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Most Popular Scripts | PHP | Scripts & Programs | File Manipulation

Results 61-80 of 243
Micro File Browser
Micro File Browser is a simple file manager tool. With this tool you can browse the complete directory structure on your web server. It uses CSS to display directory content in a friendly and easy to read format.
(19 ratings)
D-Man (Download Manager)
A PHP4/MySQL download manager that provides a simple and secure way to manage who has access to download your files and which ones. Your download files are kept in a location inaccessible from the web, and session tracking, optionally encrypted passwords, and a variety of user/file group systems ensure only authorized access. You may allow users to create their own accounts and optionally require admin approval. A Credits system can also be used. Email authorized users of specific download updates (such as for programs), or carry forward authorizations from one download to another. Includes many administrative tools and optional registration/license generator and auto payment processor (PayPal) plugins.
(19 ratings)
Price 35.00
Directory lister and file download script (fdscript 1.4)
A clean PHP script that offers you direct access to source code, fully customizable layout and colors via CSS. You can sort entries by name, size or last modified time. The script features easy navigation system with path breadcrumbs, hidden files using regexp masks. You place your own content before file list table (custom header) and pretty print file list.
(19 ratings)
Auto Directory Index PHP Script (AutoIndex)
Makes a table that lists the files in a folder, and lets you access the files and subdirectories. Also includes links to each file, icons for each filetype, and the ability to search for files. It also has the option to log access to files and folders and includes a built in anti-leech system.
(18 ratings)
Show Zip Files
A very simple php script that helps make your zip files available for download on your website. It can serve as the basis for a self updating photo gallery. To make a zip file available for download, simply upload it to the same directory as the php file containing this script.
(18 ratings)
Linklok For Clickbank
Allows secure access to your digital products (software, eBooks etc) after a successful transaction on Clickbank. Linklok's proprietary security system ensures that your thank you (download) page cannot be reused, bookmarked or shared in any way. Download links are time limited and also cannot be shared. Many systems simply claim to be 'Hacker Proof' but we think that Linklok is the most secure system available for Clickbank. Can also email secure download links to buyer. No database or cookies required. Setup in 5 minutes. Versions also available for other payment processors. Now has support for Amazon S3, Dropbox, Aweber, Sendgrid, Sitelok and PDF Watermarking..
(18 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.95
PhpCommander is a web-based file manager that manage your web acount without any FTP access. Currently PhpCommander can: create directories, create files, copy, move, delete and rename files and folders, upload files, download files, view and edit the contents of the files, edit HTML files in WYSIWYG mode, communicate in English, German, Spanish, French, Dutch, Polish, Czech, Danish and other languages.
(18 ratings)
PDF Converter for HTML and Postscript
This script is 100% FREE for commercial AND non-commercial use! Render pages as PDF documents or PostScript files. Options available for FPdf generation, form processing, PDFLib support, and many more! Lengthy documentation is available for developers.
(18 ratings)
Free PHP Web Based FTP Client
phpWebFTP offers a way of connecting to you FTP server, even when you are behind a firewall or proxy not allowing traffic to FTP servers. This is very common in business networks. phpWebFTP overcomes this issue by making a FTP connection from your webserver to your FTP server and transfering the files from this web server to your webclient over the standard http protocol. phpWebFTP is free software and the source is available under GNU license.
(18 ratings)
Advanced Upload and Email
This is the advanced upload and email script. Features include 1) File upload 2) Upload via Url(Unlimited File Size) 3) Email files 4) Email Files as attachments 5) Zip and email files 6) Split Files 7) Join Files 8) Compare files using md5 9) Edit Email
(18 ratings)
Php Bitcoin Pay - paid per download site PPD Script
Use Pay Per Download php mysql script for your files and for any other digital content of your website online. Make bitcoin money. Your website visitors will need to send you a set amount of cryptocoins for every file download, which they make from your website.
