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csSearchPro :: Easy web based site search tool!

Rated4.5/5 (474 ratings)
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csSearchPro is a powerful web site search engine.
Product Details

csSearchPro is a powerful web site search engine. Features: Include or Exclude different files based on their extension; An easy to use web based management screen; Fully automated installation; full page indexing for faster searches (ideal for large websites); Supports Unix as well as Windows; Improved ability to parse your web pages that contain server side includes; Customizable font, color, and size of the text in the search results; Custom templates for displaying search results; and Ability to have your affiliate sites remotely search your web site; Ability to have results open on the same page or in popup window; Can be set to search file names; Can be set to ignore BODY text when searching, and more.

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Submitted on
10th July 2001
Last Updated
27th October 2008
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