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Manage styles

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In this video, we wrapped up our quick introduction to CSS.
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In this video, we wrapped up our quick introduction to CSS. In the upcoming videos we will cover more about CSS but within specific ASP.NET videos as we see fit. Here, we are concentrating on specific actions or events that could happen on a table or a link. We added styles for a link, then we added more styles to adjust the link when the user visit the link or hover over it. We added similar styles to handle the tables when the user hovers over rows or columns. At the end, we looked at how to manage styles visually. Under the view menu, we can load the “Manage styles” tab that lists all the styles available on the page. After that, we can right click on a style and load it in a dialog box that contains all the options we can change for that specific style. The nice thing about this dialog box is that you can preview your changes as you are making them.

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Submitted on
12th January 2012
Last Updated
14th January 2012
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