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Asp.Net Simple Survey Application

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The companies which are offering variety of services to the customers, they need to get the response from the customers in many forms. By analyzing these responses companies will have an overview of their services and performance.
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The companies which are offering variety of services to the customers, they need to get the response from the customers in many forms. By analyzing these responses companies will have an overview of their services and performance. The surveys or polls are very much important in different situation and organizations. for examples, consider a company is selling different products in the market. If they want to know the product usage and end user satisfaction they will conduct a simple survey among the users after collecting most of the public responses, they start analyzing these response in different angles like, What is usage percentage of this product among the people. How often people are purchasing this product Public satisfaction index and etc. Here I am going to brief you out how to create and manage the application from asp.net

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Submitted on
26th December 2012
Last Updated
29th December 2012
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Free for everyone

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