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Results 101-120 of 508
Php Shopping Cart Dreamweaver Extension
DwZone Shopping Cart is a complete e-commerce solution designed for Dreamweaver. This suite of Server Behavios will assit you while developing e-commerce sites. The suppot material is send with the extension. The support material is the complete e-commerce site you can test in out site. Complete with all the php source pages, MySql DataBase backup. The e-commerce site consists of two components: the Frontend component, and the Administration component. List of features: - Multilanguage (enable for 5 different languages)- Add cart - More different cart in the same site - Config cart - Cart repeat region - Show region if cart is empty - Show region if cart is not empty - Add item from link, button and form - Remove item from link, button and checkbox - Empty cart from link, button and Onload page event - Update cart - Redirect if cart is empty - Redirect if cart is not empty - Setup Discount, shipping, Taxes - Insert order in DataBase
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 46.00
Php Server Side Form Validate Dreamweaver Extension
This Server Behavior let's you create a professional server side form validation for your HTML pages and is created for people don't have any programming experiences.With this behavior You don't need write any code and you can create your form validation quickly and easy.The validation Server Side remove all the incompatibility problem between the various browser type and version. And when you validate on the server you can be sure nobody will be able to by-pass your validation setupand you will never find problem with customers with JavaScript disabled.This behavior support this type of form fields and this validations:- Text, Hidden - Required - Alphanumeric - Alphabetic - Integer - Float - List of acceptable chars - List of unacceptable chars - Regular expression (with library list customizable) - Email - Date - Time - Equal to other form field - Min. lenght - Max. length - One of them- Radio - One of them - If checked a form field must be filled- Checkbox
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 25.00
Php Send Mail Dreamweaver Extension
Php Send Mail lets you send e-mail from your web pages. The extension work with Ajax to lock the form controls you have in the page to prevent a multiple form submit during the send mail process and use Ajax to send the mail and to update the progress bar to have a more usefull progress update Available features: - Send e-mail from form and/or from recordset. - Progress Bar on e-mail sending. - Get parameters from any recordset you have in the page - Support for Html or plain text body text, e-mail priority, Cc list, Bcc list, return receipt, reply-to. - Support to get body text from file or from form field or from recordset field or write yourself. - Get the body text from a dynamic page from your site or from any domain - Support for embedded images - Support for attached files (List of files and/or all files in folder) - Get the path of the files to send from the recordset's fields - Support for replace string in body text to personalize e-mail body text. - Report error
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 25.00
Php Scheduler Dreamweaver Extension
With this behavior you can insert in your PHP pages an Ajax-Php Scheduler. DwZone scheduler is a jQuery plugin that provides a full-sized, drag & drop calendar. It uses AJAX to fetch events on-the-fly for each month and is easily configured to use your own feed format It is visually customizable and exposes hooks for user-triggered events (like clicking or dragging an event). Features: - View for month, week and day - Repeated events - Support for events category - Private and/or public events - Private Events for single user or user group - Event for all the day or for a selected time range - Change the event time range by resizing the event - Change the day of the event by dragging the event - Custom color for each event - Define your custon header to show navigation buttons and/or custom title - Cool theme (24 included) with an on-line site where create your own theme
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 20.00
Php Recordset Paging Dreamweaver Extension
This Server Behavior is a Dreamweaver extension that allows developers to create different navigation bars for database driven content. Features: - Paging with page number - Paging for Letter, this behavior filter the recordset and create a navigation bar from A to Z - Paging for recordset field, this behavior filter the recordset for a field value in your recordset and create a navigation bar with one link for each value you have in the selected field
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 14.00
Php RandomSort Dreamweaver Extension
Random sort recordset behavior allow you sort a recordset in random mode. You must create a default Dw recordset and with this extension you can display a random sorted fields. Each time the user open the page the extension get a different set of sorted records from your recordset.All without need to write code.
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 18.00
Php Random Recordset Dreamweaver Extension
Random recordset behavior allow you filter a recordset to get a defined random number of records. You must create a default Dw recordset and with this extension you can display a random number of records. Each time the user open the page the extension get a different set of records from your recordset. You can setup a numeric field to weighting such that they would appear more frequently in the "random" selections for the page
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 21.00
Php Qr Code Dreamweaver Extension
With this extension you can insert in your page a QrCode Image Generator. The image can contains dynamic data from your database. QR Code (abbreviated from Quick Response Code) is the trademark for a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional code) first designed for the automotive industry. More recently, the system has become popular outside the industry due to its fast readability and large storage capacity compared to standard UPC barcodes. The code consists of black modules (square dots) arranged in a square pattern on a white background
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 25.00
Php Professional Query Dreamweaver Extension
Professional Query Manager is a grafic design grid to create or modify an SQL statement for Select query. Support for Join Tables, group query and extended criteria. It work like MS ACCESS with some small differences in the syntax.
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 31.00
Php PayPal Dreamweaver Extension
This Server Behavior lets you create a page to setup the PayPal IPN (Instant Payment Notification) request. With this behavior you can verify the validity of the PayPal request on verift the Payer mail, receiver mail, currency, amount and TXN_ID. Each one can be setup for verification or skipped. After the request is correctly validated you can setup all the database transaction you need to finalize the payment, like update order record, create invoice, and others. The transaction can also get value from your own PHP function.This behavior include a send mail module where you can configure the mail you need send to your customer after the PayPal request is process with a different mail body text setup for authorized payment and for unhauthorized payment.With this behavior you can activate a log to detect all the request this page will receive to prevent fraudulent request to this page.You can also define a mail account where send a mail in case the page receive a bad request that cause
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 42.00
Php PasswordEncrypt Dreamweaver Extension
This server behavior let's you encrypt the password on the browser before submit the form to the server.You can use this server behavior in your insert/update page to store encrypted password in the databaseor in login page to encrypt the password before submit the form to the server for users authentication.This behavior can crypt the password with 3 different alghotitm (at your choice on apply):- md4 encrypt method- md5 encrypt method- sha1 encrypt method
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 11.00
Php Option Group List/Menu Dreamweaver Extension
Dynamic OptionGroup List/Menu lets you insert in your web forms list and menu (ComboBox) with the option group tag.The label of the Option Group tag must be in the recordset you use to populate your list/menu form control. The graphic layout of the option group tag can be personalized with a css style.All without need to write code. The same method of the standard List/Menu behavior.
