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New Scripts | JavaScript | Scripts & Programs | Forms

Results 161-180 of 231
PickList script
posted bywsabstractinForms
PickList creates two form selection boxes, and allows the user to easily transfer items from one box to another via "back" and "forth" buttons.
(3 ratings)
cr:Combobox is a pure DHTML Combobox Behavior control for Internet Explorer 6. It features blazingly fast loading, autocomplete, autosuggest and multiple styles like Windows Classic, Windows XP, and Office XP. It is 100% client based thus server independant. Its very easy to use and comes with lots of examples.
(6 ratings)
Javascript Get Variables
posted byfcharruainForms
This function allows you to read form variables from static HTML. Combined with the document.write() method, you can actually add dynamic content to regular HTML. Given a choice, server side processing of form variables is preferable.
(37 ratings)
posted bydanereinForms
DynaTable is an API that enables the dynamic entry of repeating datasets in modern browsers. The API consists of a number of classes that enable the implementation of functionally rich client-based data entry forms, without requiring any special plugins or additional authoring software.
(6 ratings)
Flooble Hierarchical Select Menu
posted bylevikinForms
Traditional HTML Select Menus aren't very good for presenting Hierarchical data, and this script was made to address that need. It allows you to build a Select-like Menu, which can contain any number of Sub-Menus, of infinite depth, so you can let your visitor drill down to the item they want instead of scrolling for it. The new control ties to a Hidden form field, so the selected value is submitted as normal. Works with all major browsers.
(6 ratings)
Form Guard
posted byxininForms
Easy-to-use functions to check credit card, email address, phone, username, date, date range, number, decimal and number range.
(9 ratings)
Filter Large Select Lists
posted bypatinForms
If you have a very large HTML SELECT list, finding the correct item can be like looking for a needle in a haystack. For example, if you have a list of a couple hundred names, finding a single one can be difficult. This article provides a JavaScript technique for filtering the items in a select list so that only the matching items are shown, making it much easier to locate the desired item.
(117 ratings)
Block multiple form submission
posted bywsabstractinForms
This useful script prevents a form from being inadvertantly submitted more than once, which often occurs if the user clicks on the "submit" button multiple times before the process is complete. The result is partial or multiple submissions. With this script, the submit button is disabled once it's been pressed the first time.
(12 ratings)
Medley Tool
posted byajayluliainForms
Medley Tool which is also called Selection Tool, where in you have all the available items on the left <SELECT> box and you select all the required items in the right <SELECT> box using four button i.e: ">", ">>", "<", "<<"
(6 ratings)
Pungo Spell
posted bywrcookinForms
Pungo spell is an easy, and more importantly, a FREE way to add a studly spell checker to just about ANY web application. <p> What does it require?<br> ---------------------<br> PHP 4.3.1 (http://www.php.net) or greater with Pspell support enabled. If your system doesn't have pspell/aspell installed, see the pspell source page at http://pspell.sourceforge.net to download it. <p> What browsers does it work with?<br> -------------------------------<br> Only "modern" browsers that support DOM level 2 (http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/) are supported. MSIE 5.5+, Opera 7.2+, NS 6+ should work fine for you. Your mileage may vary.
(0 ratings)
Color Picker
posted bylevikinForms
The flooble color picker works using DHTML. Unlike other color pickers that pop up a new window and can get blocked by a zealous popup blocker, ours uses a dynamic DIV making it lightning fast! There is also an indicator square that lets your visitor see what color they picked. This free cross browser script has a number of easy integration options: Editable field, Uneditable field and Hidden field - for total control!
(19 ratings)
MX Widgets Suite PHP
posted byproductsinForms
Powerful HTML controls for database binding - For the Dreamweaver MX PHP developers who need to implement enhanced dynamic forms, the MX Widgets Suite offers a powerful alternative to the regular HTML controls. Unlike standard MX forms development, that requires manual coding to implement the application logic, our product relies on the power of the server side language and JavaScript to enforce an accurate and user friendly forms completion. MX Widgets supports: ColdFusion, PHP and ASP VBScript. Features: --Editable Dropdown; --Dependent Dropdown; --Date Picker; --Comma separated Menu; --Comma separated checkbox; --A total of 13 different widgets; --Multiple browser compliance; --PHP, ColdFusion and ASP support; --Compatibility with all Dreamweaver form generators.
(1 ratings)
Disable "Enter" key in form script
Is the user pressing the "Enter" key in the middle of your form causing inadvertent and incomplete form submissions? This script disable the "Enter" key when pressed inside chosen fields of your choice. Moreover, it then advances the cursor to the next field within the form.
(24 ratings)
Select Menu 3 ... Switch at will
posted byxininForms
Group and split your long option list into some short sub-lists and switch between them with ease.
(3 ratings)
posted byweb.managerinForms
FormCheck is a generic script which will check and verify that mandatory fields are filled in before form submission. If one or more of the required fields are empty. A popup dialog will appear showing the omitted fields.
(6 ratings)
BlueShoes Slider Widget
Slider control to use as form field or for whatever you like. Much nicer than an input field where a user can type in a number from 0 to 10, to 100 or whatever. many features, check the web page. Features: Primade skins or design your own. Set min- and max value. Set the interval and default value. User can change the value by: sliding, clicking, clicking arrow buttons, type in a value, mouse wheel or use an api function. Attach onchange events. Horizontal and vertical slider.
(6 ratings)
Clear default form value script
posted bywsabstractinForms
Use this script to automatically clear the default value of any form's input field when the mouse sets focus on it. This script intelligently distinguishes between default and user-entered text, and clears only the former on mouse focus.
(12 ratings)
Form2Popup script
posted bywsabstractinForms
This useful script allows you to target a form's submission to a new customizable window, so the original page does not change once the "submit" button is pressed. Instead, a customizable pop up window is launched containing the destination page.
(9 ratings)
JavaScript Form validations made easy
posted byjsctinForms
Client side java script is the efficient way to validate the user input in web forms. It gives the response immediately and reduces the server load. But, when there are many forms in the project and when the forms are long, writing the form validations becomes a daunting, repetitive task. Save yourself from coding long validations for your forms. Here is a simple, powerful form validation code. Using this code, you can do the common form validations in a snap.
(18 ratings)
Email Validator
posted byjsfxinForms
Use this JavaScript to validate Email addresses on the client-side. To validate an Email address, use the function in the following manner: isEmail(someEmailAddress). The function returns true if the Email is valid, else the function returns false. The isEmail() function does not use regular expressions while the isEmail2() function uses regular expression for validation.
(12 ratings)
Results 161-180 of 231