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Results 681-682 of 682
Sitemap generator class
This class can be used to generate multiple sitemaps crawling sites. It can crawl one or more sites to retrieve its pages and follow links recursively and determine the addresses of all pages to include in a XML sitemap. It can ignore given URLs to avoid crawling and including in the sitemap. The class uses the Curl extension multi-request support to retrieve multiple site pages at the same time. You can also notify such services as Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask and Moreover about your sitemap update. The class may also notify Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask and Weblogs when the sitemap is updated.
(12 ratings)
Moonlightchest Sitemap Generator V2.0
If you are looking for a free and easy to use sitemap generator that can generate Google and Yahoo sitemaps for your search engine submission, Moonlightchest Sitemap Generator V2.0 is what you are looking for. Moonlightchest Sitemap Generator V2.0 is written in ASP. It creates a simple Google XML sitemap and a Yahoo plain text sitemap in one go. The pro of this generator is, by recognizing the meta tags found on your web pages, it will not list down those include files, admin web pages and etc. on your sitemap file. The con is, your web pages needs to be tidy with the necessary standardized meta tags on all your content pages. So, it will not work well if your web site is unkempt.
(3 ratings)
Results 681-682 of 682