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Listings Tagged to  "MariaDB"

Results 41-43 of 43
Composr CMS - Cover Image
Composr CMS
A CMS with many social media features for sophisticated sites. Composr supports many types of content (galleries, news/newsletters, etc.) - and integrating rich media and advertising into them. Social features include forums, member blogs, chat rooms, wiki, and content commenting/rating. Composr lets you decide exactly how your site will look and behave. Features are plentiful, well integrated, and optional. Out-of-the-box your site will meet the highest accessibility and professional standards.
(679 ratings)
Group-Office groupware and CRM - Cover Image
Group-Office groupware and CRM
Take your office online. Share projects, calendars, files and e-mail online with co-workers and clients. Easy to use and fully customizable, Group-Office takes online collaboration and CRM to the next level. Synchronize your phone, tablet or outlook with Group-Office to take your office on the road. Recently editing documents with Google docs was added.
(68 ratings)
HotelDruid hotel management system - Cover Image
HotelDruid hotel management system
HotelDruid is designed to manage weekly or daily rental of hotel rooms or house apartments. It uses a MySQL, PostgreSQL or Sqlite database on backend. Reservations can be assigned to a room automatically with user defined rules. Website pages with forms to display and check availability can be created. Statistics reports. Multi-user with groups and privileges system. Printing, saving and emailing of documents and invoices.
(41 ratings)
Results 41-43 of 43