit. You can use the script on unlimited number of domains. * All-In-One Solution: Mailing List Manager, Email Subscription Manager * Intellectual Core: Create your emails in HTML (WYSIWYG editor) * Powerful back-end: Easy-to-work administration tool * Search & Edit users based on email address * Editable preferences for administration * e-Mail address syntax checker * Users can unsubscribe & subscribe at their will * Subscribed conformation letters are emailed & customizable for each mailing list * Import email address from another database * and Much More....
(9 ratings)
PriceEUR 69.00
Spambot Hider
A very easy to use script that allows you to hide your email address from spambots; simply send the image a base64 encoded string of your email address, along with colour information, and the php script returns a decoded image. Looking at the source will also help you learn about the basics of image creation using PHP.
(3 ratings)
Add2it ReferThem Pro
Allow your visitors to e-mail and notify associates or friends about your website. Download this script and start promoting your web site today!
(3 ratings)
Aruntx Email Opt-out
The Aruntx Email Opt-out is a robust, reliable analytics tool which excels in the quantity, quality and clarity of the reports it provides. You can view intelligence from real-time or historical data for any single email opt-out request, or all email opt-out requests as a group. Authored by our own Mandingo this is an exquisite hand-chosen luxury software, a 'must-have', with easy installation. Generate opt-out reports and mailing address database exclusion fast, quick and in a hurry. Uses a beautiful flat text database bridge for easy maintenance and back-up. Aruntx Publishing Company is certain that you will enjoy many hours of use with this multi-platform application designed to be used on popular web servers. This application is designed for webmasters who require a robust, reliable analytics tool which excels in the quantity, quality and clarity of the reports it provides. The initial investment of Aruntx Email Opt-out, can be an accumulated asset which can be recovered in the labor hours of monitoring requests for opt-out and translating opt-out data interpretation from further disturbing the peace and tranquility of your client base. Our standard delivery of this item as a member of the Aruntx Online Download On Demand Premium Server Software, is same day.
(6 ratings)
A very cushy mailform
This very versatile mailform can: send mails to different addresses - create autoresponder messages and carboncopies - find out from which country a mail was sent - validate correct completion - be adaptded to any language - be used for any number of websites... You can have a "contact" link on different pages of your website, and each link will lead to a different mailform - but it is the same mailform. Only when linked to from the customer service page it will automatically send the mail to customer service and when linked to from the sales departments page it will send the mail to the sales department. Depending on the link it can also display different preset subjects and messages, create different autoresponder messages, can display labels and error messages in different languages and also present itself in different looks. You can decide if you want users to be able to send attachments, you can also turn on a security captcha.
(3 ratings)
PriceEUR 12.00
PHP Spam Poison (phpwpoison)
The PHP Spam Poison is a page generator that simulates long lists of fake email addresses and links to more fake generated pages. So, when spam-robots (spam spiders) try to harvest email addresses from your website, they get hundreds or thousands of fake email addresses, effectively poisoning their databases with useless data. This spam poisoner was inspired by the WPoison software.
(9 ratings)
Email Gateway
Parse emails and import them into a database using mysql and php. Works with qmail, sendmail, and postfix.
(0 ratings)
Icon Subscriber
A PHP/MYSQL class that manages user subscriptions by topic. Requires double-opt in and includes blacklisting support.
(0 ratings)
Icon "Send To A Friend"
This PHP class is designed to place a link on any page for a user to click on and recommend the site to a friend. The user can then fill in their name and email address as well as their friend's name and email address, and any comments they would like to include with it.
(0 ratings)
Feedback mailer
Feedback mailer gets feedback from a form and sends it directly to the mailbox specified, with proper formatting. It is a little script that gets the subjectwise distinguished feedbacks directly to your mailbox so that they reach you instantly! Features include sender's IP logging, email validation and distinguished formatting based on subject of the feedback. UPDATE: installation made easier on v1.2
(24 ratings)
Tell a Friend By Cgixp Team
A simple php script for sending a link of any webpage to visitors friends. Supports multiple emails.
(4 ratings)
verify email address
Verifies that a string looks like a real email address. It may return false for some valid exotic email addresses. To correct this you may want to edit the validate-string to accept more characters.
(21 ratings)
easy to use with your php code... Object Base Script, EASY to use with your PHP4/5 script., Support Plain Text, HTML and Plain Text + HTML format., Support multiple reciepients To:, Cc: and Bcc:, Support attach POST & Local file, Auto-detected MIME file type and more...
(18 ratings)
Email Attachments and HTML Support
This class sends email and allows for multiple attachments and text or HTML emails. Simple to use and handles all errors and header complications from the user. Attach files using $email->Attach(
(9 ratings)
GS - Paid Email Scripts
Our Paid to Read Email Script has Paid To Click Section beside Paid for Reading Email, also has Banner Rotator Manager. So you can sell banner impresseion to advertisers. This Script is most widely used by webmasters.
(3 ratings)
Amailer is a PHP/MYSQL script, with amailer you can send anonymous emails. When you send an email the email gets logged, so you can see who is sending what. You can also edit your amailers preferences in the admin area. When you email a person you can either send a PLAIN text or HTML texed email. You can send the same email to as many people you want at the same time. Amailer requires: Mysql/PHP4 or higer PHP4: Needs GLOBAL TO BE ON!
(103 ratings)
vCard generates VCF files for importing personal data into vCard-compatible programs. version 1.x for php 4, version 2.x for php 5
(6 ratings)
lib Multipart mime email
Multipart mime email generator library for PHP. This library enables you to send multipart mime emails with PHP. There are function to read in files, build the format of the email, then you use the created data type and use the standard php mail() function to send it. Instructions are included in the software.
(3 ratings)
Mysql based Exim/QPopper Webadmin
Mysql based Exim/QPopper Webadmin is a program which allows you to administer your mysql based exim/qpopper mail servers. Features include easy installation, remote administration support, multidomain support, easy creation of exim's tables, and the ability to create, edit, and delete user accounts.
(0 ratings)
libMail is a full featured Mail component written in PHP. It features: To, CC, BCC, Attachements (single or multiple); Priority, Organization, Receipt and an email-address checker (can be disabled). Documentation is now available in english and french. libMail is a Cardware - Send the author a mail if you're happy with it.
(3 ratings)
Results 61-80 of 83