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 15.00
Php NewsTicker Dreamweaver Extension
This server behavior lets you insert a rectangular box in your pages where display a list of news from your recordset with a change behavior between the news. The behaviors disponible are: - Horizontal scroller - Vertical scroller - Fade - TypeWriter - Twinkler - Blinker Can be apply more times in the same page. The news can contains html code and images
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 14.00
Php MultipleUpload Dreamweaver Extension
With this Server Behavior You can upload multiple files to Your site.After the upload you can resize the uploaded images and make thumbnails. Feature list: - No Limit Number of Uploaded file with multiselection of files! - Upload folder in 3 type (Site relative, Absolute and Dynamic) - Auto create non-existent upload directories - Automatically remove invalid chars from filename - Limit File Upload Extension - Limit File Upload Size for each file and for the total upload process - Save Uploaded File Path and size in your Database - Insert one record with all the form fields value and one record for each uploaded files in separate table - Existing Files Conflict Handling (use unique name, overwrite and skip) - Double Progress Bar one for each file and one for the total upload process - Progress bar customizable - Graphic layout customizable (you can create your own layout on duplicate and modify one of the existant)
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 25.00
Php MultipleRecord Dreamweaver Extension
With this Server Behavior You can Insert, Update and delete multiple record at once with a very easy method.The suite contain the "Multiple Record Repeat Region" behavior that can be used to create the multiple insert form with a dynamic client side method that allowe the user to choose how many record insert at the same time or, without use this behavior, you can define the number of record the user can insert.With this server behavior you will receive a form validator behavior to validate multiple record forms elements
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 25.00
Php Multi Column Combo Dreamweaver Extension
This Server Behavior lets you insert a multi-column dropdown list or a multi-column multiple select list item in your page. Features list: - Auto complete and auto scroll on typing the text - Display a format combo-box/listboxes with columns, just like MS Access - No limit in the number of MultiColumnCombo in the same page - No limit in the column number - Select the display method between combo box and multiple select list - Use your own image for the select button - Set the css style for the text field - Set or not the multi selection for the multiple list item - Configure the displayed columns (Header text, value, column width) - Get the value from recordset - Set a pre-defined value from a recordset (for update record page) - Set a the text for the first line of the combo panel - Limit the selection to the recordset list or permit the insertion of free text - Set if display the header of the combo panel - Set the graphic color, bgColor, font-size, font-face
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 18.00
Php MooFlowGallery Dreamweaver Extension
This server behavior lets you creates a photo gallery that looks like Apple's iTunes or Finders. MooFlow is an open source, cross browser coverflow type image gallery powered by MooTool JavaScript framework. MooFlow is packed with flash like features including automatically adding image reflections, full screen viewer and auto resize when user changes window size.Integrating MooFlow in your web page is fairly easy and you can easily customize look and feel of your MooFlow image gallery using CSS. Several options are available which allow you to easily customize its features & functionality. List of Features: - Specify the images to be used in the gallery and their display order - Get the image from: manually select / from folder at run-time / from DataBase - Auto resize with changes in window dimensions - Full screen option - Scrolling with mouse wheel - Scrolling with key input (left and right cursor) - Autoplay presentation loop - Reflections via JavaScript
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 14.00
Php LayerPopUp Dreamweaver Extension
This server Behaviors lets you add inline Layer PopUp in your php pages. Layer PopUp will not be blocked by browser PopUp-Lock. Feature list: - Position, you can place the popup anywhere you like in the page - Resizable or not resizable - Draggable or not draggable - Autoclose - Lock body - Incoming effects - Incoming movement - Outcoming effects - Outcoming movement - Multiple styles for the popup windows
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 14.00
Php Import Export Tools Dreamweaver Extension
The csv and xml format are 2 of the most platform-indipendent compatible file format to exchange (import and/or export) data from different platforms. Now with this server behaviors it's more simple for you add to your sites this type of data exchange and give your users a very simple way to exchange database informations. With this server behavior your users will be able to export data retrieving from recordset or import data to insert new records or update existing records in your database. Import from Csv, from Excel and from Xml with peogress bar This is a group of 8 server behavior that lets you: - Create RSS FEED from recordset - Read RSS FEED and return a recordset - Import from Xml to DataBase table - Export from Recordset to Xml file - Import from Csv to DataBase table - Export from Recordset to Csv file - Import from Excel to DataBase table - Export from Recordset to Excel file - Export from Recordset to Pdf file
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 25.00
Php Image Zoom Dreamweaver Extension
Image zoom is a server behavior that let's you attach to your image a jQuery image zoom utility. Image Zoom works best using two images, one low resolution for the visible image, and one high resolution for the zoomed image. If you only have one image available, Image Zoom will still work if you scale down the image, although this is not recommended as your page load time will increase if you are loading larger images Please ensure your small image is proportionally scaled down from the large image. Features: - Window Zoom, Lens Zoom and Inner Zoom - Window dimension - Window position - Lens Zoom dimension - Variable zoom on mouse scroll - Coloured Tints - Fade-in and fade-out - Easing
(0 ratings)
PriceEUR 15.00
Results 101-120 of 508