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PHP-Nuke Addons

Results 61-80 of 113
Weekly Top 5 Stories
This block for PHP-Nuke is designed to display the top 5 most read stories in the previous week. It also shows number of views and submitters name. This keeps the top 5 stories fresh (<7 days) while also acknowledging the submitter for a great story.
(0 ratings)
Top 5 Submitters Block
This block is designed to acknowledge the input from your top submitting members. It displays the Top 5 Submitters as well as how many submissions they've made. Peace!!!
(0 ratings)
DaDaBIK for PHP-Nuke Vers. 7.1
DaDaBIK Database Interface Module for PHP-Nuke (from version 6.5 onwards, tested on PHP-Nuke 6.x - 7.3) with additional functions such as user authentication and e-mail notification. DaDaBIK is a free PHP application that allows you to easily create a highly customizable Web form interface for a MySQL database in order to search, insert, update and delete records; all you need do is specify a few configuration parameters. -- * The primary-foreign key feature is now complete: it is possible to link a field of a table (foreign key) to a number of fields of another table (containing the primary key). The produced HTML select menu will have the linked field values as "options" and the primary key values as "values". This allow to use a normalized db design. * The "export to CSV" feature has been added: it is now possible to export the current result records to a CSV file. * It is now possible to order result records both in ASC and DESC.
(24 ratings)
4nAlbum Version 0.91 (German & English) for phpNUKE Version 6.5 allows you to offer a (Media) album to your users. Features: categories and subcategories; Web admin; Upload media files for Members/Guests (optional); Limit the Media size; Templates/Design managment; TOP 10; Comment to the media files; Rating; Function to send the Media files as "PostCard" (via PowerCards).
(3 ratings)
This is a php-nuke 6.0 theme that is based on startpages. It doesnt look so much like php-nuke but it is.
(3 ratings)
NukeC Addon Module is addon module built for work on PHP-Nuke. NukeC is an advertising system that allows website visitors or members to sell something by posting the information about the item that they want to sell. With the admin sections, you could easily manage all of contents and preferences in NukeC Modules eventhough you are not a PHP programmer.
(3 ratings)
Homeland Security Threat Level Block
This is a very simple phpnuke block which displays the current Department of Homeland Security Threat Level.
(0 ratings)
NukeSQL 7.3 Web Installer
NukeSQL.php for PHP-Nuke 7.3 with the same security features of the last two installers. Main features include: � Installation of all database tables through a web browser based point & click script � Replace all tables option, allows you to start from scratch if your database tables become corrupted and no backup is available � Upgrade from PHP-Nuke 6.0 (default or with Tom's phpBB port), 6.5, 6.6, 6.7, 6.8, 69, 7.0, 7.1 or 7.2
(162 ratings)
Retro_Fu theme
Remember the old kung fu master? i used to love that game and thats what this theme is based on. its has a really retro look about it, quite a unique theme.
(0 ratings)
NukeWrap is a PHP-Nuke module that enables virtually any web content such as html, scripts (home pages, galleries, shopping carts, php, perl, asp, etc.) to be easily incorporated into your PHP-Nuke site. Just call the NukeWrap module with any URL and it will display it in your PHP-Nuke main area/window. I call it a content wrapper (takes any existing content anywhere and wraps your PostNuke site around it. Uses an iframe which must be supported by the browser and JavaScript to resize the iframe (optional). Now comes with an admin interface and a block to show yor links.
(18 ratings)
The main use that I have found is in setting a module as your Home Page and being able to pass it variables (example: NukeWrap). Under PHP-Nuke Administration, Modules, you can set your Home Page (The module, index.php is pointing to), but that doesn't allow variables to be passed to the module. NukeJump supports both PHP and JavaScript redirects to the module of your choice, or anywhere for that matter. The default is PHP.
(3 ratings)
AutoTheme for PHP-Nuke
Create themes in HTML using your favorite editor, with no use of PHP. Full administration interface. Unlimited block positions (AutoBlocks). Customize every part of your PHP-Nuke site. Configure which blocks display and where, for each page. Features: Custom themes for each Module and Home page, Admin pages, User pages; Custom themes for Left Blocks, Right Blocks, Center Blocks and AutoBlocks; Custom themes for individual blocks by name; Control colors, style sheets and head content for every page; All needed files packaged as a module; Faster execution and render time; Command editor; Language editor. Many Extras (plugins)! Multi-platform for PHP-Nuke, PostNuke, MD-Pro, osCommerce, CRE and WordPress. Themes are portable without modification!
(21 ratings)
Nuke Cops Analyzer
Analyzer from Nuke Cops checks for vulnerable versions of MySQL Server & Client API in addition to PHP module. If any are found Analyzer reports back how to patch them. This script also is a great resource for PHP-Nuke website owners in troubleshooting their original installation or helping in the continual maintenance of the content managemetn system. This script also provides the ability for a directory line listing that also displays file/directory attributes.
(0 ratings)
Golden amp theme nuke 6.0
A brand new theme made for php nuke 6.0 called golden amp. This theme looks good in both 800 by 600res or higher and is fast loading. In this pack you get: the theme.php file, css style sheet, All the graphics, weblinks and downloads graphics.
(3 ratings)
WHA BLOW Theme nuke 6.0
A cooler theme with nice shades of blue and a vibrant orange navbar. This again is a very fast loading theme, small file sizes 37k covers the lot, and the css has been used to hold most of the layout properties. A must have for all nukers.
(3 ratings)
Centipaid php module
The Centipaid php module allows administrators of sites using the php based application such as phpNuke to charge their users nominal fees to access certain sections of their site. It allows for grouping of modules in zones with their own rates and duration. It supports unlimited zones and modules.
(0 ratings)
NukeStyles Contact Plus Module
With our new Contact Plus Module for Nuke 6.0, you will be able to give your visitors or customers a contact form with specific departments and corresponding email addresses. You can also configure the module to show your address and location of your business/residence with up to four phone numbers. This helps visitors or customers to easily find your contact information, which in turn helps to keep them coming back. The form itself detects errors for all three input fields, so you don't get blank emails. The module is controlled easily through the administration area, so no configuring files! It also automatically adds the user's name & email if registered.
(0 ratings)
Search Package
With our new Search block & module, it adds more to the search by letting the user choose what type of search for their query. You can choose between Articles, Comments, Downloads, Reviews, Sections, Users, and Web Links. The module is also rearranged for better appearance, and the block & module work together with named anchors for quick results.
(0 ratings)
Flash-Ticker is a ticker add-on for PHP-Nuke sites. It is designed to put everywhere in your Nuke site a ticker message with a flash movie. An admin page allows you to change the message when you want, linking it to an URL. All previous messages are stored in a text file with hour and date when they were made. Flash-Ticker is now accessible (WAI) with an alternate text message for text browser.
(0 ratings)
Easyup-nuke is an upload module and generating tag for PHP-Nuke sites. It is designed to allow uploading of any type of files to a PHP-Nuke site, such as images (.jpg, .gif, .png), Flash movies (.swf), or other files (.rtf, mp3, etc.). EASYUP-NUKE helps to easily publish upload images and Flash movies into news, content section, box, or anywhere it needs simply generating a complete tag to copy and paste. You can also upload files for the download section.
(3 ratings)
Results 61-80 of 113