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Results 81-100 of 654
How To Reduce Page Size In ASP.NET
Although users today have faster Internet connection, light web pages and fast load are still better choice for various reasons. This tutorial explains how to reduce page size in ASP.NET to get faster page load, reduce bandwidth and increase ranking on search engines.
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How To Resize All Images In Folder
To resize all images in folder we need to perform these tasks: 1. List all images on some location 2. Iterate through a collection of file names and resize every image. This tutorial explains how to resize all images in folder using single function in ASP.NET web application.
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How To Convert HTML To Formatted Plain Text
Sometimes you want to remove tags from HTML and get only plain text. In general, this is simple task but there are few drawbacks in some scenarios. This tutorial explains how to convert HTML code to plain text and keep formatting like new rows, symbols etc. Includes HTMLToText function in both C# and VB.NET code.
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CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are one of the popular options for building advanced and manageable page layouts. As opposite to CSS layout with DIV tags, another popular is page layout based on TABLE tag with border=0. This tutorial researches options for possible hybrid DIV-TABLE-CSS layouts that take best from both worlds.
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SEO For ASP.NET Web Site
Google, Yahoo and other search engines can send plenty of visits especially if your web site is shown on first page of their search results. There is more than a 100 factors used from search engines to rank page. This tutorial explains most important factors from the view of ASP.NET developer.
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In Details Guide To DetailsView Control
DetailsView server control is used to display, delete, insert or edit a single record from data source. DetailsView control is often used in master/detail scenario with GridView control. This tutorial explains how to present and update data from data source, how to enable simple and custom paging, working with header and footer templates, styling etc.
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Save Images into Sql Server Database Table using asp.net FileUpload Control
This article will explain how one can insert or save images into a sql server database table using asp.net FileUpload control. You may ask why we will save or store images into sql server database table instead of a server folder? The answer is its easy to use, easy to manage, easy to backup as well as easy programming. But one thing you have to keep in mind that you need to extend the size of your database rather than your regular size. Always deleting images from server folder is a hectic job where security will play a great role but if you store images into sql server database you can remove images or related images by issuing a simple delete sql command.
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Creating RSS feed using Asp.Net 2.0 / 3.5
RSS means Really Simple Syndication which is a Web content syndication format. Now let's try to find out what RSS is about. Basically the website owner should return a RSS feed - and that's simply an XML document following a certain standard, describing new or latest articles on your site. When one copy your feeds & read it by a reader like goggle reader then reader get an overview of your latest articles. If reader wants to read details lets "How to make or create RSS Feed using Asp.net" then the reader will click on your Creating RSS Feed link which will redirect the user to your site. So i hope now you can understand why Creating RSS feed is necessary for website or blog owner. In blog we will get RSS feed by default but for website you must need to create or make RSS feed for your regular readers so that all times they won't visit your website to read your latest articles.
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Displaying Dynamically Generated Images in ASP.NET
Sometimes you need to display an image that is not saved in a file. These could be dynamically generated or loaded from a file but were modified. To display them in an Image control you need to create another page that saves the image in its output stream.
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Get a Movie’s Details From IMDb
A while back when I was developing MoviePlay (a movies database) I wanted to allow the user to get the movie’s details from IMDb (The Internet Movie Database) instead of having him/her enter it manually. IMDb does not provide a way for developers to use their data, so I wrote the code below to screen scrape or web scrape the details from the movie’s page. It gets the title, director, genre, release year and tag line of the movie as well as the thumbnail.
(6 ratings)
Paging: ASP.net (C#) and SQL 2005/8
In the following approach, we're going to use a ListView, DataPager and an ObjectDataSource to achieve this. Equally one can use a DataView and simply use it with an ObjectDataSource - I personally prefer the ListView, simply because I feel its a more flexible control.
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New Features in the .NET Framework Version 4.0
The Microsoft .NET Framework 4 coming up with many new features for enabling developers to create applications faster than ever and fully compatible with the older versions of .NET Framework. Some of the New Features in the .NET Framework Version 4.0 are as follows: # Improved Security # Parallel Computing # Visual Basic and C# languages innovations # Performance and Diagnostics # Dynamic Language Run-time # In-Process Side-by-Side Execution # Interoperability # Profiling # Garbage Collection # Exceptions Handling
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DataView DataTable Creating Adding Modifying Deleting Sorting & Filtering
In this tutorial i will discuss how we can manage DataTable object on the fly using Asp.net C#. There were a lot of scenario where we need to dynamically create a DataTable, modify, sorting & paging. Asp.net gives us the built in System.Data namespace to programatically manage tabular data in runtime. Note that the DataTable can be bound to any data Web control just like a DataSet or DataReader as a datasource. When binding a DataTable to a data Web control, in actuality, the default DataTable is is used as a datasource to that control like GridView, Repeater, Dropdown List etc.
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Automaticaly refresh parent window after popup is closed
For data driven web application most of the times we did this job. There are lot of way to handle this issue. Here i am trying to show you few process that how we can handle it. To describe this problem here i am using datatable instead of database since anyone can replace my code easily by his own data reader block. Let we have a requirement that a page contains list of suppliers. Below the supplier list client wants to add a link to add more suppliers like:
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Passing data values from one aspx page to another aspx page in asp.net
Passing parameters from one page to another page is a very common task in Web development. Specially when you develop a project & redirects or navigates from one ASP.NET Web page to another, you will frequently want to pass information from the source page to the target page . In this post, I will show you some ways of transferring data/parameters/values between one page to another page which is also termed as State Management. The pages I created to show you the example is really simple which consists of a text field and a button in the first page named as page1 and a blank second page named as page2. According to the characteristics of aspx page lifecycle, web form do not retain their value after a page is displayed. To resolve this problem, ASP.NET provides the following ways to retain variables between pages:
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How to upload multiple files at a time using asp.net
Most of our project we have to develop a module to upload a file. Its a common scenario for all developers. In classic ASP it was tedious but in ASP.NET we found a nice control to upload/store a file into the web server. The new control in ASP.NET 2.0 is which capable to do everything except few limitations like filtering. So in this article i want to describe how we can upload different type of file as well as effective filtering.
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Simple ASP.NET CAPTCHA Tutorial
All you need to do is Create a ASPX page, that ASPX page will have a content type of image/jpeg, then within the code-behind file of that asp page we will be using system.drawing namespace to create a dynamic image.
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FormView Control: Step by Step
This tutorial explains some common scenarios when using FormView control in ASP.NET. FormView Control is introduced with ASP.NET 2.0. It is often used in master/details scenario with GridView, DataList or Repeater control.
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How to bind or populate data into a Dropdown List based on another Dropdown List in Asp.net
In many forums i found this problem that's why i decide to write a post on populating a Dropdown List based on another Dropdown List. Here i will try to show how we can bind sql server data with a Dropdown List as well as after selection populate other Dropdown List. To describe this situation here i will use a very common scenario like country & its regions.
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Finding Words using regular expressions
In this regular expression we are going to find out All Words. A word is a unit (member) of language that represents a concept which can be expressively communicated with meaning. A word consists of one or more morphemes which are linked more or less tightly together, and has a phonetic value.
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Results 81-100 of 654