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Text Processing

Results 21-40 of 55
FlipText Clone
FlipText Clone allows you to easily start your own Fliptext.org website, and earn adsense and easily integrate it into your website so users can flip their text and place the new text on their profile or any other social networking website.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 14.95
PHP Sugar
A powerful and flexible compilation engine is used which allows for powerful expressions similar to that of PHP itself. It also features a clean and easy to understand syntax, which was created with the average designer in mind
(0 ratings)
G Translate
With over 60% of the online world speaking a language other than English you cant afford to not have a translator on your site. G Translate is easy to use, visitors just click on there country flag and then G Translate interacts directly with the Google API to instantly translate all the text on your web page, as well as all the other pages on your site.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.00
The phpHyphenator is a PHP port of the JavaScript Hyphenator for automatic hyphenation in web pages using soft hyphens. You can use it in a CMS or as AJAX plugin for the MoreCSS JavaScript Framework.
(0 ratings)
Spell Checker - Multi Language
Spell Checker the as you type spell checker, check your spelling on the fly, no more typo's in text areas or web forms. The Spell Checking capabilities of this little script are brilliant it will spot misstypes, typos or spelling mistakes in an instant. Spell Checker works automatically on the fly as you or your website visitors type into either a text input element or textarea within a web form. When typing stops the spell checker will check all of the typed words and if there is any typo's it will give you alternative suggestions.
(0 ratings)
PriceGBP 4.99
Decoda - Lightweight Markup Parser (BB Code) - v2.3
Decoda is a lightweight class that extracts and parses a custom markup language; based on the concept of BB code. Decoda supports all the basic HTML tags and manages special features for making links and emails auto-clickable, using shorthand emails and links, and finally allowing the user to add their own code tags. * Parses custom code to valid (X)HTML markup * Setting to make links and emails auto-clickable * Setting to use shorthand links and emails * Support for adding additional user code * Supports additional attributes for select tags * Supports the following: bold, italics, underline, alignment, color, font, sup, sub, font size, h1-h6, code (pre), urls, emails, images, divs, lists and quotes
(3 ratings)
Numword - Converts numbers to words - v1.3
A small script that can convert a number to its word equivalent. Can work with single numbers, multiple numbers, currency and within text blocks. * Convert single or multiple numbers * Convert USD currency * Convert all numbers within a string * Supports up to octillions
(0 ratings)
Web 2.0 List Cleaner Script
The fast and flexible Web 2.0 List Cleaner Script. Cleans and sorts email lists, keyword lists, URL lists and more text lists with a fast and flexible Web 2.0 interface. Install and start your own list cleaner in just minutes! Install and set-up in just a few minutes -- Full Ajax form with legacy support -- Removes duplicates -- Removes blank entries -- Sorts lists -- Removes non-alphanumeric characters -- Extracts valid email addresses -- Extracts valid URLs -- Converts to uppercase -- Converts to lowercase -- No JavaScript? No problem! Degrades smoothly in legacy browsers.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00
Spelling Suggestion Class
This class can be used to suggest text spelling corrections using the Yahoo API. It takes a text as parameter and sends a request to Yahoo Spelling Suggestion Web service API server. The class returns a text string with the corrected spelling text if any was suggested.
(0 ratings)
PHP Online Edit
"PHP Online Edit" can edit txt files online on php system. Upload app.php into the site that support for the php script, then run it in Browser. default user name:"admin", password:"Admin". "PHP Online Edit" can list,create,del files&directories, and can edit,upload,run selected files.
(0 ratings)
This class can be used to generate variants of words based on common typing errors. It takes a given word a generates variants of that word by replacing its letters with others that are usually near the letter position on a QWERTY keyboard. The class returns an array with all the generated word variants.
(0 ratings)
Article Rewriter Script
Are you wanting to get a lot of traffic through article marketing? Are you wanting to avoid Google penalizing your articles search engine results placement for duplicate content? This script solves that problem. Within seconds, you can turn your existing article into another unique and grammatically correct article. In fact, you can produce 100 unique articles all from 1 single article.
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.95
This package can be used to get the visual representation of text strings for languages that are written from right to left. It can parse right to left strings of plain text or HTML and returns visually, rather than logically, ordered strings of characters.
(0 ratings)
htmLawed - Cover Image
The htmLawed PHP script makes HTML more secure and standards- & policy-compliant. The customizable HTML filter/purifier can balance tags, ensure proper nestings, neutralize XSS, restrict HTML, beautify code like Tidy, implement anti-spam measures, etc. Features: - make HTML markup in text secure and standard-compliant - process text for use in HTML, XHTML or XML documents; HTML5 support - restrict HTML elements, attributes or URL protocols using black- or white-lists - balance tags, check element nesting, transform deprecated attributes and tags, make relative URLs absolute, etc. - fast, highly customizable, well-documented - single, 55 kb file - simple HTML Tidy alternative - free and licensed under LGPL v3 and GPL v2+ - use to filter, secure & sanitize HTML in blog comments or forum posts, generate XML-compatible feed items from web-page excerpts, convert HTML to XHTML, pretty-print HTML, scrape web-pages, reduce spam, remove XSS code, etc. - version with HTML5 support (check htmLawed website)
(12 ratings)
rTxt2htm creates standalone, XHTML 1-strict HTML files from text files with special but simple and unobtrusive markup. It is intended for generating HTML versions of plain-text documentation (like 'readme' files that accompany software distributions; the 'r' in rTxt2htm hints at 'readme'). Documentation files are often in plain-text format, which, while versatile, lacks the enhanced functionality of hyperlinks that allow one to jump between sections of the documentation or to resources outside it. rTxt2htm parses text files written in a specific format for title, keywords, URLs, sections, code fragments, styled text, tables of content, etc., creating the necessary HTML elements for presentation in the HTML output. A form interface provides an easy way to specify the text files whose HTML versions have to be generated, and additional information for use in the HTM files. File content can also be pasted in the form.
(3 ratings)
This class can be used to spell quantity numbers using Arabic words. It takes a positive number of up to 999999999 and converts it into an equivalent string with words of the Arabic language encoded using the Windows-1256 character set. The class can also spell numbers for quantities of feminine subjects. This class is part of Khaled Al-Shamaa project for PHP and Arabic language: http://www.ar-php.org
(3 ratings)
This class attempts to guess the gender of Arabic names. In Arabic, feminine names are formed by adding certain characters sequences at the end of the masculine names. This class analyses a names to see if it contains characters patterns at the end of the names that are typical of feminine names. This class is part of Khaled Al-Shamaa project for PHP and Arabic language: http://www.ar-php.org
(0 ratings)
This package can be used to convert text typed text typed with an Arabic keyboard using the English mode by mistake. It takes the typed text and replaces the switched characters by the correct Arabic characters. This class is part of Khaled Al-Shamaa project for PHP and Arabic language: http://www.ar-php.org
(0 ratings)
This class can identifying names, places, dates, and other noun words and phrases that establish the meaning of a body of text-is critical to software systems that process large amounts of unstructured data coming from sources such as email, document files, and the Web. This class is part of Khaled Al-Shamaa project for PHP and Arabic language: http://www.ar-php.org
(0 ratings)
This package can be used to compress text based on prior knowledge of the frequency of letters of texts in the same idiom. Currently there are class versions for the idioms: Arabic, English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. These classes can generate a compressed version of text strings that occupy in average about 70% of the original length. This class is part of Khaled Al-Shamaa project for PHP and Arabic language: http://www.ar-php.org
(3 ratings)
Results 21-40 of 55