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Listings by softmemo

Please find all the active listings published by softmemo below. Publisher has posted 3 listings. You may click on a listing to visit its detail page to learn more about the listing.

Number of Listings:
Ultimate Survey Wizard Script
This is a survey script to survey, for example, your list to see what products customer would like to see you create next, which or your current products customer would like to buy resale rights to and how much they would be willing to pay, etc.
PriceUSD 46.00
(0 ratings)
Super Help Desk Girl
posted bysoftmemoinHelp Desk
This is a simple help desk script that can turn your ordinary helpdesk to a profit revenue stream. It protects your email address from unscrupulous harvester and enables you to receive 100% support emails.
PriceUSD 46.00
(0 ratings)
Slide Up FX Advertisment Generator
SlideUp Fx Script is a newly-discovered, fast, and customizable slide-up ad creator. The script is designed to increase sales or your opt-in list without any progrmming. The great part of the slide up ad is it is not a popup or hover advertisement.
PriceUSD 46.00
(0 ratings)