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Site Search

Results 41-44 of 44
Search Me
Complete solution featuring keyword targeted banner rotation, selected urls always get top ranking, preview site, creates mailing list and includes bulk mailer, simple setup.
(0 ratings)
CGI World's SiteSearch
SiteSearch gives you the ability to search your website quickly & easily by the use of the password protected browser based administration area. Set the path of the directory you want searched, set the files & directories you want searched, and also the directories & files you do not want searched. SiteSearch returns the results of a search by displaying 200 words from the text the search criteria was found in, along with the webpage title, last modified date & file size. SiteSearch is a great tool for the average website of less than 500 pages.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 25.00
posted byoscarinSite Search
Htgrep is a CGI script written in Perl that allows you to query any document accessible to your HTTP server on a paragraph-by-paragraph basis. Htgrep is a generic front-end to htgrep.pl, a Perl package that makes it relatively easy to implement simple search engines for the WWW. Htgrep allows you to pass all parameters to the search package as part of the URL, so a forms interface can be used to set the parameters.
(0 ratings)
Hukilau Search Engine
The Hukilau Search Engine, is a CGI script written in Perl designed to do a keyword search of all the web pages in a directory. It is designed to be easy to install and is for small to medium sites. The program will only search for pages in one directory, and will return all pages if the keyword is the same as an HTML tag.
(0 ratings)
Results 41-44 of 44