(18 ratings)
dirLIST - PHP Directory Lister
posted byhamdiyainUtilities
dirLIST displays files and folders in a given HTTP/FTP directory. It has a wonderful interface with choice of Thumbnail or List view along with gorgeous icons for different file types. Includes a sleek gallery, web based mp3 player, file admin + more. Very simple to setup! Some of dirLIST's key features: - List all the files and folders in a given HTTP or FTP directory - Image gallery for viewing image files - Media player for playing MP3 files in your browser - Thumbnail or classic list view of files and folders - Admin feature to enable file and folder deletion and renaming - 4 interface languages; English, French, German and Spanish - File icons - Force download speed limit - File uploads (file type banning and auto file rename) - Show the sizes of folders and files - Sort content based on name, size or upload date (users can choose aswell) - Ability to hide certain files and folders (and specific extensions) - User customizable
(16 ratings)
PHP Multifile Uploader with Progress Bar
The PHP Multifile Upload script provided here is extremely easy to install. It allows the upload of multiple files at a time and shows the progress with a customizable AJAX progress bar. The HTML form which comes with the script allows to dynamically add inputs for new files. The script comes with detailed instructions how to configure PHP correctly for file uploads. Freeware.
(16 ratings)
Owl Intranet Engine
Owl is a multi user document repository (knowledgebase) system written in PHP for publishing of files/documents onto the web for a corporation, small buisness, group of people, or just for yourself. Owl is written in PHP and stores its data in a MySQL database.
(15 ratings)
File manager that works with the file system on your webserver. Use it as an instant intranet. Features: browse directories, create and edit text files, create dirs, rename files and dirs, copy, move and delete files and dirs (recursively), search for file names and full-text (with index in MySQL db, optional), sitemap, annotate dirs and files (Apache-compatible), automatic setting of access rights with FTP (optional), languages: english, german, clear user interface, customizable, and more.
(15 ratings)
iScripts Backuper - Private label online backup platform
iScripts Backuper is an innovative online data backup platform that enables users to create their own online data backup service. The software platform includes both private branded server software and desktop application for the end users. This entire system allows entrepreneurs and service providers to offer their own data backup service to consumers and small businesses. The business created using this proven platform would be similar to mozy, carbonite, iDrive etc.. The desktop client allows end users to backup in a secure, automated manner to YOUR server.This software clone user data to any PC after a computer crash through an internet connection.
(15 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.95
The w3easyAdmin is a multifunctional application to administer your website online. Basically it contains functions to manage files and folders and to edit files containing text as well as code. With this tool you can handle uploads, chmod files and even back up important files of your site. Moreover the w3easyAdmin lets you easily integrate advanced and well proven external open source applications like the CKEditor (wysiwyg editor), the KCFinder (file and folder manager, uploader and image previewer), PHFTP (online ftp manager), a text encryption script and our w3easyProtect script (.htaccess directory protection). The integration works by simply adding the respective script folder, in some cases you have to adjust some settings or to specify some paths.
(15 ratings)
Digital Download
This class can serve files for download with codes given to users. It looks up in database for codes associated to files to be made available for download to users that enter such codes in the Web site. The class serves the file associated to a code and it keeps track of the number of downloads. The files may optionally be served only a limited number of times or for a limited period of time. The class can also generate PDF documents as labels with the download codes written in them over custom logo images. The labels can be printed so they can be used to distribute the download codes to the users in printed materials.
(14 ratings)
SSBackUp (Server Side BackUp) - BackUps Become Easy - Cover Image
SSBackUp (Server Side BackUp) - BackUps Become Easy
SSBackUp (Server Side BackUp) performs full backups of your website and stores them in separate folder of your server. When backups are created you can easily download or delete them. You do not need a ftp client! All operations can be performed using SSBackUp. SSBackUp excludes previous backups during the backup so that the final backup is not too large. Backups are sorted by date so the last backup performed is the first on the list. You can exclude folders and/or change the default dates format and configure SSBackUp as you like in the settings panel. All functions are divided in modules (panels) so you can use them only if you need. An automated procedure helps you to have SSBackUp installed without particular technician skills. Now it is multilingual, currently only Italian and English are available, others later.
(13 ratings)
enCode eXplorer
enCode eXplorer is a file browser written in PHP, XHTML and CSS. It displays the list of files in a folder. It was designed to be used in safe mode and so it is kept simple and functional. Uses only a single PHP file so it is very convenient to manage. * Files can be sorted by name, size and editing time * You can move in folders * Design uses CSS. * You can upload files (needs PHP full mode) * Displays the total size of files and the remaining space * You can hide files and folders from the list * XHTML 1.0 Strict
(12 ratings)
Results 61-80 of 243