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User Authentication

Results 1-8 of 8
Adobe ColdFusion Enterprise
Adobe ColdFusion 11 Enterprise Edition offers a single platform to rapidly build and deploy scalable, high-performing web and mobile applications.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 4,249.00
Google oAuth 2.0 Connector for ColdFusion 8 and 9
The oAuth 2.0 Connector for ColdFusion 8 and 9 allows developers to quickly integrate the Google oAuth 2.0 API to their site. Available modules include: oAuth API connector Contacts API connector Calendar API connector Developers can view authenticated user's basic contact information, upload an event, view contact lists, add contacts and view calendar metas
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 30.00
CFADSecurity_Framework is a powerful and secure authentacation system for your website using your Active Directory user accounts.CFADSecurity enables you to provide a login system to your Cold Fusion website using your existing Active Directory user accounts. CFADSecurity allows you to create security levels and then assign users to those security levels for as much as security as you need. CFADSecurity has the ability to not only secure the complete page but parts of the pages as well depending on your security level. For example: You may have a page that you want anyone who is a member of the "Users" group to only see the top of the page but anyone who is a member of the "Administrators" group can see the whole page. You can get as creative as you wish. Easily add a Active Directory security around any of the pages within your site!
(3 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.95
CFSecurity_Framework is a powerful and secure login system for your ColdFusion website. CFSecurity enables you to create a login system that allows users to log into your website. CFSecurity allows you to create users and security levels and then assign users to those security levels for as much as security as you need. CFSecurity has the ability to not only secure the complete page but parts of the pages as well depending on your security level. For example: You may have a page that you want anyone who is a member of the "Users" group to only see the top of the page but anyone who is a member of the "Administrators" ; ; group can see the whole page. You can get as creative as you wish. Easily add a login framework around any of the pages within your site! NEW Version 1.4! Added security features and MUCH MORE!
(4 ratings)
PriceUSD 29.95
This easy to use custom tag can be used for multiple sites on a single server. It will automatically set session variables for requested fields. It can be used on single or joined tables and includes a logout mechanism. The latest version makes it easy to customize the login screen to match your site and now handles setting last login dates as well!
(3 ratings)
Secure Login
Secure Login is a password protection application for your templates. Users are assigned access levels (such as Administrator, Manager, etc.) and when the user logs in, his access level determines what pages he is allowed to see. You can even use this system to show different areas of content on the same page to different levels of users. App comes with an Access database and an administration section for managing the database. Very easy to setup and you can use your own header/footer to customize the look the way you like.
(6 ratings)
Security Manager
The Security Manager replaces Cold Fusions advanced security with a set of custom tags that allow you to control what users can see and do in your applications.
(0 ratings)
WebLogin PRO with Computer Activation Key (ColdFusion)
Several users using one and the same account? Hackers stealing and posting your passwords? Secure your website with WebLoginPRO - the first secure professional single login application with Computer Activation Key.
(0 ratings)
Results 1-8 of 8