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Quick Screen Capture

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Screen capture, edit image tool
Product Details

Quick Screen Capture is a screen capture and image editing tool that can capture any part of your screen. You can make professional screen shots and save them as bmp, png, pcx,tif,gif or jpg files. Amor Screen Capture can capture the entire screen, a window, program menus, scrolling windows, DirectX sources, DOS screens, digital camera images, and any on-screen activity. With this useful software, you can make screenshots, edit picture, print image and copy the snapshot of screen to clipboard. It can also edit the captured image, and save the image into BMP/JPG/GIF formats. It supports auto saving, copying image to the clipboard. When you capture a lot. it appears very useful. Quick Screen Capture is the must-have, all-in-one screen capture utility.

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Submitted on
22nd May 2006
Last Updated
22nd May 2006
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License Price
USD 25

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