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Results 1-5 of 5
Lead Follow-Up Script
This is a free "Lead Follow-Up" PHP script. The script allows your sales staffs to enter sales leads in a database and set the date of a follow-up notification email for each sales lead. The script will email to a staff to remind him of the follow-up on the date he specified in the database. A staff can search, add, view, edit, and delete his/her leads but can not see other staffs' leads. ( The administrator can always view all leads. )
(30 ratings)
Reminder Service Script
You can limit free members to schedule particular number of reminders and allow them to upgrade to pro to schedule more reminders. You can sell banner ads at top and bottom of each page.You can sell top sponsor ads at the top of welcome email, reminder emails and admin emails. You can provide your advertisers with real time stats of impressions and hits. This script is easy to install and comes with a Free Installation so if you need any help in installations we will install it for no extra cost.
(21 ratings)
PriceUSD 67.00
posted byricberwinReminders
Simple to set up, simple to use! Header and footer files are in place to make editing the layout a breeze. The administrative area allows for one-page administration of users. An interactive calendar makes choosing a date as easy as the click of a button! ReminderScript runs with a CRON job so you can set it and forget it! Once you have set up the site, nothing else needs to be done - just wait for users to start signing up!
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 14.95
posted bymeinReminders
phpMailNotification is small and free PHP script that allow to check multi-email accounts and send notification email toward other email account (SMS Gateway) if you have a new messages.
(27 ratings)
E*Reminders is a PHP/MySQL-based program to set up email reminders for special events. It can be set up as an one-time reminder or a recurring reminder, and users can have it notify them in advance.
(31 ratings)
Results 1-5 of 5